The State of the @NoNamesLeftToUse Address: Finding that Groove Again

in #life5 years ago

It's hard to believe it has been over seven months since I last did this post.
I won't say much today.

NoNamesLeftToUse - The Scary White Man Sleeps.jpeg

Saturday on the Blockchain

If you weren't around all week, you're definitely not around today.

So. I've been back producing content for eighteen days, after a lengthy break. That's old news.

It's been somewhat quiet around here. Majority of the people I follow have left so I've been looking around for some new folks, when I have the time. I still enjoy curating so if you see a vote from me, that means I was there, viewed your post from top to bottom; enjoyed it for whatever reason. I'm going to try harder and make more time to leave comments. That's an area where I need to improve.

The self-voting and vote buying types are still hard at work, posting crap so they can entertain nobody except themselves; and there's no point in voting for them because, well, they got it covered.

Since returning, and even though it has been a little more quiet than what I'm used to, I still managed to produce about six or seven posts that made the top ten list of posts with the most comments, so that's cool; and since this is a progress report of sorts, I thought it's worth mentioning. Thank you for taking a moment out of your day to enjoy my offerings and spend time with me.

Some folks are downvoting people for no reason.

Acting petty and childish.

I think by now most of us know not to take it personally. Look at any Youtube video, you'll see thousands of downvotes, and those people aren't making new videos to bitch and moan about downvotes.

If you were on the receiving end of some random downvotes in the comment section under one of my posts recently, don't worry about it, I'll upvote your comments anyway and you still come out on top. If you see me getting downvoted, don't worry about it, I don't care, save your votes for the content you enjoy because those people need it more.


I honestly look forward to the day of no complaints.

I'm not one to hype anything. When I see something being hyped up, all I hear is, "Dr. Johnson recommends Camels brand cigarettes." Manipulative brainwash. That stuff bugs me. Grumble, grumble, grumble.

I think I'm getting old.
And experienced.

I see potential in this Palnet project. Even though I didn't qualify for the claim drop, I've used the platform daily and have been able grab just over 1000 of those tokens. It's a start.

I was able to produce a couple posts that hit some top slots on the trending page there, organically. That's something I haven't been able to do on Steemit for nearly two years. It felt good.

I did witness a bit of grumbling though. My experience on Steemit dictates: When one becomes somewhat successful, people begin to hate. That sucks.

That mentality of despising those hitting the top spots or doing well has spread into the Palnet community, a little bit. What those people don't realize is, our trending posts earned a few dollars, if that, and half of that money went to the curators/community. Hitting the trending page is a generous move all around, not a dick move.

Success can and should be celebrated; I hope more people can come to terms with that fact. Steemit made a lot of people frustrated and it seems like these Palnet people actually want to solve the problems rather than fuck up and make the same mistakes all over again.

Recently, a post of mine stayed in the top ten under the 'Hot' tab on Palnet for a few hours. It reached those slots organically. I decided to wait around and take notes. I'm not confident being there helped get more eyes and votes. The post just kinda died out. Hopefully more curators will come on the scene but it's still far too early in the experiment to know if Steemit's issue of having too many content producers and not enough curators will find its way over to Palnet.

Since so many dumped their claim drop instead of staking, don't be surprised if you see people grumbling about not earning much. They ditch their tokens instead of powering up, then produce content and expect everyone else to vote on their content so they can dump more tokens instead of staking/powering up.

Not all of Steemit's issues can be blamed on Steemit. Many of the issues on Steemit wouldn't be problems if the community had made wiser decisions with their tokens. You can take your seeds and eat them, for one meal, or plant them, for many meals. Ancient wisdom still applies; I'm hoping Palnet users have learned from their previous mistakes on Steemit.

The moment I see a charlatan move in to Palnet, asking for delegations, and effectively centralizing thousands of potential votes into one pissy paid vote, I'll be pulling the plug, instantly.

Because Palnet is Steem

I want to see it thrive.

I am in no position to hype or gripe though. If it's something that interests you, sign on and contribute; if it doesn't tickle your fancy, then stay the fuck away. ;)

On with the show.

I'm an "artist," remember?

The State of the @NoNamesLeftToUse Address is not only here to give me an opportunity to write out my random thoughts on the current state of affairs, it also holds all of the artwork I've created since the previous episode of this show. Everything I've produced is linked together and forms one massive collection of hundreds of images, amounting to thousands of hours of work.

