Tiny Terrorist That Will Steal Your Heart!

in #life6 years ago


Having a child will completely turn your world upside down, more than once.

They are like these little tiny terrorist that will do whatever it takes to get what they want. I hope you never get too hungry because with children, every piece of food you even think about, somehow automatically belongs to them. While you are sleeping you will wake up because something touches you. You will look up and your child is standing next to you, staring into your soul while not moving a muscle. You better just literally turn into google while you're at it too. These little teeny tiny terrorist will ask you why, what, when, where and how, 1 million times a day. You will wake up in the morning with a stiff neck and sore back because your bed, no longer belongs to you. Your bed belongs to them.

Do not buy any Lego sets or blocks because you will just be paying for your own trap. Children will sneak their way around the house and set up these little tiny bombs all over the place. Once you step on one, game over! They will laugh hysterically while you hop around on one foot threatening to throw all of their toys away. Forget about any and all quiet time, that is completely out of the window. Those few beautiful moments when there is silence, that is when your kid has painted the dog with nail polish or dumped an entire bag of flour on the floor. Going to the bathroom alone is impossible. All children must think that the adults are going to jump down the drain and escape.

Children will make you laugh and they will make you cry. No one ever told me that when I had a child, my heart would no longer beat on the inside. My heart is currently a beautiful, sassy and smart 3 year old little girl.



Being a parent is an incredible feeling. Despite that fact that they are tiny terrorist in training, they will steal your heart (in a good way). Children will show you this undeniable and uncontrollable love that you had no idea ever existed. They will bring you anxiety and laughter at the same damn time. Children will ultimately light up your world in one way or another.

Being a mother has been the best thing to ever happen to me. I have stayed home with my daughter since she was a baby. I have taught her all that I can to prepare her for when she furthers her education in school. I have tried my best and yet as parents, we at some point feel that our best isn't enough. There are days that I want to throw myself down on the floor and have a tantrum right there with her. There are nights that I fight back the tears while reading her a bedtime story because I feel like my best was not enough that day.


Lately, I have been feeling really emotional when it comes to my daughter. I have severe anxiety and it got worse when I had her. I really don't mind her being everywhere with me, that is in fact what I prefer. We recently enrolled her in school and I convinced myself I wasn't going to cry but that was a lie. Once I got home, I needed to wash out my eyes just a little. This world is a scary place, I don't want her to be anywhere that I cannot protect her.

However, it is time that I release my grip because she is so excited for school and I am so proud of her. Since she hasn't gone to daycare, we always try to bring learning into playtime. She absolutely loves her workbooks and her fun educational posters. At every stop sign, we point it out and spell the word. She spelled stop right for the very first time the other day, proud mommy moment! When we turn left or right, we tell her which direction we are going. The same goes with her shoes, "We are putting this shoe on your left foot..."




Even on our bad days, there is no better feeling in this world than the cuddles and love that I receive from her. She is on my mind before I close my eyes at night and she is the first thing on my mind when I open them back up in the morning. If for some reason I never did get the chance to open them back up, I would want her to know that I try my very best each and every day. Our time in this life goes by so quickly, signing her up for school reminded me of that. If I could keep her home with me forever, I really would.

Even though I am constantly cleaning up toys all day long, I do enjoy having the opportunity to spend so much time with her . We play with her kitchen set, we play monsters and then we play everything in between. Since we recently moved she doesn't have all of her toys unpacked yet. Yesterday we brought in the box she has been waiting for, it was her Thomas & Friends train tracks. The track is pretty basic right now and that is because I set it up yesterday while daddy is still out of town (daddy has better patience with Thomas). This train track is typically super huge when it is all the way set up, it takes up so much space and it was fairly pricey.


However, daddy's little girl has him wrapped around her little finger and @terminallyill decided to surprise her with this thing one day. It was worth it though because she absolutely loves it. He bought extra tracks and extra trains, so now this toy has the option to really get huge! I have a love/hate relationship with Thomas. Thomas and his friends, rarely ever stay on the track and it irritates me to no end when we can't just enjoy watching the 15 trains ride around the track. Once they decide to stop falling off, we are able to enjoy this toy a bit more. I do have to admit though, this Thomas track is super cool and fun even for adults.

My daughter is the only person to ever hear my heartbeat from the inside and she will forever carry it with her wherever she goes. Children are truly an incredible blessing. To all of the moms out there that haven't been told lately - You are doing amazing! To all of the dads that work hard to provide for their family and all of the dads that have stepped up to be both parents - You are doing amazing! To all of the stepparents and guardians - You are doing amazing!

Raising tiny terrorist is the hardest, yet most rewarding job on earth.




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You brought back so many memories . I just sat and smiled reading this story .
just so you know it doesn't get any better , it gets worse ! LOL

I am glad that it could make you smile :) How old are your children? I have heard it doesn't get better. I'm am scared for the teenage years because she is sassy!!

I have heard it doesn't get better. I'm am scared for the teenage years because she is sassy!!

LOL they make me laugh with their statement

My advice to you is RUN , RUN before it's to late RUN and don't stop change your name stay of the grid .
LOL my kids are grown and out of the house . I would not change any of the experiences I have had with them and still do . We had boys so with a girl your on your own . LOL
You just do your best . and the mistakes you move on . all they really need is your unconditional love and the values you instill on them . everything else works itself out in the wash

all they really need is your unconditional love and the values you instill on them

This is such wise words! I do try my best and will do so in her teenage years lol

This is so beautiful @magicalmoonlight, In psychology, those tiny terrorist are controlled by the ID, they don't care how you get it, but once they need something, they must get it, lol, They grow up so fast, we should enjoy every time spent with them. Your baby girl is so beautiful. see her pouting in the last pic, lol. Can't wait to become a mom.

