⏺ The Emotional Rollercoaster! Part 2

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Life doesn't get easier, you just get stronger.

Inner strength. It is powerful. So is that quote! Here's another:

Don't wish for better winds, set better sails.
-Jim Rohn-

That quote has been stuck in my head for the past year. Ever since I heard it for the first time, I got attached.

It says a lot in very few words. See, people tend to blame their circumstances and situations for the reason as to why they fail at things in life. They 'wish for better winds'. Well, okay.. So are you going to tell me that the successful people in this world then don't come across tough situations? Of course they do.

In other words, your success is NOT dependent on what happens to you. Life is in my opinion just a game of averages. Averages tend to continue.
See, there are really two rollercoasters in this situation. There is:

  1. The rollercoaster of life.
  2. The rollercoaster in your head.

The rollercoaster of life will always be there. Not to think so is simply being naive. What will determine not only success, but also prosperity, is being able to take control of the rollercoaster in your head.

They need to work in opposites to balance things out.

If life is currently amazing, you need to stabilize your emotions to not get overexcited. In the contrary, if life is not giving you the best experiences at your current point, you need to be optimistic.
You need to know and understand the game of life. I just told you the rules. I basically just gave you the cheat-codes too!
I hope my point came across very simply. I wanted this post to be fun to look at, and at the same time, easy to comprehend the message.
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My previous post:
The Emotional Rollercoaster! Part 1

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🔲 Shout-Out Saturday: @iamrosallie! Let's send her some love!!

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✴️ Send-Back Sunday: No one cares about you! Extended.

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PPT (Post Promotion Thread) #4: Comment your links! Our contribution!

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🖊 Milestone time!! 5000+ posts - 60 Rep - 1400+ Followers! All on the same day!!

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To expect the heavenly wind to turn into reality to make it easy to sail and navigate every challenge in life, failure should be a milestone for success, but if life is without obstacles and challenges it is not life, for everyone must have a past to go into the future which will come.
Mutual sharing and respect between people will make our lives beautiful and more meaningful ..

Good post @enazwahsdarb...
Thank for yor share

if life is without obstacles and challenges it is not life

I love that. So true. Life needs to give us our challenges. How else are we to grow and improve?

Mutual sharing and respect between people will make our lives beautiful and more meaningful ..

Amen to that! Really nicely said.

Thanks for this awesome comment. Stay in touch.

I agree with this post, it's easy to get stuck in a victim mentality, especially when things are't going your way. It's also easy to become complacent and overexcited when things are going your way. The key is to be balanced, and like you said, play the game of life!

I'm glad you agree :)

it's easy to get stuck in a victim mentality

So true hey!

I like to think of this example with Conor McGregor. He explained in an interview that it's easy to be motivated happily when things are going good, but the real test is when things are not. The skill to be able to have a positive vision, no matter what you are going through, that is what he said allowed him to win both world champion titles.

Nicely said :)

I like that post. Somehow I feel the same way, blaming others or the situation does not help you at all. The circumstances are given, it is only up to you how you deal with it. If you failed, it is okay. Think about what you did wrong and try to learn from your mistakes - that is real power.

WOW amen to that entire message. Really well said my man! That really is power hey.

"Everything happens for a reason." "Stars can't shine without darkness."

These are the quotes that kept me going. I may have made mistakes, but I know, I'm gonna reach the destination. Thank you :)

Everything happens for a reason.


Stars can't shine without darkness.

Awesome quotes. They really are motivators hey!

I like your positivity. Keep up your hustle :)

An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards! Life would have no meaning without obstacles!! Pruning is essential for spiritual growth!!!. Check out my post on Pruning:


An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards!

Oh WOW that's a good one! :D Love it.

Thanks for your insight. I enjoy the analogies of life :) It really puts a lot of different situations into perspective.

Life is like a roller coaster ride, one moment you are up and another you are down.

Sounds familiar :D Awesome post man. I love this topic too!!

Pruning is essential for spiritual growth

So true. I like this concept man.

Very nicely put together post. Keep up your nice quality content.

''You need to know and understand the game of life. I jut told you the rules. I basically just gave you the cheat-codes too!'' This phrase impressed me a lot. I just love your way of thinking. I think the second part is better than the first part

I just love your way of thinking. I think the second part is better than the first part

Man I appreciate your kind words! You're awesome :)

Glad you enjoyed it man. Stay in touch!

I'm glad you like my words. Steem on!

Of course! My milestone post is also up :)

Thanks for this information!

Life would be boring without its ups and downs. Same as - Without darkness, we wouldn't appreciate the light.

Don't wish for better winds, set better sails.
-Jim Rohn-

I love this quote too! we have no control over any circumstances in life but what we can do is to be prepared so that when problems arise, we already know what to do - we wouldnt be sulking in the corner waiting for life to work as we wish. if plan A fails, we need not to worry because there are still 25 letters in the alphabet. 😁 So we should always keep moving forward. ❤

Life would be boring without its ups and downs.

I will have to agree with you my friend :) Very true.

if plan A fails, we need not to worry because there are still 25 letters in the alphabet.

Oh my!! Nicely said :D

Always keep moving forward! Lovely comment. Thanks for that. So let me ask you, have you ever done Network Marketing? :P

Hahaha no. Havent tried Network marketing yet. Why do you ask? 😂

Set better sails...
If one doesn't know how to sail, how will they know their sails aren't maximizing the wind? Makes me think about people's personalities in general and moreover, why Jim Rohn was an inspirational fellow. Take for instance, the 'manic depressive'. They won't know they're sailing the wrong way, against current and tides. It's just who they are...or have conditioned themselves to be. Then let's say you have the optimist, constantly making efficient use of what life throws at him always trying to stay positive in any weather. Some people don't even know they're sailing, or would recognize the analogy so what he said they may simply apply to sailing itself. Which is why people like him (and you for that matter) exist. To differentiate the wisdom within. The word 'teacher' comes to mind.

WOW man. I really appreciate the uniqueness of this comment. I like that you have a different perspective to the situation. So true though. For me, I have conditioned myself to just try and be optimistic no matter the situation, but maybe I am being inconsiderate to those who do not share my perspective?

I would certainly have to admit that it's not the most common perspective there is :D

I do think that it' the person's responsibility to make sure they know the direction of their sails, but I cannot deny your point of view either.

This was intriguing.

emotional stability be like -
its crucial in life to slay dragons and have the capacity to help others do the same...
and obviously DJ Khaled has something to say about it -

One of the tools I use to help me dominate my mental health is called 6x6 - I wrote about it here...check it out and lemme know what you think

Hahaha bro this was priceless :D

I really got a laugh out of this. Ahh DJ Khaled is one special man -_-

Description of DJ Khaled: Moronic, but unique :D (not just another one) :D

I will take a look at it :)

If dreams are the fuel driving your life, then discipline is the actual building of the car to put the fuel into.

Nicely said brother!

I absolutely LOVE this concept. I'm am super pro for these kinds of plans.

I think for me it's approaching the concept of traveling. I have never traveled outside my country, but I also know if I knew what an experienced traveler knew, I would probably not be where I am right now, but instead, in another country.

So taking that action of finding out prices for plane tickets, and learning etc., will be an incredible start. Which it was. I researched everything last night, and I am 50% more confident now about traveling to the locations I want to.

I think this is brilliant. Thanks for this 6x6 concept. Will definitely be taking HUGE action on this as a guideline.

Always a good read from you ...I wonder how you manage to post 2 to 3 times daily ...keep it up

Thanks for that brother. I'm glad you like what I'm doing here.

Will do! You are doing a great job yourself!

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