What Really Happened To Mars Will Shock You!

in #life7 years ago

Stunning scientific proof of a devastating nuclear war has been found on Mars. These finding are unequivocal and have been well known in scientific circles for some time, but are not presented or given the serious consideration they deserve by standard news channels. Thankfully we now have Steemit.com to share vital information the networks choose not to!
        It has been found that Mars, our nearest neighbour in the solar system, shows all the signs of once having sustained large oceans and potentially huge amounts of life like our own planet Earth. But Mars appears to have suffered a catastrophic thermonuclear war and now has the highest amount of Xenon of any planet in the solar system. Xenon 129 is a rare Noble gas that is produced as a by product of nuclear explosion. It is in fact by measuring levels of Xenon 129 in meteorites that we can say with surety if a meteorite originates from Mars or another source.
         It is my personal belief that the pyramid builders that inhabited and built their incredible megalithic structures on every continent of our planet, were in fact the former inhabitants of Mars who were looking for a new home after they had destroyed their own!
        It is ironic that some agencies including Elon Musk have suggested it could be possible now to terraform Mars by dropping thermonuclear bombs on the ice at its poles. This would give Mars an atmosphere and the possibility of supporting abundant life once again!


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Well at least you're not a flat earther!

A large percentage of science posts should be either in the conspiracy or clickbait-insane category. Out of 5 tags on this post, only one (mars) is related to content. "Thankfully we now have Steemit.com to share vital information the networks choose not to!" https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=6631
By the way, the REAL war happended on Jupiter https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenon#Occurrence_and_production

Hi Josh!
haha ... no Flat Earth is crazy - and is quite probably dis-information to confuse and disarm more cogent theories!

Just watch Stargate! All is explained there!!!

You are quite correct! The SG1 fiction was based on real technology and principles... even the runes on SG1 stargate were very well researched and were apparently almost entirely factual based.
The reason I believe networks and the "powers that be" show such programs containing real knowledge is a way of priming the public with information they want or need to impart to bring us up to speed!

Oh is real or you are guessing aa ??

Hello ranjithpvrp,
This is totally real. Where Xenon is found in such quantity, nuclear explosion is the only known possible cause - and they do not occur naturally.

Thank you very much for your comment :D

Well if it was the pyramid builders who messed up the atmosphere of mars we should be grateful they didn't leave our planet in a similar state!
Amazing too however far you go peoples just can't stop fighting amongst each other! Time for a change ❤️

Quite so ... it's time for some organic, planet loving peace :D

This is going to be my next reading material so thank you for being so timely. Thank you for putting in the resources to make this happen and mostly thank you for creating an access to the mastery of self. I am Waiting for another.

Thank you xyzsteemit123 :D

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Maybe it will be thank to me.

make sense. Some inhabitant might have survived

Hello webkraken,
Thank you, yes that is indeed possible - some may have survived by living underground using ancient technology to create light, heat and food! We now have that technological ability ourselves.

Sounds like science "fiction".

Hello hoosain,
No this is quite real - not fiction!

thank you for your comment :D

Good stuff!

Interesting and really well presented, I am nowhere near smart enough to validate or invalidate the evidence, but it looked compelling. If I had to guess, I would say that the evidence is solid. The questions that raises, such as did “they” come to Earth? Are very interesting also. Great post, well done

Hi freemocean,
Thank you - yes this does raise many interesting questions!
It is very possible we may get some answers to some of theses questions in the coming months as what has been discovered in Antartica is brought to light!

I am following and if Antarctica is as interesting as Mars, I look forward to having my mind blown again. Funny how often the answers are so close and it is from subtracting belief that we may gain wisdom.

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