Steemit Engagement Challenge S5-W1 // My family Steemians

in Scouts y sus Amigos2 years ago


edit by picsart

Hi all friends, without realizing that the day goes by so quickly, every day we all spend time with family, friends, girlfriends and other closest people, and on this occasion, our community chose a quite unique theme, namely my family steemians, where we can share directly what we feel while knowing them

Here are some of the points that are questionable in this context, and I will answer them all in my later explanation

  • How long have you known each other and how did you interact?

  • Have you ever met in person or are planning

  • Apart from Steemit, have you ever interacted via any other network, please let us know.

  • What made you bond with that user, what qualities did you highlight in that person

And here is my explanation, at the same time I invite all the names that I mention below

Me and @itikna09

The first is @itikna09, he is the one who introduced #steemitblog to me, I knew him a few years ago, he is a friend, mentor, and someone who continues to encourage me all this time

Almost every day, I always meet him, because we happen to be neighbors, so whatever I don't understand about steemit, he's the first person I meet to ask questions, it's really nice to have a friend like him isn't it, what a fortune

me @itikna09 & @radjasalman

Who doesn't know this one steemians character, he is @radjasalman, a cr, and a senior who is already well known by steemians, at the time I was just learning on this platform, he was the one who guided me in all things basic, good way of writing, and so on

I have known him since I registered on the platform, and have met him once, actually I want to chat with him more often, but time is the main problem, however, I also often greet him via WA

Screenshot of @patjewell profile

Hemmp, there are no words that can convey to all of our mothers, @patjewell I will just say thank you very much for the knowledge and encouragement that you have given me, especially to all of us, there is no one in steemit who doesn't know you, even you are willing to form a wa group just to educate and guide us to the right path on this platform, your heart is really very noble ma'am, I will always remember your services


My next family of steemians is Mr. @harferri, he is the founder of the #steempreneurs community, which I have been active in all this time.

In terms of steemit, there are many people who have contributed to me, he is one of them, I knew him a few months ago, and had coffee with him, but unfortunately there were no photos at that moment, I also still often communicate with him either through comments or wa,

He is a friendly person, easy to talk to and willing to give me the direction I need, and also he has always supported me all this time so that I keep my enthusiasm for creating quality content, thank you sir🙏


Mr @f2i5, me & @itikna09

This is the moment where I chatted with Mr. @f2i5, where he is also one of the cr and high-ranking officers of the steementrepreneurs community, almost the same as the others, I also get a lot of knowledge from him

Isn't science expensive, I'm very grateful to know, and talk directly to steemit figures, and of course I get knowledge for free

My acquaintance with him was also a few months ago, I also have his wa contact, who I can contact whenever I want



As I said before, there are so many people who have contributed to me, @fantvwiki is also one of them, I have known him for the last few months, even though I have never met him, he always gives me direction and encouragement through our chat on wa,

In every post, I always feel motivated, and always consider it a motivator for me


Well, this is my friend from abroad, @rmm31 is the one who first invited me to join this community, we have a little in common in the field of photography, I'm very happy to be able to share with him, even though I just met him a while ago, we very often communicate through comments, and visit each other's posts, success is always for you sir, and thank you for all this time


It's incomplete if something is without a joke, now this is my real friend @ikwal, who is the most passionate steemians I've ever known, I like to share jokes with him, and hope one day I can drink coffee with him,

Through this article, I invite you specifically to take part in this contest my brother @ikwal, and I also hope that we will be successful here like other steemians

I think there are so many families on this platform, and it may take two days to mention their names, actually I also have several other steemians families, such as @sailawana, @childa and several others, but for now that's all I can do I tell you all

  • Conclusion
For all the people whose names I mentioned above, THANK YOU SO MUCH for what you have given me so far, apart from that I don't know what else to say, only prayers from me, may success always be with you family my steemians

That's all, thanks for everything and see you later

Thank you 🙏< /center>

 2 years ago 

What a great honor to be mentioned! I could not help but to get all teary when I read your post.
It was a huge pleasure helping you. I can advice but in the end it is up to the person to act. You have acted and for that I salute you.

May success also always be with you my friend.
I will support you... always!

