WINNERS, WINNERS EVERY Where Here: 6 Qurator Winners & Seed Exchange Winner ALL Announced

Banner by @mrlightning

Winners Galore Today From The Golden D Homestead

Last week I was busy being a Stewards Of Gondor and spreading the steemit love in my posts; well now today I start paying up and rewarding those who chose to enter my #qurator2018 challenge AND award one winner some cayenne peppers and lavender seeds for his or her garden next season.

So let's get on with the announcements!

Homesteadersonline Seed Exchange Giveaway

Homesteadersonline Seed Exchange winner is @squishysquid

Every week, usually on Monday, we have a seed exchange through the homesteadersonline Discord community and each week, a name is randomly drawn to receive what the seed of the week is.


This week's seeds

So I need @squishysquid to contact me through Discord messaging to claim her winnings! CONGRATULATIONS!!

Watch tomorrow when I post the newest seed exchange giveaway!


REMINDER- Memberships will be PAID for upon @qurator moderator's approval

Not only will you have to be approved by me here, but then I will turn your names over to qurator to get approved by the accounts' moderators. Once you are approved, I will PAY for your registration to become a qurator member. This is a one-time registration fee of either 2sbd's or 2 steems each

So onto the winners' names and their posts, in no particular order.

I’ve experienced and observed many benifits from Steemit, but three really stand out.
I share what I’m excited about, and I get excited feedback.
I have the opportunity to offer excitement for what others share.
There is a treasure trove of information and advise offered and received on Steemit.

The only factors that limit my opportunity to share experiences and excitement, mine and that of others, are the number of eyes reading my posts and the number of posts I read.

Once I joined Steemit and stumbled onto this lovely community of homesteaders I haven't had interest to participate in those other platforms because it became abundantly clear that I needed to search no more.
Becoming a member of Qurator would allow me to network on a grander scale with people who are participating in this community, or would like to be but aren't familiar with it yet. Membership would allow me to have a bigger audience, spread the word, and have a greater impact when upvoting these well crafted posts

I am human like most and as a human I am motivated by reward. On a homestead, the reward of a completed project and the satisfaction one gets from it is more than enough to keep me going. On a platform like Steemit, the number of upvotes and the amount of monetary rewards one gets is a major motivating factor. There certainly is a sense of fellowship that one gets when finding a great niche as we have found in the homesteading community. This can also keep one coming back but sometimes it is not enough. This is where @qurator comes into play. Without proper support and exposure the numbers are stacked against us "minnows" to be discovered and therefor reward for our work is not guaranteed

Now in 2018, I have a new opportunity! I can feel the STEEM movement inside of me - inside of so many of us - growing and expanding. I feel the questions that are developing: what can be done to nourish this? To help promote the best content? To give back to this community that loves sharing so much?
By being a member of qurator I can give back to a support system that has already given so much. My visibility, status and reputation will grow in relation to the community. I will grow as a person. Our homestead will grow - and flourish

To do a job well one must have a passion for the job. Those without passion might perform adequately but those with passion will love their work and it will show. But passion alone isn’t sufficient. One must have the requisite skills too
But frankly, as a lowly plankton/minnow the only way one can begin to contribute is to curate. Even then a $0.02 vote means virtually nothing much beyond the thought itself. So we try our best to increase that vest. But Steemit is a popularity platform and I’m not real good at popularity contests. Quality yes, popular, not so much! I’ll leave it in your very capable hands to judge if I possess these skills

With the number of posts to Steemit growing exponentially expanding my audience, being noticed, and rewarded for my efforts is increasingly difficult. I spend hours taking detailed pictures and manipulating them for presentation, all to represent the subject matter I am discussing. I also spend time writing, reviewing and editing the narrative for each post. My goal for each post is to make it interesting, both visually and intellectually, and to provide working instructions that can be easily understood and followed to success.

A membership in qurator2018 would be a benefit to me as I would have a specific audience who shares my interests and passions. It would also allow me to focus my parameters for reading relevant posts without having to search through the thousands of daily posts.


Join Link:
Community Link:


Thanks for what you are doing, I've included you here and I've won 30 STEEMS , I hope you will like it. ☺

how much good news can anyone handle so early in the morning?! honey, you are just magic! thank you so much for the time you out into this. what a pillar of inspiration & support you are, along with so many others herr.


