Day 6 Update: The Wim Hof MethodsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago

After six days of doing the Wim Hof method, I wanted to put together a vlog of my experience. A couple days ago, I felt like I was coming down with a cold, so yesterday I didn't do the pushups or the cold shower. Surprisingly, doing the breathing made me feel a lot better. Today I feel great.

This is a 12 minute video update of my week, including some pushups, stretches and the headstand (sorry, no cold shower footage ;-).

Here's a great animation I found giving an overview of the various things which happen to your body while doing the Wim Hof method.

One of the articles I've enjoyed most on Wim Hof (I've read many, include all the comments in the reddit AMA he did) is from The Bro Scientist: Wim Hof Breathing Technique And Method: Are They Legit? A Scientific Critical Review.

Have you ever done anything like this? What are your thoughts on the science behind it? Is this something you want to try?

Let me know in the comments.

Previous #journal entries: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, voluntaryist, and blockchain enthusiast. He wants to help create a world we all want to live in.


I read your first article and watched the video and it is very intriguing to say the least. I am going to withhold my commentary for now, so as not to influence your experiment in any way.

Thanks for sharing & being the guinea pig! Great report!

Thanks for following along!

I welcome your commentary because I'm also really interested in analyzing my own perceptions through this process. Is it all placebo? If your commentary caused me to doubt the effectivness, would I get different results? That's all super fascinating to me!

One thought I've had about this is if oxygenated blood is so good for PH levels, why don't we all just use oxygen tanks?

Either way, this is my first attempt at anything which could be considered "body hacking". It's interesting so far. I find myself more aware of my body. If I'm feeling strange, I wonder if it's the method's influence. It's interesting stuff.

Oh wow, you've gone through with it! It's nice that you've gone all in and that you're documenting your journey. I hope that it would finally be the one that solves your chronic pain.

Man, if it does that I might start preaching about it! Hehehe. Thanks Jed. I'll keep posting about it. I'm not one to jump into fads or diets or anything. I was running consistently before my ankle started giving me problems so unless this starts giving me problems also, I think I'll stick with it until I can come up with a conclusion.

I was thinking today how... strange I felt. Not really sure how to describe it. Not light-headed, but... I dunno. Just appreciating my breathing more, I guess. Not sure. We'll see how next week goes.

It's all in the breathing :D And, as we talked about before, the human mind is such a wonderful thing, We've only begun to unlock its secrets, so there's so much more fascinating things it's capable of. Here's hoping you stick with it to the end and it'll be the solution you're looking for!

I tried it sorta half-assed for a couple days a few months ago. It kinda reminded me of the type of breathing that I found myself naturally doing after being in a sauna for a long time and jumping into the coldest shower I could handle. That always made me feel really great.

A sauna / cold shower transition seems pretty intense! This Wim Hof thing seems like something you have to do all out. I guess we'll see how long I stick with it.

Yeah, I sorta got that impression as well. Keep posting on the progress, even if it's just a blurb. I'm interested.

And yeah, man. I definitely recommend the sauna/cold thing. With slow, deep breathing really kicking in when you think you're gonna go into shock. It'll make you feel alive.

Good post mate. Going to do more research on all this. Have been seeing it on Instagram and have had my own experiences when playing professional sport. SO much to learn in the area of energy and breathing.

Very cool! Thanks for commenting. Let me know what you think if you try it out.

I read the title as "Tim the Meth Head". I really need to take a break from the PC, muh eyes are strainin'! ;)

Hahah! Maybe you need a little Wim Hof breathing yourself. ;-)

Sounds better than meth! ;)

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