Kate Steinle Verdict On The Man Who Was Accused Of Murdering Her Was Found Innocent, Situation used to promote division through Darwinism, Eugenics, Nationalism, then Race War via NWO Agenda mirrored to the Georgia Guidestones

in #katiesteinleverdict7 years ago (edited)

Please watch these videos, articles, and share.
We have to face these issues head on with the full armor of God and stand with Jesus Christ no matter what.
Living in the end times just as in the days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah. Best to get yourself right with God while you still can. By the way, I'm sick & tired of this sinful & evil represented as a cancer on society & brainwashed the weak-minded to submit to sin & evil. God/Yeshua/Jesus's word never changes & is truth. Why I don't associate with that sinful crowd. They can take everything, but my faith in Christ.

The Court Has Spoken: The Man Who Was Accused Of Murdering Kate Steinle Is Found Innocent
"The court has spoken: the who was accused of murdering Kate Steinle has been found innocent. I did a video on this with some of my thoughts:" An almost 25 min. video.

Trump used to this story to help him fight against illegal immigration.

The gun used to murder Steinle belonged to a Federal Agent. Mercury News in 2016 reported to be stolen 4 days beforehand. Reason for suspicion.

Steinle was sacrificial victim to piss off the Conservatives and give political leverage with Anti-Immigrant Sentiment and Nationalist Sentiment.

Used to formulate Race War, through division, fragmentation, war, Darwinism, eugenics.

Explains destabilization in Europe done by Neo-Nazi Terrorists under via Operation Gladio to blame the Leftists groups to foment Nationalism.

Democrats supports Planned Parenthood, biggest trafficker of organs belonging to minority children.
Original Party of Eugenics.
"They don't see human beings beyond their utility."
Both political parties are the same coin, both support Darwinism, Eugenics, Genocide, NWO Agenda via Georgia Guidestones.

Democrats want to fuel the Nationalists to normalize Racism.
Propaganda pushing genocide and murder on those Without the Neanderthal gene (superior race) such as those from Africa. Interview shows this discussion where they are pushing Intellectual Superiority.

What gave the normalization of Racism?
Both political parties agreed to push for Race War, open borders, immigration, etc.
They wanted to see the Reaction of the public so the Elite can impose Hegelian Dialectic (Problem, Reaction, Solution)

History repeats to Evil more sinister as it was during the days during both World Wars.

Talks about 4Chan.

Gateway to the Normalization of Racism. Leads to White Nationalism. Energy of Nationalists groups in Europe & Worldwide. It's already fragmenting Europe.

Lord Hartley Shawcross, British AG Official in charge of the Nuremberg Nazi War Crimes Investigation, Financially supported Germany after WWII. Worked with Hermit Obbs, director of Dustche Bank, both trying to Make Germany Great Again!

America and Western Allies after WWII built up Germany and Japan to back the Dollar. Great Tragedy. Again it was all by design since it benefited the few such as the Bankers and Elite Evil Scum at the expense of many. Elections are Selections, since Presidents are selected based on the most royal blood and popularity too.
They became the "Economic Shock Absorbers" to impose Darwinism, Eugenics, and Nationalism. Agenda 21/2030

Great examples of courage such as behind "Saving Private Ryan."

Have to face Frankenstein creation again in WWIII with the same players with different methods/means and technology and people don't change.

Comment from a Viewer sums it up:"Stefan Molynuex is a cult-leader that's established himself as a 'guru' of sorts. Evolution theory is his religion and every philosophical premise he adheres to is rooted in his religious belief in evolution theory (modern mans central theory of and for racism and eugenics).

Democracy, left or right, runs on populism. Presidents get voted in. The winner is the most 'popular' candidate.

That's why President Woodrow Wilson heavily invested in social engineering the American public through the arts and media to 'convert' them into a 'pro-war' position for WWI after he was elected. Why was it necessary to do this? He ran as the anti-war candidate and needed the American people to believe "they" chose to enter WWI rather than Woodrow:

I still assert that you are missing the nuance when analysing nationalism and ethnic identity. You see how nationalism is being used as an instrument for evil. What you're missing is that in and of itself nationalism and ethnic identity (tribe) is natural, good and healthy.

Like any beauty it can be perverted through social engineering and an ill informed public. To say "You must support mass immigration and immigration for every single nation on earth (even those who hate you) or you are a racist Nazi" is to have fallen into the enemies game and trap i.e. polarisation. The truth here is nuanced.

Nuance is necessary when analysing nations and ethnic identities. In the same way as nuance is necessary when analysing gender and gender differences. The Spanish empire was was ruled by a Spanish queen. Joan of Arc was the most important military leader in France. These were exceptions. They aren't norms.

I wrote a respectful critique regarding this under another recent article only to have it 'vanish' soon thereafter. Hint. Hint.

That's the standard here in my experience."

