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RE: Tomatoes or Tomato’s – Freewill and Universal Basic Income.

in #life6 years ago

Most of us grew up in families that taught us that you can work hard and be successful. The problem is that it isn’t always the case anymore. People who start in the mailroom likely finish in the mailroom.

Regardless of how you see things, I’ll admit that a large change is coming. Kids who grew up nagged by their parents about playing video games instead of studying are now leaving those parents speechless when they have tons of followers (and money) from apps like Twitch. People are earning livings (and some earning ungodly amounts of cash) from streaming videos on Youtube.

The advent of blockchain seems to be the nail in the coffin of the old system. I don’t know what the world is going to look like in 10 years, but I believe it will be very interesting to watch it all unfold.


People who start in the mailroom get fired because of automation. Mail sorters? Gone.

The percentage of people who are able to make a living doing those things is almost negligible. It's still more likely you can find decent employment elsewhere than in entertainment of any sort. It's a profession that as a whole has one of the worst income distributions.

I think that the blockchain can aid in interesting advancements in some ways, but much of the problems of today are just a result of a complex web of existing political and economic power structures and their continual weakening of our group consciousness of being able to change them.

It is interesting that you feel that there is a weakening of group consciousness whilst I feel that many are waking up to the idea that 'we are one'.

I too think blockchain has the potential to seriously disrupt and ultimately destroy the corrupt system which is out of control.

Fingers crossed eh.

I wish you well and thank-you for your thoughts.


I think that there is not enough growth in the area of a mass group consciousness, and too much emphasis on giving power to smaller causes, finding themselves divided between smaller, more easily controlled tribal ingroups. Not that these issues shouldn't be ignored, but many of them don't realize how aligned their interests really are.

I hope you have a good day/evening/weekend!

You are right ~ exciting times ahead and who can predict what a future world will look like.

I only hope that it is less corrupt, more inclusive and compassionate.

And yet knowing the nature of humans I fear this will be a bumpy ride.

One great thing though is that there is a mass shift in consciousness underway as people become more self aware and less easy to indoctrinate.

Thanks for your comment.

Be well.


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