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RE: I've Been Tagged - Love it/Shove it Challenge

in #loveitshoveit6 years ago

First of all @thedarkhorse, and @snowpea ...I'm in...100% awesome idea :)

@thedarkhorse, I knew your family would be #1 ;), but I'm glad to see your other 4 just to learn a bit more about you. Your 'shoveit' list make me laugh out loud!! You should create a new dictionary :) After teaching high school for so many years, and raising my own two boys, I always pressed upon all of the same the same values as you, but now I have words for them:) I created a huge banner in my classroom and would spend many a days referring back to it :

We are all here to learn something new, AND to learn from our mistakes. There's no such thing as failure. There's no good excuses. But most importantly, there's neither need nor necessity to wallow in the trough of mediocrity :)

I'm looking forward to writing my Love it/Shove it Post! Our 'shove it' list might be a little similar in spots haha


I just thought of this yesterday, and it's already growing exponentially! This challenge is a great way to bring people closer together, and I'm having so much fun reading everyone's loves and shoves!

I love the quote you had in your classroom against mediocrity. Looking forward to seeing your post! Have a great evening and thanks for participating @lynncoyle1! :D

You are so welcome! And thanks for the kudos on my banner :)

Can't wait to see your list.

Your quote is perfect and I wish more people would take it to heart.

Thanks @thedarkhorse! Well I made sure at least the 30 or so kids in front of me did daily :) It's a start!

My love it/shove it lists should be out tomorrow...stay tuned :)

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