Enjoy this:

NoNamesLeftToUse - Misconstrued .jpeg

NoNamesLeftToUse - That's Why It's There.jpeg
That's Why It's There

NoNamesLeftToUse - I Want To Tell You Everything Will Be Fine.jpeg
I Want To Tell You Everything Will Be Fine

NoNamesLeftToUse - Simply Staying Busy.jpeg
Simply Staying Busy

NoNamesLeftToUse - It's Only Some Colorful Stuff For Now.jpeg
It's Only Some Colorful Stuff For Now

Why Am I Doing This Now.jpeg
Why Am I Doing This Now

NoNamesLeftToUse - You're Looking At It.png
You're Looking At It

NoNamesLeftToUse - The World Inside.png
The World Inside

NoNamesLeftToUse - What You Want To See.png
What You Want To See

NoNamesLeftToUse - Perfect Mental Health.png
Perfect Mental Health

NoNamesLeftToUse - Read The Writing On The Wall.png
Read The Writing On The Wall

NoNamesLeftToUse - Sickness Dwelling.png
Sickness Dwelling

NoNamesLeftToUse - Incomplete.png

NoNamesLeftToUse - Beating Strong Almost There.png
Where I Left Off

NoNamesLeftToUse - Fantasizing Tough.png
Fantasizing Tough

NoNamesLeftToUse - Doesnt Forgive Doesnt Forget.png
Doesn't Forgive. Doesn't Forget.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Snebulous.png

NoNamesLeftToUse - Excluded.png

NoNamesLeftToUse - Tell Me More.png
Tell Me More

NoNamesLeftToUse - Its A Girl.png
It's A Girl

NoNamesLeftToUse - Do Something.png
Do Something

NoNamesLeftToUse - Neds Penis.png
Ned's Penis

NoNamesLeftToUse - Everyone Get Inside.png
Everyone Get Inside

All Previous Editions:

The State of the @NoNamesLeftToUse Address: 25 More Days of Being The Only Me You Have

The State of the @NoNamesLeftToUse Address: I've Produced Over 200 New Works Of Art This Year — Probably Published Over One Million Words

The State of the @NoNamesLeftToUse Address: Looking Back to the Invisible Sights While Moving Forward to See What's Next

The State of the @NoNamesLeftToUse Address: Another Month Worth of Sights To See

The State of the @NoNamesLeftToUse Address: Staring at This Box, Wondering What to Write

The State of the @NoNamesLeftToUse Address: Still Willing to Work for Your Support

The State of the @NoNamesLeftToUse Address: What Two Months of Hard Work Looks Like

To Conclude

It never ends.

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png

"Now to just sit back and wonder where everyone is for a few hours."

© 2019 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


I'm going to ritually downvote myself in support of this message. I suggest everyone else do the same.

I once complimented someone's photography, and they jokingly gave me a large upvote because apparently I was a good ass kisser, so I downvoted myself and that money to prove a point... and I still laugh about that day. I just liked the pictures...


Hm, now you made me wanna check out palnet...

Honesty is easy to sell. It doesn't hurt to try it. I ignored all of the other Steemit clones because of the hype I saw, and the fact those clones were not based on STEEM. Didn't have to go somewhere and start at the bottom all over again either. Seamless transition... and I don't really expect much to begin with so the growing pains don't hurt.

Will have a go at it. There is a kind of clone though, aimed at artists, which you might appreciate:

But then again, somebody could build that on top of Steem... (Never mind, I am bad at selling.)

This entity will remain on STEEM.

I haven't really looked at the trending or hot tabs on palnet, I guess I will have to start paying attention to it a little bit. I just get tired of all the crypto charts and fuzzy dandelion pictures on steemit's trending and hot page.

I wonder why my fuzzy dandelion pictures never make trending?

People on Steemit stopped looking because it just fake and mainly junk mail. I go directly to those tabs on Palnet now to find things I might like. Even the New tab isn't so bad.

As for the weeds... maybe yours aren't yellow enough.

Despite the randomly given downvotes by some toddlers on your last posts I'm glad to see that even today, Ned's Penis still appears (and highlighted) in this extraordinary art collection.

