I've Been Tagged - Love it/Shove it Challenge

@snowpea has started a new challenge to help all of us get to know each other a little better. Plus for someone like myself who isn't a natural blogger it's a great excuse to start writing.

Here is the first #loveitshoveit post to reference if you have any questions.

Here is the basics of the challenge.

So what do you really love? What would you rather not have in your life? These are the little things that make us unique! Get creative, and feel free to explain your reasons! The rules are simple!

List five things that you love

List five things that you really dislike

Use the tag loveitshoveit

Tag five people to participate, but anyone can join in


My Love It list:

  1. My Family. My family is everything to me.
  2. Naps. Oh how I love to take a nap in the middle of the day. After a nap I feel energized and ready to take on the day again.
  3. My Future. The past is done and over with only to draw memories and lessons from. Today is largely written based on our past decisions. But our futures can be drastically improved over our past with consistent effort towards reaching clear goals.
  4. Friends. My friends become part of my family and family is everything to me. So maybe I'm cheating a little by giving friends their own slot in my 5 things I love.
  5. Winning. Can't lie, my goal is always to win. I have no interest in doing my best and failing.

My Shove It list, fair warning I'm blunt:

  1. Entitlement. Those that feel they are owed anything. Nobody is entitled to anything in life so if you want something go earn it.
  2. Theft. Don't care if you are stealing content, someones time, money or anything else. Theft is theft and it's just wrong. We don't need this type of person in the world.
  3. Excusitis. No it's not a real word, but it should be. It's a condition that afflicts a growing percentage of the world population. One that cripples people and leaves them without motivation to accomplish their life goals. This condition is one in which people make an excuse for each time they fail ro do something wrong vs learning from their failures and how to do better next time or learning from their mistakes and taking ownership of those mistakes. When nothing is your fault it becomes easy to become a victim, it becomes easy to not try your best, it becomes easy to not to improve yourself, it becomes easy to fail. Excusitis might be the most serious condition that holds people back making them settle for less then they are able to accomplish.
  4. Rewards for Nothing. Anyone that has a kid in sports or school these days will notice that you can't allow one kid excel and be singled out. If one kid deserves a reward/award you better make an excuse to give one to the rest of the kids. We don't reward excellence, instead we dumb everything down to encourage mediocrity. No not every child can be the best at everything, but no child learns to push harder and put in the extra effort to become the best when being the best isn't rewarded. Without the goal of becoming the best kids are learning at a young age that being mediocre will get you the same rewards as those that try hard and become the best...it breeds entitlement.
  5. Sheeple. Everyone should think for themselves. Do what makes them happy in life, not what the corporations of the world say will make you happy. Don't blindly follow anyone, always be asking yourself if it's what you really want and believe.

Hope @snowpea isn't regretting tagging me in the first round of her challenge...LOL

I'm tagging 5 people who I'd like to know a little more about. Hopefully they will keep this going. @lynncoyle1 @abh12345 @tarazkp @winstonalden @fitinfun

Image Source Pixabay


I really enjoyed reading both your loveit and shoveit lists @thedarkhorse Your family are very fortunate to have a husband and Dad who appears to have his priorities sorted as I am sure they will be getting the benefit of your sound advice.........and speaking of advice.......I don't think you can use the excuse of not being a natural blogger anymore because you just proved yourself wrong with this great blog. And now that you've told the world your dislike of excusitis.........we will all be looking forward to more of your blogging. I do agree with your sentiments of kids not always being rewarded for excellence. It is not fair for those who try really hard and put in a lot of effort to achieve their goals to have their peers given a pat on the back for doing next to nothing in comparison . There are no rewards in the adult world for people who are unmotivated.

And now that you've told the world your dislike of excusitis.........we will all be looking forward to more of your blogging.

Now I've been called out....lol. I'm learning my inner voice over time as I post and comment. Each one makes me realize more and more that this is something that can be done.

It is not fair for those who try really hard and put in a lot of effort to achieve their goals to have their peers given a pat on the back for doing next to nothing in comparison . There are no rewards in the adult world for people who are unmotivated.

Yes those underachievers who kept getting the same rewards as those who really tried grow up with an entitlement issue. They never had to work for rewards and then as adults they feel they deserve everything their piers who are busting their asses have. The government is pandering to these people for their votes and this doesn't make it any better.

Haha.......I hoped you would take my comments in the spirit they were given @thedarkhorse Our inner voice has a habit of speaking through our blogs and I daresay that is the occupational hazard we have to face if we want to express our opinions in this way. The process can be simultaneously cathartic and challenging.........which is a very character building experience. (:

Take a look at my last post, it's all because of you...lol

You're awesome @thedarkhorse Have a wonderful weekend.

