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RE: Tomatoes or Tomato’s – Freewill and Universal Basic Income.

in #life6 years ago

It's not like me, I know, to be a contrarian..😂😂......but


We are all separate, individual biological units. We need to consume energy to physically live.

It is our responsibility - as independent biological units - to acquire the necessary energy to sustain our own life.

It is no one else's duty to provide these resources for others. (charity, and benevolence is a voluntary and commendable action)

UBI is theft off those with resources. (ubi has to be funded through taxation. taxation is theft)

I find theft morally reprehensible.


Would you be more likely to accept UBI...funded from some other resource? It does not have to come only from taxes and theft. I don't know you...but the argument that everyone needs to take care of themselves and their own needs without help...appears to be the voice of someone who has never personally struggled to fulfill their own basic energy needs in order to sustain life. I believe that it takes this struggle to understand how important something like UBI is...when various life circumstances simply stack up against you...and no matter how much you want to take 'responsibility' there is often no way around the obstacles. Worrying about how to gather food...shelter and clothing in a broken economy...well I just think that we have come too far since the dark ages to allow this to continue any longer! It just isn't as productive as using that energy and focus to strive for the higher goals of humanity instead. Because that 'individual being' mindset has never served us well...and never will.


I feel that you are seeing this from a physical only perspective.

But hey that is fine ~ we all have different ideas and experiences.

Mine shows me that we are all one; small parts of one biological ecosystem.

Myself I have no problem paying taxes; my issue is with how they are spent ~ corrupt states receiving foreign aid/arms/wars/overpaying pharmaceutical companies/generally propping up a corrupt self serving system! etc.

Off to read your link now :)

Hope you are having a great week.



The reason I see it from that perspective, is that is what it is. A physical transaction of resources from one individual to anther.

Any other perspectives are totally fine, but any philosophical or esoteric angles, fogs the issue of what UBI is

This is a good discussion/debate topic to explore...especially with someone so knowledgeable! When I mentioned the 'dark ages' and the struggle for basic needs...I wasn't saying their needs were different from ours. Of course...people will always need the same requirements no matter what era we live in. I favor the utopian mindset...but this was simply an aside expressing the fact that the struggle for those needs should no longer exist...not the actual needs themselves. Anyway I could go into greater detail on your other points...but the string of replies in comments tend to get rather tangled! Although my opinions and perspective seem to drastically differ...I respect yours and the fact that you have a very well rounded and intelligent argument.

...the struggle for those needs should no longer exist...

that is a negative view - ergo not utopian in perspective (sorry)

...the word 'should' is just a guilt trip... (i did a post, months ago - on the use of the word 'should' - the most evil word in the English language, imo)

Don't start throwing word like intelligent, and things, in my direction, if you don't mind !

Here is some proof... !

part 10 - ish.... an intellectual romp😂

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