Thank you so much @gracefavour! Yes, that is very true they will get what they want, lol. Take your time having kids and enjoy your life and building success :) When you are ready, they really will flip your world around but in such a good way.

I love this post, the feelings on it are so pure and beautiful. I don't have children but I can imagine that it must be such a blessing. There should be hard times but I'm sure it all pays off at the end of the day. Your daughter is so lucky to have a mother that cares and loves her so much! I can see how you both enjoy each other's company. You're an awesome mom! And that's a hard job :))

Your kind words mean so much to me! It isn't easy but so worth it. Children are really fun little humans.

I agree about the food and Legos. I used to say that my son was my best diet because if I tried to sneak food, he would know and ask me if he could have a cookie too (or whatever it was). Ha. Legos are definitely no fun on the floor. They end up everywhere. I have one in my pocket right now that I found YESTERDAY and meant to put away...but it hasn't happened yet. I do love being a parent though. ;)

Haha that is so true, I can't sneak a single thing! We actually don't have any Legos at the moment but the blocks do get me. They are not unpacked for a reason. Being a parent is amazing :)

Lol - I have a box of toys that are yet to be unpacked as well. Ha!

Glad that I am not the only one!

She is adorable! Legos are evil. Your food tastes better. There is no love like this.

When my oldest moved out, it was like a piece of my soul being ripped from my body. We are still very close, and it's still very hard. Greatest love there is. How we love terrorists so much I will never know.

Thank you :) Legos really are evil, that is why Legos and tiny terrorist go so well together I guess. Just at dinner time she had to share my plate with me and would not eat hers. She literally had the same exact food. So I had to eat hers and she ate mine. That is so good that you and your oldest are still close. I am not ready for her to move out.

The dark brilliance of the Lego creators is that they are an incredibly beautiful learning toy, just dumping math skills in their brains while they play. They know we know and will therefore endure the excruciating pain and the endless wars to retrieve them from the vacuums. It's all very dark.
I am glad to have close relationships with my kids for sure, and the second is on her way this coming August. I always hesitate to tell parents how awful it is, but ultimately it's good to be as prepared as you can. But you will never be ready. It's truly awful and gives me a better glimpse of how my mother felt. I always encourage them to go and follow their hearts to where they want to be, and I've ensured they're totally independent, but it's very hard to have your heart wandering around outside your body like that.

I loved this piece, it may be becasue I am soon to become a mother or just because I love kids in generally. I am under no illusion that he will steall our hearts, home and time lol. I had a little brother 13 years younger who did much the same thing and my mum was so sick I spent a lot of my childhood looking after him. It was worth it as I am sure this will be. Thanks for sharing your little one. She made me smile x

I am so glad that she could make you smile! He will certainly steal your hearts first which is good because then when he steals the home and your time, it isn't so bad lol. Are you close with your brother since you cared for him so much? This will be so worth it for you. It is a big change and makes you question your sanity sometimes but such a blessing.

We were really close for a long time and he still comes to me when he is in trouble but the problem is he's in trouble a lot. My parents moved to country Victoria when he was about 7 and I stayed in WA as I was still at uni. He had a bad car accident when he was about 15 and ended in a coma with frontal lobe damage, long story short, my parents never got him the care he needed post accident due to living 5 hours from the brain units in Sydney, so he has quite a few problems now that he can't and won't deal with. I tried for years to get him the help he needed but he cancels and refusing to go, so you can't help him if he doesn't want to be helped. Its all very sad as he's also potentially bipolar like our mother but again won't get treated. Sorry probably more than you asked for. :-/

It sounds like he is comfortable with you then, which is a good thing. That is really sad but at least you are trying your best. That is all that you can do. I know a few people in my life that do the same thing. They need to see a doctor for health and mental reasons but they always cancel too. We've been trying for years to get them to go.

You can only help those who want to be helped. :)

Beauty queens.......wonderful and awesome

Thank you so much for such kind words!

That was a really touching blog post. :) You have a great way with words! I laughed out loud at this part. "They are like these little tiny terrorist that will do whatever it takes to get what they want." reminds me of me when I was younger.. If I didn't get a toy or something I really wanted I gave my parents the "evil eye". Which was me sorta staring angrily, either that or I would refuse to talk or respond. It didn't usually work very often.. But.. Still kinda funny thinking back on it in a cute sort of childlike way.

Haha! Thank you for checking it out. They really are like that. They will scream, cry and manipulate you to get whatever they want!! I think we all day that as a child :)

This post has been deemed resteem & upvote worthy by your @ecs (eastcoaststeem) community leaders @chelsea88 & @inthenow

This was a beautiful read! I loved every bit. I often imagine how would I be as a dad and I find myself remembering the old days with my parents, all the things I like about them and that feeling makes me believe I'll do ok hahaha.

Thanks for sharing! Truly amazing post!

I'm glad that you enjoyed reading this. Before we have kids I think we all wonder if we will do good at it. I am sure that if the time comes and you are ready for children, you will do great! Just take your time first though.

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