Criticism + ? = Brilliance - Daily Meditation #17

in #life7 years ago

For some, criticism comes as easily as breathing. And to be fair, there is no lack of terrible ideas in the world to tear down. Criticism is a good thing in many respects, because it shows that someone is actually thinking about the ideas in question, rather than blindly accepting them. Being able to think critically is the sign of a brilliant mind.

However, one cannot be brilliant if they merely criticize. If brilliance was expressed as an equation, the ability to think critically would be only half of the formula. Sadly, many people become mired up in only tearing ideas down (i.e., me at sixteen-years-old). To be truly brilliant, the equation must be balanced. One must also create.

Criticism + Creation = Brilliance

Criticism and creation are different beasts. Where criticism is safe, creation is dangerous. Where criticism is scripted, creation does not come with a set of instructions. When you criticize, the angry mob stands with you. But when you create, you must face the angry mob. The creation of ideas is more difficult than their destruction.

Think of it this way:

Criticism is the grunt work of the mind. It is akin to taking a sledge hammer to a dilapidated building, and smashing it to the ground. But what to do with the empty space that criticism has left us? This is where creation comes in. Creation is the harder, braver, and more intricate work of the mind. To erect a new structure, to plan its purpose, to ensure that it is sound, to lovingly detail it from ceiling to floorboard, that is the work of creation. And once you've finished creating, an angry mob may take their critical sledge hammers to what you painstakingly constructed. But alas, that is the risk that one takes when creating.

If you only criticize, you are not fully utilizing your mind. You must also create. Witness the mental effort that you must exert to eek out a single idea that might withstand the pressures of criticism. Don't get me wrong. I don't want you to reject the act of criticism; it is the sign of brilliant individuals and a healthy society. But remember, when bad ideas are discarded, we often need better ideas to take their place.

So, what will you create?

Do you think criticism is valuable? Do you know people that only criticize, but never create? Discuss criticism and creativity below, and I'll be sure to respond to all of you.

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This post is very insightful and excellent! I like your thinking about the balance of power between criticism and creation! I believe you are onto something! Bravo for this lovely piece of thinking and for giving us something of value to ponder! pink_smile.gif


Absolutely! I appreciate your comment. #Steemitbloggers have to stick together!

I am a heavy critic, on myself, on others, constantly and pervasive. That does not mean, that I always verbalize my critic (I have friends, really 😆), but it means that my mind constantly deconstructs the things I experience. As you wrote, this can be a good trait.... for me it helped me perhaps to achieve some good short films, performances, and texts. Now the big but (you mentioned it already...criticism without creation can be difficult):
Some years ago, I wrote my doctor thesis and I nearly failed. My critical thinking which helped me immensely while working as a choreographer and artist, was (I would never have guessed it) a hinderance writing a long scientific text. My explanation for this is (not sure if I am right), that the topic was so important for me, that I destroyed every thesis I build minutes after constructing it. I did not realise, that it is impossible to solve everything, that at the end of the thesis, there will be many open questions. Here we have a very poor non-existing mentoring during the writing process, so nobody told me to stop. And I wrote and wrote and afterwards discarded everything as not completely accurate.
I finished, but after many distressful years. So, my conclusion is, that sometimes criticism must be guided from the outside or it will become destructive for the involved people.
I am not sure if the critic and the creator should be the same person. For example, someone can tear down the building and another person uses the rubble to build something new, but I think it is helpful to have clear criteria for criticising to make sure the criticism will stop before more than the criticised item is destroyed.
Not sure if I could explain my point well, but I am happy I found your post, because it inspired me to contemplate criticism :-D

"I am a heavy critic, on myself, on others, constantly and pervasive." Ha! Join the club! I am somewhat reformed, but I understand that sentence so well.

When you were discussing your thesis above, it made me think of how we can 1) perfectly destroy ideas but 2) probably never create perfect ideas. When we create, we so often expect it to be perfect. This paralyzes us and we rarely end up creating anything when we are in that state of mind.

Your point about the critic/creator not being the same person was interesting. I haven't considered this before. I think it would be great if we could all wear both hats, but it probably isn't entirely necessary.

By the way, you exude intelligence. You probably are brilliant, even if you lean towards criticism rather than creation!

Thank you for the lovely comment.

Yeah... "me probably brilliant"... now I follow you 😄 😆😄 😆
And yes, I absolutely know what you mean with perfect ideas and how this could be freezing up all creative energy. Thankfully I always destroy my own creations after I made them. Means I make them (which is good) but then I criticise them so long that I seldom can be satisfied with my achievements (which is not so good). And as it is often - knowing a pattern doesn't stop it. So, I have to learn and practice some more :-D
I liked you post really much (and your praise 😄)

Learning about how you create is a journey. Just stick with it.

And thanks for following! I look forward to talking with you more later.

Taking criticism can be tough, depending on the source. However, you never truly know the perspective of the source or person. I agree that you need to create as well. I do know some people that just criticize. It's hard to accept their criticism because they have no credibility. If someone tries and fails a something a few times before being successful, their criticism would be of more value than someone that just sits on the sidelines. Thanks for the thought provoking post!!!!

You are welcome @ray4u! I am glad it got you thinking.

I think that criticism and creativity are siblings in a way. We view them as different things, opposites maybe, but I think they are closer to being the same thing. Creativity leaves us with something new, where criticism gets rid of something not worth keeping.

If you only criticize, you are not fully utilizing your mind. You must also create

Each time I read through your post, there is always a phrase that inspires me.

In reality, there is no new idea, only unique ideas. Most times ideas are developed by criticizing a particular work and then asking questions so improvement can be made.

Hey @Korexe. Very good to see you here again.

I am glad that you get something from my writing. I keep creating it for people like you!

Hey @Korexe. Very good to see you here again.

I am glad that you get something from my writing. I keep creating it for people like you!

@chrismccron ,You always come in new steem and especially after your follow-up began to benefit from you and the publications you publish I hope to complete this road

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