Introducing Don't Tell Mama: My Multiple Personalities Exposed!

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

I have issues of more than one personality coming to life in this blog and I need to introduce them to you!

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One day I am rolling through slides in my memory of being trapped in a grungy apartment in Dominican Republic and the next, I am singing Justin Bieber in the kitchen while I mastermind vegan, gluten-free, processed sugar free delicacies to share with you.

What I am trying to say is there's a lot going on in this head of mine and I looooveee creating, writing and sharing it all with you! Since I am celebrating my 3 month anniversary (wahoo!), I thought we should... get a bit more intimate!

Someone recently referred to me as "insta-challenged." I didn't know what that meant but they went on to tell me that because I have so many interests (ie. different capabilities for Instagram photos), I should make multiple accounts for each.

Umm... no thank you, please.

I am sure you have noticed that it's true, I am a little bit scattered on the interest/topic front!

To be honest with you, it 🎵 'ain't my fault'! 🎵

It's my heart! She writes whatever she wants to whenever she wants to and I really don't have much to say about it! She feels and she loves so much that she is just a powerhouse of creative flow always on a mission to share her deepest desires! I have to let her run wild and free, she's a beautiful, enchanted stallion who leads me, not the other way around! (Something I fully advocate for, by the way!)

However, I know that enigmatic way can be a little confusing since it's not exactly the norm.

While I am all for getting everyone to connect with their hearts and inspiring love through many different ways and niches, I am not particularly intrigued whatsoever by making 80 different accounts for all of my heart's desires! However, I have always had these little characters which I never did properly introduce so here we are, I think it's time!:

Allow me to re-introduce myself!

Introducing (my new series): Don't Tell Mama: 'Deathbed Confessionals'

Maybe you're here because you love how I truth vomit my ultimate secrets to you, holding your hand while I drag you through uncomfortable journeys of my past. Telling you things I really should keep to myself according to our societal norms... things we really shouldn't tell mama... things that once posted, will be forever stuck on the blockchain, unable to be removed for all of time! As the aptly named title suggests, these are things that I had meant to stay unsaid...


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Confessions of a Vagabond:

Maybe you're here because you're a wanderluster, you love travel, beaches, white sands, high mountain top views, adventure and the wonder of the big globe and want to come along with me as I take you there and show you the world! (I have been traveling as a gypsy for almost 4 years... there's a lot to show you!)

Here is where I give you insight into the world beyond your comfort zone and bring you places you have always dreamed about!



Heart to Table:

Maybe you're here because you like how much your mouth salivates over my deliciously good for you (vegan, gluten-free, no processed sugars) treats. Maybe you like exploring new recipe options or are curious about eating more consciously! Food is one of my favorite passions and I believe it's the way to our souls (and inner healing!)

I've experienced an incredible change in my life through food's magical powers, let me share that with you! 😘


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Maybe you're here because you're a vegan, plant-based warrior like me, who wants to encourage to inspire dietary change!

I started a contest 5 weeks ago to encourage Steemians to post about what vegan is to them! You don't have to be vegan to enter but your entry does! This contest is an inspiring, loving community of people who are wanting to promote and encourage plant-based, vegan food and lifestyle!

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Heart of the Matter:

Maybe you're here because you are passionate about your health and want to know ways to get in tuned with your body, manage illness and unwanted symptoms, promote wellness, peace and serenity within? I provide many insights into holistic ways of healing that I have learned all over the world from a myriad of different healing modalities!


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Heart Full:

Maybe you're here because you love saving adorable puppies from trash cans, spreading love and connecting with others?
(This is one of my rescue babies!)

Maybe you really vibe with my easy to understand how to guides and explanations of difficult to understand things?

Heart Full is where I will post my workshops and collected knowledge and inspiration to share with you, with a full heart! <3

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Rewilding the Heart:

Maybe you're here to get an intimate look into nature as I get up close and personal with it. Battling my absence, fear and disconnect from the natural world as I try t re-establish the incredibly beneficial and important relationship with Mother Earth!


So my Steemian friends, that about sums my multiple personalities up (of course there are a few more that may turn up!)! I just wanted to get that all cleared up. I mean, I only recently got an Insta account (to promote Steemit) so I don't know exactly what my friend was talking about but I hope me introducing you to all of the parts of me helps us grow a little bit closer together! In any one of my personalities, the goal is still the same and that is to spread love and inspiration to all I can, shining through my passions!

Sending love today and every day! For those of you wondering, we are still just fine where I am at and the volcano is still teasing and taunting us giving signals but so far, has not erupted which is great in my books! Thanks for all of the support, kindness and love you've sent me as my nerves have been high from the alerts!

Until next time, stay tuned for tomorrow's Don't Tell Mama post!


