in #humor7 years ago

What happens to a person when they are consumed by STEEMIT, and live, eat, and breathe STEEM 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?

They become a 24/7 STEEMHead, viewing every detail of their life through the lens of how it can be applied to steemit.

This is a story from the life of one such individual, a 24/7 STEEMHead.

For those of you who do not already know, my “24/7 STEEMHead” posts are creative and funny posts that many steemians should be able to relate to. Some of them are a lot of fun, so if you enjoy a good humorous read, check them out. I’ve linked the previous posts at the bottom of this one.


It started off like any day for the 24/7 STEEMHead. The past few hours had been wasted due to a persistent little pest called sleep. Who’s got time to fall over unconscious for a few hours every day? Certainly not this STEEMhead! After all, he’s not the 19/7 STEEMHead!

No, steemit sleeps for no one, and every hour slept is another one forever lost while the blockchain pressed on without you. Time to make up for lost hours!

The 24/7 STEEMHead had a brilliant idea. Due to the recent trend of increasing payouts for #animals posts, he was out to photograph the rarest of all the animals. Knowing where a few rare creatures had been seen lately, he drove just over the speed limit to make up for lost time as he proceeded towards his destination. Hopefully, he’d soon be face to face with the “No-Haired Terror Chicken” and the “Bleached Tree Rat.”

Although he had seen a few photos of the No-Haired Terror Chicken posted by others on steemit, he was pretty sure that no one had located and photographed the Bleached Tree Rat yet. If he could successfully photograph both with stunning, original photos and include them in the same post, he was pretty sure that he would undoubtedly become the Content King, and hit the top of the trending page, if only for a day.

Obviously, there was only one way to find out!

The No-Haired Terror Chicken!

Soon, the 24/7 STEEMHead was at a local lake, where the No-Haired Terror Chicken had recently been spotted. A dead fish carcass was down the beach a bit, which would be perfect “bait” for his prey today. Before too long, one swooped down.

First things first! To prove the originality of his work, the 24/7 STEEMHead tried taking a selfie with the creature in the background to get started. Sure, it was a ways off in the background, but it was still proof.

He only got off one quick snap of the camera before the beast took notice. The creature saw the motion as the 24/7 STEEMHead had spun around after the selfie. Frantically clicking the camera, the 24/7 STEEMHead managed to scare the beast off almost as quickly as it had landed. Click! Click! Click!

Nooooooooo! What was happening?!?!?! This was going to be much tougher than he had thought. Why does steemit always have to be so difficult? As if world full of creative and talented people to interact with and try to stick out and get noticed from within the midst of wasn’t tough enough, now the No-Haired Terror Chicken wouldn’t sit still.

At least he still had the Bleached Tree Rat to try to find, but that required taking another drive. Man! Today was already slipping away. Four and a half hours wasted by that stupid sleep and now a failed attempt at the No-Haired Terror Chicken followed by a half hour drive to try to find the next animal.

An Amazing Second Chance!

Speeding along to try to make up time like he always does, the 24/7 STEEMHead almost missed it! Right there off to the side of the road was another No-Haired Terror Chicken! Yes! Now he had another chance to try to get an amazing photograph for steemit.

Driving and taking photos was proving to be more difficult than the 24/7 STEEMHead had anticipated. He thought that perhaps if he drove the same speed as the No-Haired Terror Chicken, then he could capture clean, crisp photos that would make National Geographic jealous.

Again and again he tried. He just had to become the Content King. This was his best chance. For photo after photo he tried, but this seemed to be the best he could do.

Hanging his head in disgrace, he knew that he had blew it once again. Even with and amazing second chance coming out of nowhere, it still wasn’t enough. This Bleached Tree Rat had better work out for him, or his STEEM dreams may never come true.

The Bleached Tree Rat!

The 24/7 STEEMHead parked once again and exited his car. An old friend had saw a Bleached Tree Rat in this area just days before. The photos that his friend had taken were amazing, and it looked like this was going to be much easier. Unfortunately, the friend was not a steemian, and had just posted the photos for free on Facebook! LOL! What a loser!

Oh well, their loss was going to be his gain, for now the 24/7 STEEMHead could be the first steemian to capture the beast on film, and to get fat paid for it. Aiming on the low end, the 24/7 STEEMHead guessed that the photos would bring in about $700 - $800, he just had to take them first.