First of all @thedarkhorse, and @snowpea ...I'm in...100% awesome idea :)

@thedarkhorse, I knew your family would be #1 ;), but I'm glad to see your other 4 just to learn a bit more about you. Your 'shoveit' list make me laugh out loud!! You should create a new dictionary :) After teaching high school for so many years, and raising my own two boys, I always pressed upon all of the same the same values as you, but now I have words for them:) I created a huge banner in my classroom and would spend many a days referring back to it :

We are all here to learn something new, AND to learn from our mistakes. There's no such thing as failure. There's no good excuses. But most importantly, there's neither need nor necessity to wallow in the trough of mediocrity :)

I'm looking forward to writing my Love it/Shove it Post! Our 'shove it' list might be a little similar in spots haha

I just thought of this yesterday, and it's already growing exponentially! This challenge is a great way to bring people closer together, and I'm having so much fun reading everyone's loves and shoves!

I love the quote you had in your classroom against mediocrity. Looking forward to seeing your post! Have a great evening and thanks for participating @lynncoyle1! :D

You are so welcome! And thanks for the kudos on my banner :)

Can't wait to see your list.

Your quote is perfect and I wish more people would take it to heart.

Thanks @thedarkhorse! Well I made sure at least the 30 or so kids in front of me did daily :) It's a start!

My love it/shove it lists should be out tomorrow...stay tuned :)

I am in admiration at your shove it list, it pretty much mirrors mine, so I can not enter this contest by default.

I think that you would have your own spin on things and it's worth sharing.

hahaha @deliberator!! I was thinking of you as I was reading @thedarkhorse's list :) Seriously!!

Guess I know why it's so easy to chat with both of you.

haha mystery solved !!!

I might give it a go, but I'm way behind on what I want to write now. 😎
Could you do me a favor and Please watch this Video and get back to me I would like your opinion. It tweaked me so much I had to write about it. LOL

Do the post, put it to the top of your list. It will be a great way to get back posting again.

I will, I'm a little spent getting the Paypal thing together. My ID just needs to be verified, all else is good. I found an old account with a couple bucks in it but the visa attached was long gone so I sent the money to my new account. Life is Good
Gonna take the dogs for a long walk and chill.
Thanks for everything.

That is like putting on a jacket you haven't worn for a while and finding a couple dollars in it...very cool!

Let me know if you get it up and running. Then what you want to do.

I'm waiting a little impatiently for them to check my ID. I was also a little bummed that I had to give them my password to my online banking account, which checked out but I'm still dealing with ID issues? They now have full access to my bank account and that's not enough!!! Oh well, I'm in no hurry as long as everything comes together 😎 Then I'll have a way to deposit to my bank from anywhere.
Life is Good

Password to your bank account...that is odd. Was years, like a decade, ago that I set up my account and it wasn't to complicated.

I would change your password once this is all done with.

I thought it was a bit much myself, but it went through the login process to check if it was valid right in front of my eyes. No money to speak of in account right now so I figured what the hell. LOL
Wish me luck :-)

Paypal needs your password in order to make direct deposits into your account. Without your password, those deposits won't go through.

I've been dealing with PayPal for as long as I've been dealing with eBay, since May 2001, and though I've had a few issues with them, they have NEVER accessed my bank account inappropriately.

I love this list, and I don't regret tagging you at all! I love naps too haha, they are so comforting and refreshing. Excusitis, nice word! I agree that it is a bit of an epidemic, although some people have legitimate excuses that hold them back in life, yet they are still looked down upon, and that's saddening to see...

I like that you listed sheeple too. Similar to mouth breathers in my list, yet there are some differences, as mouth breathers are more brutish. 😂

Thank you so much for telling us more about yourself, and for helping out with kickstarting this challenge @thedarkhorse!! Have a great day! :)

and I don't regret tagging you at all!

Glad to hear it.

Excusitis, nice word! I agree that it is a bit of an epidemic, although some people have legitimate excuses that hold them back in life, yet they are still looked down upon, and that's saddening to see...

I know people with real reasons that could be used as excuses yet instead they have made success of their lives and even are people that inspire others. Picture being blown up by an IED loosing 3 limbs and after a very long recovery coming back to become a motivational speaker. This is the exact type of person that could of used his new handicap as an excuse.

Our futures are what we make of it.

Not to be the devil's advocate, but what about disabled veterans with PTSD who are homeless? Are they just making excuses?

The person I'm talking about that was hit with the IED has PTSD and is a disabled vet, will be in a chair for the rest of his life and lost multiple friends that day. He could have gone down the rabbit whole that leads to homelessness or instead he went a different direction. There are a number of stories of people with PTSD that have gone on to do great things. Heck you don't even talk to my Dad about Viet Nam and he will not watch a war movie, but he has led a productive life.

We all can either look at problems and use them to excuse bad behavior or as a motivation to become more.