Thank you very much ma'am, you don't have to shed tears for a disciple, they should have done their duty and you deserve the prayers of all of us,

Good people will always have the best people, as well as the replies you receive from your good nature, we just need encouragement here ma'am, nothing else, support is a bonus, I always say that

The best writers do not expect rewards for their writing, being able to share, motivate and support each other is the main goal

Glad to get to know you ma'am🙏🙏🙏

Tiene usted una gran familia hermano.

Que bueno que con varios tiene la fortuna de conocerse en persona, espero también que pueda conocer a los demás, el amigo rmm31 es una tremenda persona, así como los demás miembros de tu familia.

Bendiciones amigo, fue un placer leerle

Thank you for visiting

Yes I have great people, very lucky to know them, and greetings also to you🙏

 2 years ago 

Te me haz adelantado hermano! Porque también formarás parte de esa familias de Steemians a quienes estimo y respeto mucho. Las barreras que pueden existir entre países por el idioma, se han roto gracias a la tecnología. Ahora podemos traducir los mensajes e interactuar cómodamente.

Esto es lo que ha permitido que entre extranjeros se cree una buena afinidad!

Éxito para ti también hermano Indonesio.


Yes, this is the real benefit of technology, uniting fraternities, so there is no longer a term of discrimination just because of different skins

Thank you for visiting, it means a lot to me

Wah, ternyata foto saya juga nongol disana he he, terimakasih sudah menjadi sahabat terbaik saya di Steemit dan Dunia Nyata. Semoga beruntung kawan !

Terima kasih banyak atas kunjungannya pak🙏

 2 years ago 

@chopper46 realmente me alegra que hayas contado con la orientación y apoyo de grandes e influyentes Steemian en tu proceso de crecimiento dentro de la plataforma. Son muchas las personas que tienen una gran disposición a enseñar, ayudar y compartir sus conocimientos y experiencias.

Sin duda alguna con el tiempo y a través del contenido que se comparte podemos conocer y crear ese vinculo de familiaridad con otras personas, incluso de otros países, porque en Steemit no existen los limites.

Club1001/1 punto
Steemexclusive1/1 punto
No plagio1/1 punto
No bots1/1 punto
Markdown1.5 /2 puntos
Contenido3/4 puntos
Total8.5/10 puntos
Fecha de Verificación13/10/2022

Le recomendamos a interactuar con los demás usuarios que participan en este reto, visitando sus publicaciones y haciendo sus respectivos comentarios.


Banner ahumadaliliana29(3).gif

Yes I agree with what you said, steemit has no restrictions

Thanks for the response and verification🙏

Senang melihat anda memiliki banyak kenalan dan menjadi keluarga besar di Steemit, semua yang ada di sini dan siapa pun dia yang telah banyak mendorong perkembangan Komunitas Steemit adalah teman, sahabat dan juga keluarga. Sukses dalam kontes bang Chopper, ini postingan yang sangat bagus...

Terima kasih atas kunjungannya pak @fantvwiki, saya senang anda menyukainya🙏

 2 years ago 

postingan yang sangat bagus, kekeluargaan memang sangat penting kita pertahankan dalam segala hal, apalagi di steemit ini, semoga sukses bang, Terimakasih sudah menyertakan foto saya di atas 😁

Terima kasih, saya tunggu entri anda untuk kontes ini, dan semoga troh syahra🤣

 2 years ago 

Amin 😁

Gaskan aju, bek lee peu bree, han ek di lee ayam penyet musem Challenge 😂, suah tajok pu laen

 2 years ago 

beutoi nyan, akan ta gas sit 😁


You shared good post and it was pleasure to meet another steemit family through your post. These persons are deserving to get added in your post. Hardworking persons and amazing users of platform.

Thank you for visiting friends, they are indeed wonderful people, Very lucky to be able to get to know them a little more closely

Kita semua steemian bersaudara ya..saling support dan saling berbagi inspirasi..senang bisa mengenal @chopper46 smoga nanti bisa kopdar kita ya

Terima kasih buk🙏😊

Kopdar itu apa😅

Kopdar=kopi darat =meet up =ketemu langsung

Oh ya ya yaa, peugot agenda ju sboh bakar2 ikan asen😂

Tanpa di sadari platform steemit sudah membangun silaturahmi yang mantap sukses selalu teman semoga hari mu menyenangkan

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