Tomatoes or Tomato’s – Freewill and Universal Basic Income.

in #life6 years ago (edited)


Each of us is given this particular life at this particular time to experience such particular things which remain hidden to us, buried deep in our unconscious minds.

We are all pure, interconnected energy charged with latent possibility and whilst we come into physical form with a suggested to do list, in our back pocket, we are all wired to operate from freewill.

From the start our right to be our true self is systematically eroded by state and family as we are fed versions of truth as if they were the truth.

We are encouraged to colour between the lines and conform as inherited beliefs are cemented in our psyche along with an unhealthy dose of pesky self- limiting ones.

We are told we are individuals and fed fear and hate to create a lack of tolerance for diversity and suspicion for others.

Slowly our freewill is compromised as we are schooled into societies ways. And those of us strong or stubborn enough to maintain and exercise freewill are often judged misfits, failures, troublemakers, scroungers or worse.

We are marginalised.

I have read several interesting articles here recently on Universal Basic Income where it is argued that everyone should work and that UBI is an anathema to the economic system.

This got me thinking.

We are all on different paths. Not better nor worse. Just different. Thankfully we are not all cut from the same bland, beige bolt of cloth.

What if some particular people were not here to work in the conventional accepted manner. Would this really be so bad? Is our society and world so very poor and empathetically bankrupt that it cannot accommodate a small percentage of folks who are called to live a parallel life.

Why is it that so many are so intent on what others are doing and keen to compare and quick to conclude that their way is the only way.

Is it jealousy for the person who moves unencumbered by time and material constraints?

And, what truly constitutes work?

I would argue that the unfortunate person working in the sweatshop for pennies is adding less true value to society, and our world, than the unemployed cat woman down the road who compassionately takes in stray felines - showering them with love and spreading a little happiness.

Our world is a world of abundance and scarcity is a lie.

With the richest 1% in the world now holding more than 50% of the wealth I ask how much does any one person really need to live a decent existence?

Selfishness, greed, corruption and wanton materialism are rife as most people refuse to acknowledge that you and me are actually we.

And whilst activity is necessary for us all to feel that we are worthwhile does that really mean that we must all work in the conventionally accepted manner?

I think not.

With Love.


me 200 x 200.jpg

I invite you to check out my recent posts. I'd sure love to hear your thoughts :)

What is Manna? ~ Manna is money evolved.

The world's first digital currency provided by Universal Basic Income using blockchain technology.

To receive the free basic income tokens you are entitled to and help end world wide poverty, please click



This is very forward thinking, and put a thought into my head.

Are current system of exchange is using money to purchase things. This was not always the case. We used to not have money, we had items. Before that, we simply had each other, and all worked to survive. Maybe the next step is UBI, maybe it's not. I guess we will just have to see. :)

Hi there and thanks for your comment.

I believe that many folks are choosing to opt out of 'The System' these days and live life on their own terms which includes the idea you put forward of community, bartering etc.

This sounds good to me.


Be happy.


Most of us grew up in families that taught us that you can work hard and be successful. The problem is that it isn’t always the case anymore. People who start in the mailroom likely finish in the mailroom.

Regardless of how you see things, I’ll admit that a large change is coming. Kids who grew up nagged by their parents about playing video games instead of studying are now leaving those parents speechless when they have tons of followers (and money) from apps like Twitch. People are earning livings (and some earning ungodly amounts of cash) from streaming videos on Youtube.

The advent of blockchain seems to be the nail in the coffin of the old system. I don’t know what the world is going to look like in 10 years, but I believe it will be very interesting to watch it all unfold.

People who start in the mailroom get fired because of automation. Mail sorters? Gone.

The percentage of people who are able to make a living doing those things is almost negligible. It's still more likely you can find decent employment elsewhere than in entertainment of any sort. It's a profession that as a whole has one of the worst income distributions.

I think that the blockchain can aid in interesting advancements in some ways, but much of the problems of today are just a result of a complex web of existing political and economic power structures and their continual weakening of our group consciousness of being able to change them.

It is interesting that you feel that there is a weakening of group consciousness whilst I feel that many are waking up to the idea that 'we are one'.

I too think blockchain has the potential to seriously disrupt and ultimately destroy the corrupt system which is out of control.

Fingers crossed eh.

I wish you well and thank-you for your thoughts.


I think that there is not enough growth in the area of a mass group consciousness, and too much emphasis on giving power to smaller causes, finding themselves divided between smaller, more easily controlled tribal ingroups. Not that these issues shouldn't be ignored, but many of them don't realize how aligned their interests really are.

I hope you have a good day/evening/weekend!

You are right ~ exciting times ahead and who can predict what a future world will look like.

I only hope that it is less corrupt, more inclusive and compassionate.

And yet knowing the nature of humans I fear this will be a bumpy ride.

One great thing though is that there is a mass shift in consciousness underway as people become more self aware and less easy to indoctrinate.