Told ya to check it out!!! CONGRATULATIONS!

Yay!!! Congratulations @twinislandflames!!

yeee-haw! :) LOL

I feel so lame for knowing all of you but not really knowing all of you! I can barely keep up with all the cool stuff you are doing and now this?! Really cool! I'll have to try to make it to the discord more often.

How do you all keep yourselves so organized and on point here. I feel like I kind of mosey around but you seem to have goals and dreams for where you're going with all your steemit connections, groups, and organizations you are a part of.

Maybe it's random but I'd love to hear more about how you navigate steemit and what you use it to achieve for yourself. And what being part of a community here achieves for you rather than being a lone wolf. I guess I kind of feel like a lone wolf sometimes...

How do you all keep yourselves so organized and on point here.

For me... I was an admin assistant for YEARS and it trained me well. Plus my parents and grandma always instilled in me the need for organization. (Maybe that's how I became OCD- lol)

But it's just me... I keep a fairly tight schedule with some free or down time for fun aspects of steemit, but... yeah... I am a multi-tasker at heart

Catch me over in Discord @jayjayjeffery... the homesteadersonline group is doing a mentoring program and I'm one of the mentors and this is the kind of thing I help with...

Maybe it's random but I'd love to hear more about how you navigate steemit and what you use it to achieve for yourself

I'm very new here so Im not incredibly organized yet. Definitely don't understand steemit much yet. There are ways to autovote, follow and post which ive been trying to setup but those sites are having issues right now. I can check in and out on steemit with my cell but it's very hard to do more than comments and votes. I can't get on a computer everyday. So I'm hoping to get those autoposts entered so as to keep consistent. Streemian and steemauto are the two I Know of. I've been reading a lot of steemit tutorials I'm finding in the search menu at the top, trying to learn markup formatting, and generally being friendly/networking. I certainly don't have it figured out but these are what I'm doing at the moment.

Well you're doing pretty well. I think if you've got good content and are consistent then good things will come your way here... At least that's what I've learned so far. ( :
Guess we've both gotta get on that Discord and keep learning!

Whew wee! Thank you @goldendawne for the opportunity! Hopefully @qurator says yes! Hey look @twinislandflames, we're twinsies. Or wait...sextuplets. congrats also @katedansyng, @yulem, & @johnpetrich, & @powellx5

we're one big happy, productive, resourceful family with dirt under our nails & chicken shit in our hair. who could ask for anything more?

Hah! Well my mom wants cows

cows are not such a bad thing to ask for :D LOL

Hehe that's what she says!!

AWESOME! I feel so honored to be a part of this wonderful selection of applicants! Congratulations all and thank you so much @goldendawn!!! The inspiration and excitement is swelling inside of me!!!! Yay!!! Here are my well wishes to all in getting the final approval 🌟

lol- congratulations!!! Your name is on the qurator members' list and you shall reap the benefits!!!

Congratulations to @phedizzle, @jonpetrich, @twinislandflames, @yulem and @katedansyng!

I'm jazzed to in such excellent company!

your names have all been turned into qurator for approval- just have to wait now

fingers and eyes and toes crossed for us all!

Keeping my fingers crossed! 😀

@goldendawn, Health issues have kept me off the computer until tonight. Thank you so very much for choosing my name. I have not heard from Qurator, but deem it a privilege to have been nominated. Again, Thank You.

You're welcome!! Your name is now on the qurator list of members!

Congrats all my homestead friends

Heading over to discord now to try and get with yoU!
I still find discord confusing, so bear with me.
Can't wait to get planting!!!

@goldendawne you are doing a great job at building up this community. Thank you :)

You're welcome!!! I 100% enjoy all I do and have never felt more accomplished with my writing and contributions as I have here on steemit!

Thank you @goldendawn.
Congratulations to @phedizzle, @jonpetrich, @twinislandflames and @katedansyng!

Sorry for the delay but I was at a property with no Internet. I was playing in the dirt!

PS - I'm pretty much male in gender but I'm more than OK with the occasional female pronoun. Who can tell when we're all bundled up in our avatars anyway?

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