The Verdict Is Correct: Garcia Zarate Is Not Guilty Of First Degree Murder In The Case Of Kate Steinle
"The verdict for the case of Kate Steinle is correct: Garcia Zarate did not commit first degree murder. The prosecution probably could have had more success if it focused on getting a charge of involuntary manslaughter, but not first degree murder for which there is not sufficient evidence. Why are they isolating this story? I believe its because they want to further normalize eugenics. Here are my thoughts:" Around 28 minute video.

The whole case involved around "Intention." Mens Rea, Intent to Murder.

Sigs has long history of accidental firings, among police officers. 4 pound hand trigger, bullet landed 70 feet.

Prosecution did not make a good case to prove First Degree Murder.
What about "Involuntary Manslaughter?

Situation used for Political Leverage. For Ideological Leverage. Anti Sentiment.
Anti-Immigration Org. Group "Californians for Population Stabilization."
Talked about this Organization are Greeny Right Wing Population Group, same Ideology as Population Control Fanatics. Another Nazi Group that wants Eugenics.

Scenarios of Immigration.
All of these houses that Illegals build then, leave. Using them as "Cannon Fodder".

Reflects on the Zimmerman Case, Obama fueled the fire.

Trump took Facebook fragmented statements and communicated to peoples minds, which is frying them.

Both the left and right wings parties and political groups are the same coin.

Planned Parenthood should be attacked due their murdering unborn babies for eugenicists, organ trafficking, getting rid of those of non-Anglo Saxon race, those without the Neanderthal gene.
Both the left and right wings are pro-abortion.
FAIR, anti-illegal immigrant organization. On FAIR's board is Sarah Epstein.

What makes you think there isn't an Political Agenda?

Ted Shoebat tries not to have knee jerk reaction?

Talks about this story, that you living in society that is under Worldwide Sodomy.
Tons of Americans who commit rape, murder, etc.

Homosexual Rape Squad In Arizona Torments Kids In High School, Rapes Them And Tells Other Teenagers: “We Will Rape You.”

Headlines come when it comes from illegals, never discussing the evils done from within.
What about keeping Americans safe from other Americans?

Society and Political manipulation.
Doesn't agree with getting rid of Sanctuary Cities.
Believes certain aspects of Sanctuary Cities should remain such as Authorities to impose the law if an illegal commits a crime, leniency for police officers.

In the Bible, talks about Sanctuary Cities and has a right to hide there, until trial, dangers of Mob Rule.
"Deuteronomy 4:41-43King James Version (KJV)

41 Then Moses severed three cities on this side Jordan toward the sunrising;

42 That the slayer might flee thither, which should kill his neighbour unawares, and hated him not in times past; and that fleeing unto one of these cities he might live:

43 Namely, Bezer in the wilderness, in the plain country, of the Reubenites; and Ramoth in Gilead, of the Gadites; and Golan in Bashan, of the Manassites."

Comment from a Viewer: "You're spot on regarding this growing eugenics movement. We know the Luciferian elitists pushing this agenda are obsessed with population control and culling the masses.

Contraceptives are a form of eugenics. This agenda has been around for a long, long time now, but it's definitely continuing to get worse with euthanasia being legalised around the world, an emphasis on aborting those with disabilities, and all this propaganda about race and IQ, etc.

When it comes to sanctuary cities, and conflicting state and federal laws, I'll reserve judgement I'm not an American.

Catholics are obliged to obey both state and divine law, insofar as state law doesn't impose a rejection of divine law.

Immigration is a nuanced area. It's not simply black and white issue (not referring to ethnicity here). Nations have a divine right to borders and border laws. States have rights too. Attitudes toward immigration have always altered from generation to generation even during Biblical times. All I know based on Church teaching is that assimilation is the only wise policy when it comes to managing immigration laws and naturalising permanent immigrants into a new nation/culture long term.

What I will say is that this conflict is dangerous and could heat up very quickly. I listened to Savage Nation yesterday, and Savage was irate about this court ruling and is literally calling for Trump to put every sanctuary city under martial law through the US federal government and military.

The further we fall away from Christendom the more dangerous and unstable it's getting all around the world. When it comes to eugenics the people I fear for most are the young and the elderly i.e. the most helpless and vulnerable in our society.

This "bleeding heart liberal" agenda that's dominated the West for generations now, has been used to harden hearts in reality. It's broken up the family unit. It's given us "sexual liberation." It's ruined our economies in terms of debt. It's destroyed our justice system e.g. pedophiles get a few years in prison (if that) and then they are back on our streets again to prey upon minors.

Those of able body and mind are at risk too of course. If the social engineers are successful at inflaming a civil war in the US eventually, all bets are off. It'll also leave the US vulnerable against outside threats."


Kate Steinle’s last words:

“She fell, and looked up at me, and said, ‘Help me, Dad.’”


He tried, babe. It’s American justice in liberal enclaves that failed you.

They fail us all.

