🗓️ Happy New Year!

in WORLD OF XPILAR8 months ago

Once again, it's been a long time since my last post announcing the reincarnation of my Steemit Interface. In the aftermath of that post, I fixed some stuff, improved some stuff and added new stuff but it was so long ago now that I can't remember what I did. I've also started working on adding communities which has started well before being put on hold for Christmas festivities. Hopefully it won't be too long before I can share it with you all!

I won't repeat my feelings about Christmas having covered the topic last year, other than to say it feels like it becomes increasingly stressful with each year that passes. I've had time to keep an eye on my notifications, despite having not replied to anybody... I do notice and appreciate them all.

To @event-horizon who said:

I wonder what he's upto, it's not the same without him here. He sets the mood of the chain.

Thank you - although over Christmas, my life is not my own so you definitely won't want me setting the mood!

My mood's not improved into the New Year... yet. Money's becoming more of a problem with our mortgage increasing by 50% on 1st January and car insurance nearly doubling because of the high number of uninsured drivers. Which seems somewhat ironic to me - the cost of car insurance doubling because people can't afford to insure their cars. This, on top of the trebling of energy bills and doubling of food prices.

In addition to the financial strain, the-mrs-gorilla and I can't go a day without screaming wildly at our kids... which probably says more about us than them.

Don't touch that...

DON'T touch that...


Oh for fuck sake... I wish you'd listen.

It's a New Year... a chance to start afresh so let's see what we can do...

I don't feel like I've said much. I've been sat here for a little while and all that I can think of writing about is moaning about things (mostly the kids). Which has reminded me of a little anecdote which I'll finish with... which pretty much sums up my daily life at the moment...

On 26th November, it was the-5yo-gorilla's school Christmas Fayre which the-mrs-gorilla decided to volunteer to help with. It was very nice of her to volunteer but now on her 3rd extension for her overdue assignment (she's studying for an MA), it was a poor decision.

As we were about to help tidy up, I sat the-2yo-gorilla down to watch The Snowman on a small TV that had been set up on a chair in the corner. It was a nice idea to set this up (it was in the queue for Santa's grotto) although putting it on a swivel chair wasn't the smartest move. It didn't take long for the-2yo-gorilla to start spinning the chair around... with TV plugged into the wall socket.

I tried to get his attention...


I shout in his direction, uncaring about who else might be in the room.

The entire room stops and looks at me. Half a dozen children with a few parents... wondering where the danger might be. The entire room that is, apart from one 2 year old boy. Intent upon spinning the swivel chair with a TV on it, the shouting parent merely background noise to his daily life.


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 8 months ago (edited)

Happy New Year Mate

when my kids were younger there was times that i wanted to bury them in the backyard, however after digging the hole i had calmed down 😁- i know its not easy.

As for the rising cost of everything i hear my Bro.

Oh and there is nothing wrong with a good moan about things.

 8 months ago 

when my kids were younger there was times that i wanted to bury them in the backyard, however after digging the hole i had calmed down 😁- i know its not easy.

What did you do with the hole? You can't leave it because the next time you wanted to bury them, there was no prep work 😆 Before Christmas, I got so cross that I opened the front door and yelled at them both to get out of the house. I'm not coping very well.

As for the rising cost of everything i hear my Bro.

I've just seen that the bastard banks waited until today to lower their rates, knowing that loads of people needed to switch on 1st January. I don't want to work out how much money that would have saved us. I feel sick.

 8 months ago 

Filled the hole back up in case Cat ..i mean the kids from falling in

 8 months ago 

Better safe than sorry...


 8 months ago 

Maybe it will get better for you (it usually helps for me), but for some, the situation is even worse 😆

 8 months ago 

Sometimes it's easy not to think that things will be ok... especially when tired. But it'll be ok 🙂

Oops. Okay. What can I say? Ah!
I wish you and your family a happy new year from the bottom of my heart! If it won't be good, it will be different - and that's good, too... ;-)
And I'm giving you a virtual hug - a really, really big one!

