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RE: WINNERS, WINNERS EVERY Where Here: 6 Qurator Winners & Seed Exchange Winner ALL Announced

I feel so lame for knowing all of you but not really knowing all of you! I can barely keep up with all the cool stuff you are doing and now this?! Really cool! I'll have to try to make it to the discord more often.

How do you all keep yourselves so organized and on point here. I feel like I kind of mosey around but you seem to have goals and dreams for where you're going with all your steemit connections, groups, and organizations you are a part of.

Maybe it's random but I'd love to hear more about how you navigate steemit and what you use it to achieve for yourself. And what being part of a community here achieves for you rather than being a lone wolf. I guess I kind of feel like a lone wolf sometimes...


How do you all keep yourselves so organized and on point here.

For me... I was an admin assistant for YEARS and it trained me well. Plus my parents and grandma always instilled in me the need for organization. (Maybe that's how I became OCD- lol)

But it's just me... I keep a fairly tight schedule with some free or down time for fun aspects of steemit, but... yeah... I am a multi-tasker at heart

Catch me over in Discord @jayjayjeffery... the homesteadersonline group is doing a mentoring program and I'm one of the mentors and this is the kind of thing I help with...

Maybe it's random but I'd love to hear more about how you navigate steemit and what you use it to achieve for yourself

I'm very new here so Im not incredibly organized yet. Definitely don't understand steemit much yet. There are ways to autovote, follow and post which ive been trying to setup but those sites are having issues right now. I can check in and out on steemit with my cell but it's very hard to do more than comments and votes. I can't get on a computer everyday. So I'm hoping to get those autoposts entered so as to keep consistent. Streemian and steemauto are the two I Know of. I've been reading a lot of steemit tutorials I'm finding in the search menu at the top, trying to learn markup formatting, and generally being friendly/networking. I certainly don't have it figured out but these are what I'm doing at the moment.

Well you're doing pretty well. I think if you've got good content and are consistent then good things will come your way here... At least that's what I've learned so far. ( :
Guess we've both gotta get on that Discord and keep learning!

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