"The jury was obviously making a political statement with this acquittal. The life of a law abiding citizen means nothing in San Francisco. I feel terrible for that family. Just horrible.

While it may seem like a blow to justice, the truth is that the damage was already present. A guilty verdict would not have changed that."

"Instead, this verdict will serve as a clarion call to all who still believe in the right of a people to defend themselves and their nation."

"He needs to sue that illegal bastard and the city of SF for multi-millions!
They are both equally guilty for his daughter's death."

"He'll still have to face God for His crimes and He's not in the 9th circuit."

"Donald J. Trump
@ realDonaldTrump
A disgraceful verdict in the Kate Steinle case! No wonder the people of our Country are so angry with Illegal Immigration."
9:30 PM · Nov 30, 2017

These liberals are so dumb it’s mind numbing they say that’s the way the system works now but riot when a cop is found not guilty.


The verdict in the case against the scumbag who killed Kate Steinle should have you shaking with rage. At minimum, the scumbag illegal alien Mexican scumbag Jose Ines Garcia Zarate committed manslaughter.

Kirsten Powers offers that Trump used ‘tragic accident’ that killed Kate Steinle to stir up bigotry

Suspect in Kate Steinle killing found not guilty of murder and manslaughter

Attorney for Kate Steinle’s Killer Lectures Americans – Says Those Who Were Outraged By Steinle’s Killing Are Racists (VIDEO)



Drain The Swamp

All by design by the powers that shouldn't be for NWO Agenda for depopulation agenda 21 and 2030. Both sides are the same coin, same end, World's A Stage. The Elite are a Cancer imposing their Satanic s*** on us. There are those who fall for the deception as Sheep who rejected Christ/God/Yeshua to pursue the desires of the flesh, material things, for personal gain for power, wealth at all costs without empathy nor respect to none. Then you have those who say they are a Christian, Awake, etc. turns out they are Illuminati Gatekeepers. Beware of those who say one thing and do another, they are of whom they associate with are their real friends.

Therefore, as result of the propaganda by the powers that shouldn't be are promoting evil in the name of this and that.
Don't forget the rise of Transhumanism, Technocracy, Militarism, Nationalism, etc. all lead to Fragmentation/Division then War.

That is why both political sides are the same coin. Those on both the far right and left associate and worship evil and defend those who are antichristian. Don't get yourself involve with evil leads to destruction and eternal death.

Christ/Jesus/Yeshua came to purify God's word, develop personal relationship with people, save humanity from sin and death with salvation through those who believe in Jesus shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Ongoing process Both with faith and works too. Please get yourself right with God while you still can. Put the Full Armor of God and stand with him against the forces of evil. We're living in Spiritual Warfare.

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Germany supports anti-government separatists groups in Poland mirrored to Catalonia, German Catholic Archdiocese promote AntiChristian days of Sodom, Mexico back to Aztec times,Hindus value cows,Muslims break into Convent, Hepatitis A next plague on LGBT https://steemit.com/politics/@redpilljen2020/germany-supports-anti-government-separatists-groups-in-poland-mirrored-to-catalonia-german-catholic-archdiocese-promote

Las Vegas Shooting Investigation updates, Witnesses of Multiple Gunmen, Multiple Gunmen Captured on Film, Blackwater, Mercenaries, Delano, Luxor Rooftop Shooters? & more! https://steemit.com/lasvegasshooting/@redpilljen2020/las-vegas-shooting-investigation-updates-witnesses-of-multiple-gunmen-multiple-gunmen-captured-on-film-blackwater-mercenaries



Catalonia declared Independence from Spain leads to more Fragmentation, Nationalism, then War, Carles Puigdemont, President of Catalonia Flees To Belgium And Is Now Being Protected By Major Nazi Elites, makes you wonder who benefits from this? https://steemit.com/catalonia/@redpilljen2020/catalonia-declared-indepedence-from-spain-leads-to-more-fragmentation-nationalism-then-war-carles-puigdemont-president-of

Geert Wilders is a Globalist Deep State Nazi, Declares in Parliament that he only wants Dutch in the Parliament no other Nationality/Race, Fragmentation leads to Nationalism, Militarism, then War, NWO Agenda https://steemit.com/politics/@redpilljen2020/geert-wilders-is-a-globalist-deep-state-nazi-declares-in-parliament-that-he-only-wants-dutch-in-the-parliament-no-other

NWO Eugenicist Agenda with Pope Francis=AntiChrist,Other promoters Antichrist System are Glenn Beck=Mormonism,Steve Bannon=Nazism,Rise of Nationalism,She-Ria,Millennials turning away from Christ choosing to worship Demons & Practice Witchcraft,other News https://steemit.com/politics/@redpilljen2020/nwo-eugenicist-agenda-with-pope-francis-antichrist-other-promoters-antichrist-system-are-glenn-beck-mormonism-steve-bannon

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