Get Clear on What You Want - The How Will Come Later

in #life6 years ago

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Alright, friend! Appreciate you joining me today for another video hosted on the amazing video platform, @dtube. I'm Ken @kenmelendez for those who don't know, and I release videos like this frequently so please feel free to subscribe to the channel.

I shot this message at a local car wash / vacuum service because my car was getting dirty on the inside and needed to be cleaned. The family and I are headed to Michigan to stay in a cottage by the lake on labor day weekend, then from there I am driving straight through to Toronto for the Steem Creators Conference. Between the two events it will be a lot of driving but definitely worth the time and miles.

The topic for today's message has been on my mind lately. What I'd like to discuss is the notion of getting clear on what you want, and then allowing the how to come later. This is going to help you if you are racking your brain trying to figure out how to attain or accomplish a specific end goal in your life.

Attempting to figure out how to reach a certain goal, before becoming clear on what you want, will cause mass amounts of pain, headache, and frustration. Trust me, I've been there. It wasn't until I started focusing on a crystal clear vision of what it is that I wanted that I began seeing it manifest in my life.

I know this works because everything I've wanted in life, I now have. I got crystal clear on the woman I wanted to marry and start a family with. I wrote down in a journal the exact type of girl I wanted and how I wanted her to be like me so that we would share similar interests and live our marriage free of fighting or tension of any kind. I now have her as well as the family I always wanted.

Since the age of 18 I've been into physical fitness because I wanted to change my body after going through a stage of depression and confusion. I now have a healthy, fit body that continues to work well for me each day my feet hit the ground. I have the energy and vitality that I need in order to do what I do whether that be at work, at home, or online.

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For years I have envisioned my dream sports car, as some of you know, and it is a white Lamborghini Aventador. I want it because I am going to prove to myself that I have the ability and the skills neccessary to attract a vehicle like that into my life. It isn't about looking cool or attaining some sort of societal status, but it's to prove to myself what I am really capable of achieving.

I don't spend time focusing on how I am going to end up purchasing the new car. Instead, I understand that I desire it, and I envision myself driving it while smelling the leather interior and hearing the roaring sound of the engine. I believe I will have it because I can literally SEE and FEEL myself inside of it.

Of course, there are many things that I want in life, that are part of my vision, that are not material things such as deep relationships and adventurous experiences with my family and friends. I was simply using the Lamborghini as an example of something tangible.

I share my past history and also current desires with you to help you understand the power of wanting. The idea of getting specific and clear on what you want, then letting the how come later. When you decide that you want something, then your brain will start working in the background on ways that you can attract that desire into your life.

You will begin to notice certain situations and also connections you make with other people will start to appear in your every day life. For me, when I tell others some of the things I want in my future, they sometimes bring up something similar to "do you know how much that will cost?". I don't think that way at all. I believe in abundance and start by focusing on what I want, because I believe that the rest will work itself out.

Yes, there will be action involved in addition to thinking about what you want. But, don't stress yourself out by trying to figure it all out. Instead, get crystal clear and specific on what you want, and before you know it, you will find yourself moving closer and closer to your end goal each day.

Hope this message inspired you my friend! Stop stressing and start trusting the process. I believe in you and I know you are meant for great things. Have an amazing rest of your day :)

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P.S. Tell me something that you want to see manifest in your future :)

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I connected my cell-phone to the radio of my car and listened to this video with my wife while she was driving - You DID NOT disappoint!

You are a talented speaker and this is a very important topic. I think it will help @emaferice get to the next level in life, and it was a good experience listening to it. I will play more of your videos in the car with my wife so we can listen to them together.

P.S. She doesn't like reading!

Thank you!

~ @chrisrice

Dude! Rock on! 🙌🏻 Glad you and Emafe were able to listen and receive value from this message. I use blue tooth all the time in my car and I really enjoy it 😀

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yeah and I think many more people will benefit from your messages in the future @kenmelendez.

It is a great experience listening to your videos with my wife since I experienced the same thing as you and my wife has seen some of the evidence in our life.

I am going to backtrack and watch the videos I didn't watch with my wife in the car. The one I am looking forward to is the "sports car" mentality one and others like it.

I understand now why you want a sportcar. It's not the actual car per se but the manifestation of the car that you are interested in!


~ @chrisrice

Another great video @kenmelendez ! I really believe in what you say and in laws of attraction, Like f its meant to be it will happen naturally, you need to just go with the flow and follow your gut instincts and your heart then good things will happen as they are meant to be. Got to love your car choice, might as well go big my friend! For me I invision living on my property in the country about an hour from Kelowna near a very small town called Beaverdell , we are currently settiing it up to at least be able to live there this winter but I see my self there in the future with a nice house , garden and chickens lol! I know it will happen , its just going to take longer then we thought. So never give up I always say! upped and resteemed✌👍💕😀
I see your going to be traveling right now , just wondering about when you will do your next coffee and crypto show!? Safe travels my friend, have a great long weekend! Our labor long weekend stat is on September 3rd.💕✌👍😀

Karen, you are too kind. Appreciate your incredible comments. Next episode of C&C is due out this week. Stay tuned and get those fast fingers ready

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Lol, I hope I wake up in time to watch it , I usually sleep during the day from 730 / 800 am untill about 430 / 5 pm pacific time! so it depends on what time the show is this week! thanks fo yor kind reply back @kenmelendez !✌👍😀

Great positive post Ken! It is so true the more we think about things the more they tend to happen. And before you can attain some big goal or dream you have to think about it. I am still working on several of mine. lol :)

I commend you Matt, because many people choose to give up on their dreams. Keep fighting for and chasing after yours 💪🏻

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Thanks Ken! Pretty right now my goals are to get to a point where all my content creation is enough to pay for my bills, instead of having to work for other people as well, lol. Also to buy a house with a yard, with a super sweet kitchen. Unfortunately I bought my townhome that I live in now at the peak of the market in 2006. It still isn't worth what the purchase price was. But at least I finally owe less on it then I can sell it for. And the other dream of course is to find a wife and start a family. haha

Excellent post @kenmelendez!

Wanting is definitely the starting point and if a want is held onto, and even increased, we will naturally work towards fulfilling that want, consciously and unconsciously.

You are right on target!

I'm happy to hear that the things you wanted in the past you now have. I feel the same way so that makes two of us. And I have no doubt in my mind that you are headed for even greater things, and it looks like there is a group of people like you (I.e. @steemcafe and the rest at Steem Creators).

I sense some momentum, and not only with you, but with the people around you 😊

You are always lucky ...

I’d rather say I am blessed and highly favored

Posted using Partiko iOS

Your philosophical remarks are quite convincing. You remind me of great eloquent pastors.

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