Thanks for your comment.

Be well.


I never understood the argument behind the "money" problem...'but where do we get the money to give each person that BUI' ?
the money is fiat.. it is fake..who cares where it 'comes from' - if each human had sufficient income to know they can survive then the weight is lifted.
You would see productivity rise a hundred-fold. We would be smarter, stronger, more motivated because as an individual you'd know you can tackle your niche. You can throw yourself into your dream and spend all your efforts to succeed because at the end of the day you know you'll have food to bade the hunger and a bed to rest in. It seems simple to me but that's because I want world where freedom is real not this fake hollywood mainstream crapilust rat race of a life..
"they" love to speculate that the poor are just lazy and if you gave them money they'd spend it on drugs or a new flat screen - they have no drive to better the world because if they did they wouldn't be poor.
Ugh the backward thinking in this drives me insane! I've signed up for Manna and can't wait to see how it unfolds. I have high hopes for BUI. :)

I agree :)

And each of us has something different to bring to the table even if it is just as an example of how best not to live a life ~ from a spiritual perspective this is a selfless act in itself!

Have a great week.


Good point! and thank you - have a great week as well :)

You are completely right about people that have not been placed here to work in the conventional accepted manner! It's a crime against humanity to prevent anyone from living a life against their free will. I refuse the idea of waiting for the government to figure out how to retain control over the population with Universal Basic Income. Control over economy should be put in the hands of the citizens...and cryptocurrency can do that! I am so excited to learn about Manna...hopefully when I figure out how to verify my account you will have one more referral. <3

We are living in exciting times and I sense a change in awareness is underway.

thanks for your comment.

And enjoy your week.


In Germany we have a Basic Income Lottery. It collects money from donaters and then after three months it is going to be given to a randomly chosen participant. Many people already got a twelve months lasting income. This is part of the great experiment of a UBI - there are a lot more activities, in particular in Switzerland.

The website (only German):

Many folks are waking up in the world to the idea of helping others aren't they and experimental initiatives such as you explain are part of the willingness to find workable solutions.

This has to be good :)

After 2 years German studies in school the only phrase I remember is: Wo ist das flugzeug? ~ and even that I can't write correctly! A linguist I am not.

Thanks for your comment.


It's not like me, I know, to be a contrarian..😂😂......but


We are all separate, individual biological units. We need to consume energy to physically live.

It is our responsibility - as independent biological units - to acquire the necessary energy to sustain our own life.

It is no one else's duty to provide these resources for others. (charity, and benevolence is a voluntary and commendable action)

UBI is theft off those with resources. (ubi has to be funded through taxation. taxation is theft)

I find theft morally reprehensible.

Would you be more likely to accept UBI...funded from some other resource? It does not have to come only from taxes and theft. I don't know you...but the argument that everyone needs to take care of themselves and their own needs without help...appears to be the voice of someone who has never personally struggled to fulfill their own basic energy needs in order to sustain life. I believe that it takes this struggle to understand how important something like UBI is...when various life circumstances simply stack up against you...and no matter how much you want to take 'responsibility' there is often no way around the obstacles. Worrying about how to gather food...shelter and clothing in a broken economy...well I just think that we have come too far since the dark ages to allow this to continue any longer! It just isn't as productive as using that energy and focus to strive for the higher goals of humanity instead. Because that 'individual being' mindset has never served us well...and never will.


I feel that you are seeing this from a physical only perspective.

But hey that is fine ~ we all have different ideas and experiences.

Mine shows me that we are all one; small parts of one biological ecosystem.

Myself I have no problem paying taxes; my issue is with how they are spent ~ corrupt states receiving foreign aid/arms/wars/overpaying pharmaceutical companies/generally propping up a corrupt self serving system! etc.

Off to read your link now :)

Hope you are having a great week.



The reason I see it from that perspective, is that is what it is. A physical transaction of resources from one individual to anther.

Any other perspectives are totally fine, but any philosophical or esoteric angles, fogs the issue of what UBI is

This is a good discussion/debate topic to explore...especially with someone so knowledgeable! When I mentioned the 'dark ages' and the struggle for basic needs...I wasn't saying their needs were different from ours. Of course...people will always need the same requirements no matter what era we live in. I favor the utopian mindset...but this was simply an aside expressing the fact that the struggle for those needs should no longer exist...not the actual needs themselves. Anyway I could go into greater detail on your other points...but the string of replies in comments tend to get rather tangled! Although my opinions and perspective seem to drastically differ...I respect yours and the fact that you have a very well rounded and intelligent argument.

...the struggle for those needs should no longer exist...

that is a negative view - ergo not utopian in perspective (sorry)

...the word 'should' is just a guilt trip... (i did a post, months ago - on the use of the word 'should' - the most evil word in the English language, imo)

Don't start throwing word like intelligent, and things, in my direction, if you don't mind !

Here is some proof... !

part 10 - ish.... an intellectual romp😂

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