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RE: Tomatoes or Tomato’s – Freewill and Universal Basic Income.

in #life6 years ago

I never understood the argument behind the "money" problem...'but where do we get the money to give each person that BUI' ?
the money is fiat.. it is fake..who cares where it 'comes from' - if each human had sufficient income to know they can survive then the weight is lifted.
You would see productivity rise a hundred-fold. We would be smarter, stronger, more motivated because as an individual you'd know you can tackle your niche. You can throw yourself into your dream and spend all your efforts to succeed because at the end of the day you know you'll have food to bade the hunger and a bed to rest in. It seems simple to me but that's because I want world where freedom is real not this fake hollywood mainstream crapilust rat race of a life..
"they" love to speculate that the poor are just lazy and if you gave them money they'd spend it on drugs or a new flat screen - they have no drive to better the world because if they did they wouldn't be poor.
Ugh the backward thinking in this drives me insane! I've signed up for Manna and can't wait to see how it unfolds. I have high hopes for BUI. :)


I agree :)

And each of us has something different to bring to the table even if it is just as an example of how best not to live a life ~ from a spiritual perspective this is a selfless act in itself!

Have a great week.


Good point! and thank you - have a great week as well :)

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