 8 months ago 

Thank you 🙂 It'll be ok, I just needed a mental reset and an idea of how I can make things feel better... even if I can't change the situation!

You're not the superstitious type, are you...? Otherwise it would be a problem with the seven years of bad luck (which follow a broken mirror ;-)))

All the best for you in the New Year!

 8 months ago 

Thank you... I don't think I'm superstitious although there might be some lurking in my subconscious somewhere 🤔

 8 months ago 

In addition to the financial strain, the-mrs-gorilla and I can't go a day without screaming wildly at our kids... which probably says more about us than them.

I really feel you. Sometimes, I wonder that rich and super rich people don't have to worry about things getting spoiled or destroyed by kids; it ain't much of a problem for them as it is for us. Now that my kids are a little grown up, the shouting has become less. There was a time when I was constantly on my toes, watching these little bombardiers and saving things. I have shouted in shopping malls without caring much about the turning heads and piercing glares. They would throw the most horrific tantrums in public places!

When I tell you this from my own experience, this too shall pass. And in the blink of an eye, you won't be worrying about these things. Kids definitely sense our fears and apprehensions and sometimes act out. I would say, just let go sometimes. Don't overstress and over worry. Let them run wild from time to time. (I had a hard time practicing that, but it always works).

I hope your financial troubles and worries become less in 2024. I think, everyone out there from our class is facing the effects of inflation. But I guess we will survive. We are a bunch of resilient people!!!

Wish you a peaceful year ahead.

 8 months ago 

Let them run wild from time to time. (I had a hard time practicing that, but it always works).

Whenever I try that, they reach levels of stupidity that I didn't think were possible. It was also my approach when we made our trip to hospital so I'm hesitant to tread that path again!

Things will be OK. Sometimes it's easy to forget that!

 8 months ago 

Boys will be boys, I guess...
Mine's after two daughters, so he is still figuring out ways to reach the "said" level of stupidity!
He has his own ways for giving me headaches.

He channels most of his energy into playing golf and trying to compete with his dad for ice cream favours.

Hang in there, it will be alright!

Uh-oh ! I can't tell you if things will get better this year. Inflation might, kids definitely won't, for another 10-15 years.

 8 months ago 

kids definitely won't, for another 10-15 years.

Your words are so comforting 😆

giphy (3).gif

Hi @the-gorilla, the financial situation in UK is getting more and more tougher, we are glad that we have fixed mortgage for the next I believe two years, and car insurance is due to be renewed in March who knows what surprised are waiting for us. Therefore, I understand your mood very well, unfortunately our children are getting some of that temper too. But that is life, they still know that we love them. Hope it will get better at least a bit :)

 8 months ago 

The mortgage is particularly frustrating... the banks waited until the 2nd / 3rd January to announce significant rate reductions in full knowledge that lots of people switched on 1st January (including me). I find it difficult to accept the unnecessary greed of others 😡

Man, these rising costs are hitting us hard in Sri Lanka too. Vegetable prices shot up by a whopping 300% within a week. The government is pushing for more taxes, and everything's seems going downhill this year. With the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflicts, this crisis is getting even worse. I'm not sure if we're in for a happy new year. However, there's a father to be news also coming in from my better half! 😵

 8 months ago 

However, there's a father to be news also coming in from my better half! 😵


Will he/she be your first child?

First one 😊

 8 months ago 

The easy one 😉 Although, it will never feel easy!

I guess there were no easy times at all in that experience, I'm already feeling the heat. My grandmother had seven children, and I have no idea how they managed it! 😵

 8 months ago (edited)

My grandmother had seven children, and I have no idea how they managed it! 😵

I think that with the 3rd child (and beyond), you accept that children are stupid and will do stupid things... there's nothing you can do to prevent it so why bother trying 🤣 With the first 2, you're clinging on to some hope


 8 months ago 

Congratulations 🎉

Thank you! 😊

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