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RE: ⏺ The Emotional Rollercoaster! Part 2

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Set better sails...
If one doesn't know how to sail, how will they know their sails aren't maximizing the wind? Makes me think about people's personalities in general and moreover, why Jim Rohn was an inspirational fellow. Take for instance, the 'manic depressive'. They won't know they're sailing the wrong way, against current and tides. It's just who they are...or have conditioned themselves to be. Then let's say you have the optimist, constantly making efficient use of what life throws at him always trying to stay positive in any weather. Some people don't even know they're sailing, or would recognize the analogy so what he said they may simply apply to sailing itself. Which is why people like him (and you for that matter) exist. To differentiate the wisdom within. The word 'teacher' comes to mind.


WOW man. I really appreciate the uniqueness of this comment. I like that you have a different perspective to the situation. So true though. For me, I have conditioned myself to just try and be optimistic no matter the situation, but maybe I am being inconsiderate to those who do not share my perspective?

I would certainly have to admit that it's not the most common perspective there is :D

I do think that it' the person's responsibility to make sure they know the direction of their sails, but I cannot deny your point of view either.

This was intriguing.

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