Were 80's and 90's sitcoms that terrible?

in #lifestyle6 years ago
I was surfing the web the other day and ran across an article about some 80's and 90's sitcoms. I was ecstatic, I grew up on those shows and I hold them in fond memory. When I read the article, I was deeply disappointed in an author and her mindset. To be painfully honest, I was more upset with myself because, for a moment there, she managed to burst my happy little memory bubble. The article talked about 80's and 90's sitcoms and their misogynistic, bullying, and fat-shaming jokes and sketches. How didn't I notice them being like that before?

I am not saying they were not wrong on occasion, there was a lot of politically incorrect talk, there was misogyny, bullying and fat-shaming, and probably a lot more that we both skipped. My happy little bubble was cracked, "Am I an awful person because I enjoyed that type of humour"? The answer is NO! I know who I am, I know what my beliefs are and I know how to use my head and common sense to distinguish right from wrong. Was I a different person back then, hell yeah. I was a kid, I wasn't fully developed and I had different views on life. But you know what? I still enjoy that type of humour even dough I changed and grew up.

"Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional."
Chili Davis

Do I think they are funny today? Again hell yeah, the jokes are funny. Do I agree with the message they portray? Hmmmm, yes and no. In those days there was a different mindset, different social values, and social interaction, looking from today's perspective it is not fair to judge them, nor to judge people who enjoyed them or enjoy them today. At last, we are evolving as a society and as individuals. We are in constant state of motion and change so it is a wasteful handling of our resources to dwell on the past.

Past is here to teach us and remind us of who we used to be and what actions we took with what end results.

We have to learn from the past, not obsessively cling to it. If that is true for sitcoms, could it be true for us as individuals? Of course, it should be and it is. We all have a past, some things from our past we remember fondly, some not so much, some things excite us, some scare us and some shame us. We all have to remember that they are in the past and if we cling to them, they act like an anchor, slowing our progress and our wish to move forward. Clinging to the past is holding us from evolving into something greater and better than we used to be. Leave those memories where they belong, leave them in the past. Revisit them every once in a while, but just visit them, do not take them back with you. We as rational beings have a wonderful opportunity and capability of learning, why dont we use it more often?

“Growing up is losing some illusions, in order to acquire others.”
Virginia Woolf

And as for the humour, it is greatly underestimated. Nowadays you can learn more truth from comedians then you can from journalists, sad but true. Smile and laugh whenever you can and as soon as possible, start laughing at your self. To laugh is to enjoy life. Start with yourself.

So tell me, what were your favourite comedy shows from the past? Do you still enjoy watching them?

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Last year I was watching so meny old comedy shows on youtube for fun, and I have realises those comedians were telling more truth then any journalists. You got that point 100 percent right! Why? Simply because only them can express all problems in society and not being trashed immediately by the establishment. So now, I am following then for 2 reasons, one to laugh and second, more important, to get to know the real problems no one talks about.

I love comedians, there are some good ones today but late George Carlin is still my personal favourite :D

Anyone remembers "Chicken babe" phrase from one old sitcom :) ?

Please educate me, I do not know where that is from. My favourite and still used phrases are:


Architect, Art Vandelay:)

Elaine was my queen :D

Al Bundy is still the king of insult comedy :)

HAHAHAHA, oh yes, yes he is :D

and what's more important, he scored four touchdowns in a single game :)

with Jon English

I totally forgot about that one :)

It was not that good show, but the phrase lived on

A few months ago I watched an old Laurel and Hardy episode on YouTube. OMG! Violence, wife-beating, VERY dark themes... and yes, there was some great humour too! Times change. We understand each other more.
As a 15-year-old I loved Starsky and Hutch, and I couldn't understand why Paul Michael Glaser started to complain about the excessive violence in the show. When I look back at old episodes, I really get what he was on about! I always think it's because I've grown more mature, but maybe the advent of the internet age has spread communication and taught us all a few things.
I totally agree about learning from the past and not clinging to it. I agree with @mandalaflower that it's good to look back at these old shows and realise that these awful things happen/have happened, and that hopefully we can learn from it and move on.

Yeah I get that but when you look at todays tv shows and some films I think we have the same amount of violence, maybe even more today and yes we learn from everything and hopefully from that too, Thank you for your great comment 💚

Actually I don't look at them - maybe that's why! Good point though.