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You are who you are, its good the way it is :)

Well thank you! I like it ;) <3 I only know how to be me so I better be that =D

Love your passion!! This is an amazing article!

Oh thank you, I am filled right up with passion and am happy to share some around! Passion is contagious! <3

Or... maybe I'm here cuz I enjoy All of your posts! 😘

Best answer ever award goes to @princessmewmew <3 Thanks so much my dear! I hope to continue that trend! =D

Stole my answer!

You're really good writing, you're born for steemit. Congratulations , otherwise I and my wife are vegetarians.

Thank you, I love writing so it's certainly a fun place for me to be :)

Awesome to hear about you and your wife! I post lots of yummy veg recipes! I hope you like them <3

You are very nice, thank you very much

:) I have to agree with @princessmewmew ! And from one all-over-the-place to another, go for it !!!

Real people have lots of interests!

I wish people wouldn't carve themselves up into convenient cubby holes for the sake of search engines and / or creating a "personal brand" !

Let your brand be multidimensional! Remember how brands use to have depth and texture? all this flat design is somewhat boring.

Exactly @marillaanne! Someone (a so-called-expert) in marketing was telling me I needed to zone in on one interest and I decided that @heart-to-heart doesn't play by the rules ;) <3

I could NEVER pick one thing to talk about, I would get bored and give up in no time!

I believe that we should all just be ourselves and let that flow through. I love reading people's passions, not what they think they are good at or necessarily what they have studied but what they love or care about!

Thanks for the support and cheerleading =D I will of course continue on my same wonky path sharing whatever comes out when I sit down ;) <3

Hi! I'm happy to choose this post for my "Care To Read "Crossword Puzzle Contest No. 4. I'm posting a link to this post in all my posts related to this contest. I hope it will send some more traffic to your post.

(BTW, anyone who read this post have an edge in participating in this contest as they have already completed some required task by reading this post 😊)

Thank you for writing awesome content!

Hi @xyzashu that sounds really cool! Thanks for including this story in your crossword! My mom would be so excited! She loves crosswords =D

You never need to thank me, the pleasure is all mine. I love having a way to express my creativity and am overjoyed that it's being enjoyed <3

WOW, that's really exciting! You can ask your mom to solve this crossword and if she's not on Steem yet, then you can submit answers on her behalf. It would be my honour to have her as a participant.

And do accept my heartiest thanks ...for I only thank where it's due 😊. You sure deserve a lot more but that's what I can offer you for now.

Happy Steeming on!

hahahahhaaa yup your crazy and I like it!

Honesty and unique expression is such a rare and beautiful thing.

Grateful to be connected with you 💖Heart To Heart💖

∞§∞Bless it be∞§∞

Hi @quinneaker <3
I found myself caught on your website the other day when I was trying to connect with you! I seriously am considering landing in the country I promised myself I would avoid to come see it in person ;) <3
I still cannot believe I was so close to you for so long and didn't know you wonderful souls were all hanging out without me!

I love that you've embraced my crazy ;) You'll see plenty of it coming up, I promise. Non-crazy is too boring for me!

I appreciate the connection and blossoming relationship as well Quinn! Sending a huge hug to the family and whole GOE community!

I can handle your crazy if you can handle my insanity ;-)>

Yes we are truly living the life, the vortex of thrival and New Paradigm Potential!

You are welcome, just let me know.


I love this idea of reintroduceyourself. From the time we join to a year later or so, we change and grow and it is so appropriate to do so! You are so awesome!

Aww thanks girl! I think it's a great idea to be reborn if you have changed (as we all do!)! Feeling stuck in a box is no fun! =D I change all the time so it's only fun to have a way to express all of me <3

You said that every well, I cannot picture you in a box! That would be a very colorful box that everyone would want to visit

It would for sure be a rainbow box or I would demand a refund ;) <3

Here for the truth vomit!

You are a winner my friend @sostrin, because that happens plenty over here! ;) Will be more tonight/today depending on time zone <3

I feel the same way! I've tried combining many interests (books and travel and fitness and adventure and photography and writing) into one super-specific niche but have yet to figure out the best way to do it, and it totally neglects some of my other interests (like programming and baking and video games and piano). I like your way of breaking it up into multiple series!

Hahaha maybe we're just too creative @therovingreader ;)

Some people really struggle to have one thing to talk about you know, and here we are having a seizure trying to fit it into one interest profile :P

It's all a learning process, I know that specific niches are effective from marking but I just couldn't be bothered with all that :P I feel like you and I have similar interests, maybe we should split them up, that way we can conquer them together <3

We do have a lot of interest-overlap! I can understand why people develop an "internet persona", but I'm glad you're not sacrificing in sharing your true self.

<3 Thank you! I hope you stay true to your interests as well! We don't need to be caged in! =D

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