When You're At Your Worst - Daily Meditation #15

in #life7 years ago

I am not impressed by a pile of plaques and trophies. Nor am I impressed by a sizable bank account. I also find it equally difficult to be impressed by successful businesses, amazing athletic feats, and the esteem that others hold you in. I need to know the story behind these victories.

I think it is boring to listen to someone that was born into good fortune, had things taken care of by their parents, rode the wave, and kept it all. In fact, it's difficult to trust that person's perspective as being inline with reality.

Much like a good novel, our stories of victory become more interesting and impressive when there is adversity. While I won't be impressed by your trophies, financials, or standing in society, I will be impressed by what you did when you were at your worst.

When tragedy strikes, note the reactions of those around you. Who wilts? Who freezes? Who rises to the occasion? This is the true character of these people. Tragedy has a knack for stripping us of our masks. Our finely tuned public personas flicker for a moment, and you'll catch a glimpse of what that person is truly made of.

It is easy to be honest, loving, and just when all is right in the world. Peacetime generals are a dime-a-dozen. However, wartime generals - people that can stay the course, even when that path goes straight through hell - are the people that impress me.

What will you do when you are at your worst? What will you do when lying, cheating, and being selfish are easier than being honest, loving, and just? What you do when times are tough says more about you than when life is easy.

Show me a person that maintained their integrity when they were at their worst, and I will finally say, "Now that... I find impressive."

Are you inspired by stories of adversity? Do you think what we do when times are tough says more about us than when times are easy? Do you disagree with everything I've said here? Let me know your thoughts by leaving a comment below. I'll respond to all of you.

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Love this article series of yours, perfect format and well written, big ups brother 🙏🏼

I write it for the @WilliamWest s of the world! Thank you so much for your support.

Good points here. It makes me think of my husband, honestly. When I think integrity, that's who comes to mind. We've went through some really hard times, traumatic things together and just really shitty financial situations (including losing everything we owned to black mold, later losing our home with no notice because we were scammed by a "mortgage company" who was then in jail and had to pay back the banks, but not the 7 families whose money and homes he stole!) and my husband carried on, supporting our family financially, holding me up through my own personal trauma work... he is my rock and I couldn't possibly even do him justice in this comment, but you've definitely made me think!

I need to make a post about the people in my life that this post brought to mind! Thank you for reminding me to be thankful for those things that I guess I had started taking for granted.

Awesome post!

Hey, @Byn! Thank you for always leaving these really thoughtful and touching comments.

It sounds like your husband is the real deal. To have someone like that in your corner must be a real blessing. I am glad you two have each other.

And I am glad that this post prompted you to think of him. Being grateful for the quiet warriors in our lives is important.

Again, many thanks,

It may not be the easy way but it's the cowboy way. This posting reminded me of this. Like Willie Nelson said, my hero's have always been cowboy's and they still are it seems, sadly in search of, and one step in back of, themselves and their slow moving dreams.
Have a blessed day cause nothing can separate us from Love

I haven't heard that Willie Nelson quote before, but I like it!

I've noticed you becoming a familiar face here on my blog @spozone. Thank you for that!

You have yourself a wonderful day too.

I like your style man. Your blog is often a brief moment of pause in a world gone mad. Here the link to Willie w/ lyrics. It's been years since I've heard it but so much of the verse rings so true in my life even today


Thank you for sending me this. It's a lovely song. You are truly engaging with me and my writing here, and it makes me so happy to have that connection. I am smiling right now, and I will carry this feeling with me throughout the day. To have you be among my first fans is just... Well, the beginning of a dream come true!

In my life forming connections has always been difficult. I've lived large portions of my life isolated and alone. I never have signed up for facebook, twitter, or any other social media. Steemit's blockchain technology appealed to me. The fact I have found thoughtful intelligent people here is a real bonus. Thank you for your comments especially re: my poem. Truly touched my heart.

You are most welcome. I hope that Steemit continues to meet your needs. And no need to thank me for the comment on your poem; you were the one doing me a service by writing it!

Show me a person that maintained their integrity when they were at their worst, and I will finally say, "Now that... I find impressive."

I super like this part. I too, find people who have their integrity intact in difficult times are precious. Unfortunately I have met my good friend betraying me in one of my hardest times. But I'm sure there are many people with great integrity out there and I'm not disappointed with humanity. I believe we all have the capacity to do the hard things in adversities, it's a matter of how powerful our choices are. Thank you for expounding on this topic which absolutely interests me @chrismccorn :) it makes me want to follow your posts, so I shall!

Hello, @happycrazycon! Thank you for following. That means a lot to me. I hope to see your face on my blog more often now. :)

Also, the word "expounding" is beautiful. I forget about it, so I will have to use it more.

Yes, everything boils down to choices. The choices become more difficult when times are hard, but we can still do the right thing.

Thank you for the wonderful comment.

I love to hear the adversity stories and how they come out to overcome and achieve success. It's always beautiful to follow someone's journey especially those who are not afraid of being vulnerable and being Real.

These days, it's hard to find that kind of people. Most that I know are only showing the beautiful part of their life causing us to feel that we have a difficult life while the truth is, we have the same shit in different way. I am trying my best to not be those kind of person.

I think I've learned both ways from the adversity and from little success I achieved. Life is all about learning and that's how I see it.

Have a great day!

Hello, @Macchiata. It makes me so happy to see you showing up in these posts day after day.

We are both fans of vulnerability and being real. I think we learn more from others when they share deeply.

And you're right to point out that we can learn from both adveristy and success. I tend be a bit of a doom and gloom person, always preparing for the hard times ahead. We also need to pay attention to when things go well and learn what caused it to work out that way.

Again, thank you. I am so pleased to see you constantly showing support for my writing.

All the best,

@chrismccron, I keep on stumbling on your gems and I can't stop to keep on saying and sharing what I know to spark another discussion like this. It's been difficult that I am currently on the road but I am trying to catch up as much as I can.

I am an over thinker and just like you, I have tendencies to think ahead " what if things go wrong" but sometimes it holds me back from doing things I truly want to do.

I wish you great day and will be looking for more of your posts!

I agree that it's not very impressive when some people are born and they already have everything from the beginning.
It's much more impressive when a person starts with nothing and fights through worst of times with massive determination and ambition to achieve something...
Though, a lot of successful people have a story behind their success. The story is mostly how the got through the worst of times and it made them who they are today.
I think if you manage to achieve something when in worst of times, you develop strong ambition and dedication to go for your goals no matter what...

The most interesting part of a successful person's story is the moments of adversity, or the humble beginnings. The result...well... we can all see the result! I want to know about the war they had to fight in the trenches.

Thank you for your comment, @Trendo.

Don't go for what's easy rather go for what's the right thing to do as per the requirement of the situation.

So much easier said than done, but it's always the best call. Have a banana blessed day, @Amarbir!

Yup. Same to you. 🍌🍌🍌🍌.

Spirit is a friend, the world is vast, there are still many that can be achieved the world is always spinning, there we will be successful, be patient

I will be patient. Thank you!

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