Sure enough, just down the block hiding in the bushes was a Bleached Tree Rat! Click! Click! The 24/7 STEEMHead got to work.

Oh no! It spooked! Quickly it ran up the nearest tree, so quickly he tried for more photos. These things are rare; he just had to get a good photo. At least one!

With no time even to take the proof selfie the 24/7 STEEMHead tried his hardest. Click after click seemed wasted as the beast ran faster and farther, until it was gone. Stoopid Bleached Tree Rat!

Not wanting to give up just yet, the 24/7 STEEMHead pulled out his phone and began commenting and curating again. Perhaps tomorrow he would become the Content King…

el fin

To read the other hilarious posts in this series, click the links below:

Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with

GIF provided by @malos10



Hello @papa-pepper,you are very creative, your every article is full of entertainment, joy and creativity, you have natural skills to do every thing best. all the live pics you taken are awesome, keep it up.

Thanks @rabeel! It's encouraging to hear!

Ha! Those pictures were actually pretty good though. Glad you've found an outlet for all that creativity you have here on Steemit! :)

Yeah, it is nice to have an outlet. Also, this time I tried to choose the worst photos rather than the best for my post. That Bleached Tree Rat lives over by Sampson Street in your town if you want to try to get some good ones!

Yes, I have seen them here and there...never got a pic of one though lol


Okay @papa-pepper
You've made me do it!!!

I am powering down

(for this weekend).

Really though, most of us can glean some wisdom from this post! Thanks for speaking wisdom into this 10/7 STEEMHead wannabe!!!

This post is my response.

This was me yesterday. I saw a hawk (or something hawkish, IDK) chilling on the side of the sidewalk... I kept an eye on it cuz I had to walk by, and that thing could fuck me up... then it flies into the sky and I realize it's got a dead squirrel in its talons, that bird killed the fuck out of that thing.

I wasn't even close to fast enough to snap a photo... and in that moment, I became the SteemHead. It was epic to behold though.

Cool experience... if only you had some photographic evidence to prove it...

Maybe next time man!

Hey, @papa-pepper! Very cute and funny post. There might even be a moral in there too. lol Love the photos...just a that a light grey squirrel or actually a white/albino squirrel? There is one town in Canada that is known for it popultion of albino squirrels...

Albino Squirrel in a town in central Wiscosin. There has been a population there at least since I was a boy.

OO! It's so funny! But at some point everyone can learn! The truth is that deep down each of us wants to earn some money. Even when we enjoy the fellowship here, even when we learn new and interesting information. Still inside there is this feeling that I want to make money. Anyway, in today's world with money to live more interesting - you can travel, to implement many of the plans to grow in creativity. I don't hide that want to earn here the amount of needed to purchase a good camera. After photo - this is my dream, my dream is to learn to do high quality photography, open photo booth in my village. But still you are right, you should not turn your life into the race for reward 24/7.

Good! I am glad that you understand. My main goals with this post were two.

  1. Enjoy life and don't be consumed by steemit.
  2. Have fun, even photos of low quality can still be used for a post, right?

I fully agreed, despite I feel like i should sacrifice a bit of my "life enjoying" in this steemit beginning of mine I'm doing that focusing on building a way of being able to enjoy way more life using the fruits of this life "sacrificed" or better saying fully invested on steemit. But since one do already have to tools for that I fully agreed, living our life in having great and remarkable experiences are a great focus to have in life =)

Investing it wisely is key, even with time!

are you on or discord yet?

Sure! I'm on both of then
steemchat : andyluy
discord: andyluy#0899

I even created a server on discord to the decentralized translation project. here is an Invite for you, you'll be widely welcome in there =)

Yes, that's for sure. All the necessary balance. Photos - Yes! With my 5 pixels I even won a contest. There is a saying: the Photographer need good shoes more than a good camera. And so it is. (But still the camera to have would be good!)And fun certainly need to obtain from any classes in which we are engaged. If your occupation does not bring happiness, so it's not your occupation.

Great post. All photos or proof of retrieval. success is always for you @papa-pepper

Very funny, this is the first time i've read your humor posts. Nice writing there. Cheers! :)

A few of the other ones are a real riot. You should check out Episode 5!

I'll! Followed now! Cheers!

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