Normally when I do a joke post, the art has a joke name and an official name. This time I thought I'd just leave the joke name, because, well, it's hilarious.

And yeah, those kids... I took another 15 100% downvotes today as well. I egged them on though so they'd burn through RC and voting power... Better I take the downvotes than everyone else, I thought...

I follow you for quite a while now so I got to know your sense of humour. And indeed, it was hilarious.

I've noticed you took care of the downvotes, great!
Don't mind the downvotes myself, so don't bother (about me) for that next time.

Keep them hilarious jokes/posts coming. Take care.

I want to do a lot more humor but lately it seems like that material gets wasted on such a small audience. It's hard enough trying to find ways to make people laugh but being met with silence after is not easy, and I just end up taking it to heart, which doesn't help the mind, and I need the mind in a good state, in order to be funny. I'll try though. You should see my earliest posts. Some are hilarious, but I was surrounded by people who did not appreciate humor back then, so most of the posts were flops. It's been stressful since day one.

'You should see my earliest posts'.

Will definitely take a look back.

Otherwise, doing a repost with some adjustments and additions ???

About once a month I'll repost something that didn't go anywhere. I have over 700 posts but I prefer to do something new everyday. I rarely even reuse my images. There's a lot of comedic gold on this blog though. Toilet humor and dick jokes are rare. The humor is usually more complex and goes over some heads, especially those who don't read closely. Some of the jokes are disguised as seriousness as well.

LOOKING forward to seeing what PALNET does.. it seems positive so far. Yet to have time to peruse fully but posting tomorrow with tag, im.all staked and ready to roll.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm truly hoping things work out as well. I'm seeing a lot of genuine excitement.

Simply Staying Busy called to me on this one. Not usually a big fan of black and white, but there's something fluid and calming about it :)

I love working on those simpler pieces. Still takes a bit of work to get the shading right, so it doesn't look FLAT, but it turned out nice. It's tough to keep up and produce something like Tell Me More or It's A Girl every single day...and I'm not getting paid much for the effort anymore.

I placed a couple of posts in Palnet, there were a couple of votes, but no PAL.

I think Palnet has been down for the past eight hours. There aren't any guarantees people will earn. One must still work, put in the time, collect attention, and hopefully receive votes that add up. Much like Steemit.

A few of these look unfamiliar, I must have missed some things this week. I really like Everyone Get Inside. Everyone does seem to be in there, if you look hard enough. Pretty sure I saw grandma, Rover, my neighbor with the wheelchair...

Kidding. I don't even have a neighbor with a wheelchair.

Yup, that one was yesterdays post. Designed to constantly morph into new sights. Not the easiest thing to make. Luckily for me, I know all our brains are wired the same, and we're programmed to see reality before we experience it, so I get to mess with peoples heads.

Sorry to hear about your lack of neighbor with a wheelchair. Ramps bring up the property value.

Looks exhausting to make. That one in particular looks like a classic representation of your art - lots of layers.

As far as property values, here's hoping. A neighbor could break a leg at any time.

Plenty of layers, then merged together, then more layers. So on and so on and so on and so on and on so. And I can't look at it like an artist would if they were painting life or a mountain or something. I have to look at in a way where I don't see anything, then I'll notice something, touch it up just a bit so it doesn't look exactly like what I saw, then move on. If I was to break it all down or record the process, it would be a really boring video.

And yeah maybe the neighbor will trip over that soccer ball nobody left there on purpose.

Palnet is getting better by the minute, sure price volatility has a huge effect on the excitement, but the whole idea of Steemit without corrupt/premine whales with far less supply than Steem makes it very very interesting platform to check out and start using.

Steem Engine made all that possible and is the best thing that happened on Steem in 2019.

I agree, for the most part. I don't want to be a downer but at the same time, I'm realistic. Soon enough I fear the organic experience will be destroyed by vote sellers. I want to be wrong. If that happens though, I'll know from experience to get my money out before they devalue the platform.

Steem Engine is definitely thee shit... and that's a good thing, where I come from.

I believe I heard something about the PAL folks will have a voting thing (not with Steem, but with PAL) which would burn the coins instead of stacking it. Kinda like @null I suppose.

I guess we shall see if history repeat itself.

Yes yes, I know thee shit is awesome, there are so many uses for that word :)

That shit is classic.

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