Comedy that isn't politically correct - you found your man right here 🤟🏽 I grew up on so many televisions shows, which is quite ironic because today I watch no TV - I hardly get time for movies - how our lives change.

My favourites, from the 80's and 90's mostly has to be Blackadder first - Rowan Atkinson, Tony Robinson, Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry just a small part of a dream team of comedians that pretty formed my life and terrible attempts at humour nowadays.

Monty Python of course can not be ignored, John Cleese, Eric Idle, Michael Palin etc even today I can watch their timeless shows - Life of Brian - really it's as relevant today as it was back then.

And slightly more recent - Johnny Vegas, and outstanding comedian in his own right you can not help but smile with him.

That's just a few of many, I could make loads of posts on this topic because comedy and humour just really made up the biggest portion of my life growing up - it's somewhat engrained in how I act today although I am a very poor mimic of the masters.


Life of Brian was one of the best things I have seen ever... or was it Blackadder? :D I love English humour, always have :)

I love the old sitcoms! There is nothing wrong with the humor which laughs about someones weak spots, it is only that in today's world everything you say about anyone's weakness is considered shaming -.-

There is a big difference between shaming and having a sense of humour. We need to be able to laugh at ourselves and accept humour and respect the line that leads to insults and shaming. I think it is in the tone of voice more than it is in the words.

"We used to laugh at comedians and listen to politicians. Now we laugh at politicians and listen to comedians" i was sure that George Carlin said this but can't find whose quote it is. and it is so right.
Your text reminded me of a podcast i listen where the watch movies from 80's and 90's to see how they survive the time and growing up.
And people are to sensitive now days, and they love to moan and bitch about everything.

George Carlin was the king, I used to watch hours and hours of him on youtube :D

i still did not listen to, then unpublished (they published it few years ago) special and i have it on the HDD. it's like i don't want to listen to it as i know that it is last new thing i will hear from him.
it was not published because the title is "I Kinda Like it When a Lotta People Die" and few days after recording 9/11 happened.

@zen-art Old is Gold, frankly i still enjoy some old stuffs, if ever come across...those fond memeory of waiting for sundays to watch some Micky Mouse cartoons and other series are great....even today i watch Mr. Bean, and Charlie Chaplin series ...those were some of the best comedies ever produced.

I think we all enjoy the old stuff sometimes :)

I've sat here a long time looking at the cursor flashing and trying to decide my favorite sitcom. Nothing comes to mind, which is probably pretty reflective of the amount of time I spend watching :) When I do end up seeing one I usually end up cringing, and wondering how I could have ever laughed at that.

The reason is not the plot line (some of those were just damn funny) but I now see stuff different. I look at backstory and characters and the make me crazy. Blacks were irrelevant with the possible exception of a 'hero' and even he deferred to the white guy. Women were an auxiliary or after thought at best. There might be a gay guy for comedic effect, but there was no such thing as Lesbian. Simply not allowed. People were objects to be collected or discarded as the mood fit.

Jeeze, I didn't mean to be a Downer. It's really excellent post, and I ALWAYS appreciate what you write. You always make me think. Always a good thing even if it brings out my dark side. He lives here too, after all.

Thanks Petra.

It was my pleasure honey, I enjoy it when my words get people to think, I am so grateful for your time it took you to read this post and for your time spent in writing this comment 💚

Those were some of the best shows. I wouldn't disagree that some of them were stereotypical and perhaps crossed a line that wasn't there at the time, but now exists today. I think as a society we have erred towards being overly offended. I loved Dukes of Hazzard as a child. Was I thinking back then about the symbolism the flag on the top of their car might hold? No, I was watching a really cool car jump over things. Do I get it now though, yes, I do. Will I never watch the show again because of that though? No, I will definitely watch it if I ever find it on... Thanks for the thoughtful post!

Yeah, I agree completely, I have some shows that I still enjoy watching and laugh at them even dough they are "bad" and inappropriate :D

My favorite sitcom of all times is Seinfeld ;)
Now you gave me the idea to watch it again, and maybe some others.
Thank you for that :)

Oh yeah, Seinfeld was great, Elaine dancing hahahah :D

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