The Marriage of Discipline and Dreams - 6x6 Tool

in #depression7 years ago (edited)


In the moments of feasting on our greatest dreams and desires life can feel surreal. Theres a sense of being able to do anything - and that sense is often resisted by "reality". That could be the logic of your own brain or the naysaying of a well meaning friend. It's generally called "wisdom" or something like that. I call it being a product of "education". I tend to fall in the camp that we as humans were created to be driven my passion and desire - where life is bursting out of every aspect of our lives.

Unfortunately, most people have allowed their dreams to be sat on by our fat and lazy culture that does very little but be a naysayer to anyone pushing the boundaries of normal.

Many young people staring down depression and hopelessness are often found their first taste of depression because of this. Their dreams got shot down by a well meaning teacher or a sarcastic friend - and slowly they allow themselves to dream less, gradually shutting down their desire to live and hope for anything bigger...


So How Do Dreams Become Reality?

If dreams are the fuel driving your life, then discipline is the actual building of the car to put the fuel into. Without the car, fuel really doesn't do a whole lot. Many of my millennial generation lack a work ethic to actually build out their car. There are many reasons for that - but it's another post for a later date.

So what sort of disciplines are you implementing into your life in this season for your dreams to become a reality.

One tool I learned several years back that I have used on and off with great success is called the 6x6 tool. It asks the question what are the 6 things you want to accomplish in the next 6 weeks. Write them down and the build your life around them.

Maybe you have a dream to be a best-selling author. Well, you will not magically put out a book, so what can you do in the next 6 weeks to help build out the car that will be driven by your passions?

  1. Spend 30 minutes a day writing
  2. Ask a friend to give you feedback on your writing once a week.
  3. Start a blog
  4. Research self-publishing
  5. Register for a writing class at a local community college
  6. Ask your Mom to ask you about it when she calls you.

If you were to actually do these things over the next 6 weeks, you would be much closer to your dreams becoming a reality.

Maybe you want to become independently wealthy flipping houses. What can the next 6 weeks look like?

  1. Find a realtor friend and learn
  2. Get three books on real estate @ your library
  3. Read those books
  4. Look into getting a real estate license
  5. Research your local real estate market
  6. Ask your Mom to ask you about it when she calls you : )

These are a few simple ones that I put together. The point is - dont let your dreams be sat on by a society that can at times be incredibly fat and lazy. Feast on your dreams, think about them - share them with people that will breath life into them, then implement some discipline to help you get there.

It takes time, effort, you will win some days and lose other days - but purpose and hope will burst from your life in the process -

Live Big Today and Dominate Life


Great method you mentioned @breakthrough 6x6. Sometimes that's all it takes to go from zero to further into your dreams than you had been in years. I have always known what I wanted to do, and treaded the path. But the older we get, the more our goals, dreams and priorities change. And this is not necessarily a bad thing, but it requires refuelling for this other direction. I agree 100% with "share them with people that will breath life into them" as there are too many people out there who are too quick to extinguish the fire of others' dreams just because they don't have their own. Thanks for sharing!

you bet! thanks for reading along

If dreams are the fuel driving your life, then discipline is the actual building of the car to put the fuel into.

Nicely said brother!

I absolutely LOVE this concept. I'm am super pro for these kinds of plans.

I think for me it's approaching the concept of traveling. I have never traveled outside my country, but I also know if I knew what an experienced traveler knew, I would probably not be where I am right now, but instead, in another country.

So taking that action of finding out prices for plane tickets, and learning etc., will be an incredible start. Which it was. I researched everything last night, and I am 50% more confident now about traveling to the locations I want to.

I think this is brilliant. Thanks for this 6x6 concept. Will definitely be taking HUGE action on this as a guideline.

the 6x6 has been wondrous for both my professional life but also for my family life - really down wonders helping my wife and I prioritize our responsibilities as well as our long term dreams we are aspiring too - glad you like it - I learned about it from a gallup business article several years back

you post makes me think. Thank you for that.I am currently surrounded by " Dream Killers" . Its not their fault , they live in fear, in a fear based society. I am going to use your tool.

love me the 6x6 and i totally agree with you...very few people intentionally are naysayers - its a product of poor empowerment and 'education'

lemme know if it works well for you!

my belly does feel better...but i also just ate chipotle...


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yes i do love you rubbing my belly

If this doesn't motivate you to get up and take a shot at life..I don't know what will😁Great Post👍🏼

thanks! glad you enjoyed it

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thanks @minnowpond - how did you find me?

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