I am not discounting what it takes to overcome the issues someone with PTSD has to deal with, but to say that PTSD is a reason to end up homeless is flawed causality.

Causality is used to justify all sorts of problem and at some point people need to realize how it's just society making excuses instead of taking care of problems. It's easier to look at a homeless person and say oh he has PTSD and is a disabled vet so this is what happens vs understanding that that person never needed to end up homeless and the military and our society failed that person. They needed treatment and probably a lot of one of one treatment that the government just wasn't willing to spend the resources on as it's cheaper to go out and find a fresh batch of boys to fight their wars.

For causality to work it each Cause must have the same Effect all the time, not just some of the time. Not every homeless person is a Disabled Vet with PTSD and not every Disabled Vet with PTSD becomes homeless. Causality argument fails.

There is a growing mental health issue in the world today and people don't seem to want to address it. Slapping labels on people and pumping them full of poison drugs to solve the issue is the lazy solution.

People have been sold on the Causality argument for decades by the governments of the world. It lets people compartmentalize issues and social groups making life simple and it easier to be apathetic. It also allows the government to create divides between classes of people and ethnicities. Apathetic voters or voters who see buy into causality are great for keeping those who are already in power running things. They don't want a group of voters who see a brighter future built by empowering people as then the people wouldn't need the government to be part of every aspect of their lives.

Obviously this is a topic I can talk about for some time, but back to the direct question. Is that person making an excuse, Yes and No. Yes it's an excuse as the issue could be overcome, but No because far to many of these returning vets don't get access to the care they need to help with PTSD.

What a wonderful comment that indicates you have a healthy, well rounded view. I'm glad to see that you realize in the end that hardship is not always so black and white, because it seemed that way at first.

Not to get too personal, but In the last 3 years I've stayed at a women's shelter for 3 months and was hospitalized in a mental institution for postpartum psychosis for almost a month. The people in my life really showed their true colors. Most were supportive, but I was also met with unkindness and anger by a couple of family members, surprisingly more with the latter issue. During these two times in my life I wasn't making excuses, I really needed help. Obviously I'm not longer struggling, but sometimes people fall into tough times, and it's no fault of their own.

The key is you had issues and dealt with them. If you had taken those issues and allowed them to become your excuse you would still be having the same issues and worse. Once you accept that there is an issue to be dealt with it can be overcome. The process to overcome the issue isn't typically easy, but if you are willing to work at a solution almost always there is one to be had.

Postpartum issues are serious and sadly most people just don't realize that it's real. People wonder how a Mother could kill their baby, "she was just a normal sweat person I can't believe she did this" is typically how people that know the Mother talk. That Mother wasn't herself and needed serious mental health help, but didn't get it as it's not something people talk about. It's one of those dirty little secretes that nobody lets parents to be know about and to watch out for.

Good job getting help and dealing with your issues. Sorry that you had to find out the hard way who your true friends are, but at least now you know.

This is awesome! Thank you for tagging me - It's 4 am in Bangkok - I will be back!

It was great to read a little bit about you as i think you are a totally awesome and kind guy. Yesterday i didn't wanted to be tagged for the challenge by @pundito - but today i changed my mind and i'm working on my entry 😉 . Otherwise it's a good thing pundito did not tag me because i knew already about the challenge and so one more other person knows about it and maybe participates 😃

Well thank you for your kind words. This is a fun little challenge and lets people learn a few things about each other. Look forward to reading your post.

I'm extremely disappointed that you didn't tag me with this. lol I love the idea, and while I don't know snowpea yet, I am looking forward to getting to know a new group. I'm definitely in.

I would like to have tagged many more people. Really thought it was going to be a simple thing to just pick 5, but it wasn't easy. Matter of fact I looked at some of my most recent comments to see who had left some to pick.

No worries. I just wanted to take a jab at you. I'll let you know when I finish my #loveitshoveit post.

Please do, look forward to reading it.

Looking forward to seeing it @energyaddict22!

What a nice idea of @snowpea!
Hopefully the steemians I tagged also will write something about themselves - I'm curious I have to admit :)
This idea should go viral ...

Take a look at @pundito post.

If everyone helps each other boosting our posts maybe we can one of these in front of someone that can really make it grow.

What a great idea. I might join in on the fun :0)

You should, it's a fun and simple post to make. I like the community building side of it. Otherwise it's not really my thing to do something involving tagging others. I've always ignored these types of things, but liked the idea of this one.

Yes @simplymike - do so.
I imagine I already know one thing you might mention in the shove it list.
I'm curious if I'm right ... can't wait to read it!

Now you’ve made me curious... about myself - lol

gogogo @simplymike - can't wait :)
I'll write it down on a piece of paper and make a photo with the datestamp of today.


I hope to see your lists soon @simplymike! :D

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