Steemit Poets United: Introduction of Communal Account + Update on the community (Rules and Roles) + SteemBasicIncome Partnership


Hey all. I just wanted to introduce this account and the Idea behind it.

As many of you know we are making some structural changes to catch up with the unexpected big growth that we are having...

The initial idea for this account is in the future our writers to be able to post most issues of the community from a Discord Chat Channel. Until this is done and possible I will be handling all the posts... That are supposed to be posted from here.

Right now we are starting with the Daily Dose as you already now. In the Future there will be other Issues that will be posted from here such as 7 for 7 and the Most Active Members. I expect next week to move the contests too if all is good.

Furthermore we are preparing a new Live Event for all the poets... Stay Tuned...

Here is the mission statement of Steemit Poets United:

Mission Statement:

  • Populate the #poetry and #poetsunited tags to provide bigger audience and exposure for our poets.

  • We strive to provide best environment for new and upcoming Poets and Creatives on Steemit.

  • We want to have united and strong community where people help each other to grow together.

  • To share knowledge and encourage new poets to emerge on the Steemit scene.

  • Curating a deserving content within and outside of the community.

  • Develop an unique horizontal management function (based on the involvement and contribution of the members). Everyone has the chance to participate in creating the Issues of the community or start and run an event which he is passionate about within the community.

  • Provide Steemit Basic Income for All of our members you can learn more about it @steembasicincome . We are happy to announce our Partnership Program With them Learn More Here


  • For now we have one main daily issue Called the Daily Dose of Poetry and Prose. Everyone can get included inside posting his posts in the Promo Channels Section. Posts Must Have #poetsunited tag. This issue is made to represent our poets work and give them that needed exposure. Every Active Poet (Role) Member has to write the Dose at least once a month...or his status as Active Poet will be removed. We do not have special requirements for the Dose It can be done in many ways as you have seen during the rotation that takes place now.

  • We have one weekly event The Dlive Poetry Curation Show on Dlive and Discord It starts at 10:00 GMT! You can find all recordings Here . The show is about Poetry and our Group. I usually read the best poems of the Week and they are going to the new 7 x 7 Edition which will be our final Curation effort each week and we will present the seven best poems from last week... Poems in that list get special bonus upvotes. I also stream all that happens in Discord and we interact with our guests in the Voice Chat Channel. I will be adding more stuff in the future months...

  • The Weekly Challenge (Most Active Members) Is ONGOING PRIZE POOL 2SBD (We Did this format for two weeks.). Now changing the prize pool. It will be 2 Steem given to the two first picks (1steem each) in the form of #steemitbasicincome enrollment program.

  • We have The SPU Contest : A special Format of Poetry Contest. Where the contestants are inspired by excerpts from our best poems from our members. We have just started it and we had great reception 700+ views on the post. More than 30 entries. And also donation support for the prize pool of 1 SBD. Link to the Contest week 1

  • The Hunt Curation . This is a way to curate new members of steemit and eventually recruit new talented poets for the community. This issue can be done by all members without limits or restrictions. Here is Last Issue for Example

  • SPU Weekly Curation 7 for 7 (Best Community Poems) Starting Soon...

  • Stay tuned we are soon to announce exiting new live event for all of our poets :)

Well That Sums Up Most of the New Stuff that we have got going on. I encourage you all to come and join us. Together we will make amazing community on steemit for poets and poetry lovers. God Bless You All. Peace and Love

Your Restless Soul

Some of the Last Issues of Poets United :
SPU - SteemBasicIncome Program Enrollment Report #1
Issue #39 by @poetsunit hosted @AngelVeselinov
Issue #37 by @poetsunit hosted @madevi
Issue #36 by @AngelVeselinov
Issue #35 by @AngelVeselinov
Issue #34 by @angelveselinov
Issue #33 by @angelveselinov
Issue #32 by @angelveselinov
Issue #31 by @warpedpoetic
Issue #30 by @madevi
Issue #29 by @angelveselinov
Issue #28 by @angelvesleinov

poetsunited footer.png

Join our Dlive shows on Friday nights 9pm CET

The biggest community for poetry and prose on Steemit!

#POETSUNITED (use it to be considered for the Daily Dose)

Join us on our Discord Server Click Here


Welcome to Steem @poetsunit.

Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.

Spend time reading Steem Blue Paper to know how Steem blockchian works and if you still have any queries ask them on our Ask me anything about Steemit post and we will try to answer that.

All the Best!!!

And there is this as well: The PoetsUnited Banner Design Contest, prize at least 5SBD! Spread far and wide!

This is a good intiative....i am soo glad to be part of this team..looking forward to more successful contest...Peace

This is very good! I´m new here and I expect to bring good venezuelan poetry!

Thanks for the update. A lot of exciting changes happening!

This is great!

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