Contest - My Proposal to Eliminate Plagiarism Spread by AI Bots

in Hindwhale Communitylast year (edited)

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AI, AI, and AI...... Oh my god, everyone is talking about AI. 😄I have been observing a heated debate on Steemit about ChatGpt for quite a few days now. In my opinion, the credit for this goes to my friend @jesusjacr, who came up with the idea that AI-generated content is being produced on Steemit, and some people are taking advantage of this.

Link to the Post by jesusjacr

Now, let me explain the background of this post. A few days ago, a user tagged me and some others, including @patjewell, @damithudaya, @weisser-rabe, @dove11, and @jesusjacr, in his promotional post for an Amazon Kindle book. We gave him appreciative feedback, but Jesusjacr suspected that ChatGpt was used in writing that book, so he created this post about “Chat GPT in STEEM”.

AI Bots and Blogging Industry

If AI bots are used in an ethical way, they can be beneficial, but this is a technology that can be easily manipulated. AI bots can be very helpful in language translation. In addition, if you want to write on a topic, you can generate an outline with their help, which can be very helpful for you in writing an article. 😎Some people may not agree with this, but my personal opinion is that you cannot completely reject this AI technology because it is the future where it can be manipulated but also has many benefits. I have already mentioned this in my previous comment on a post.

It is important that we adapt to these new technologies in a way that allows us to benefit from them while also preserving the things that make us human, such as our creativity and originality. Perhaps the key is to find a balance between using machines as tools and relying on our own abilities to create and innovate. Thank you for sharing your insights on this important topic.


Can AI Bots replace bloggers?

In my opinion, if you are a good blogger, AI bots can never replace you. However, if you use them ethically, 😊 they can be a significant time-saver for you. But do try to use these AI bots sparingly because they may have an impact on your creativity.

How Can we detect the text generated by ChatGPT?

I am happy 🙂to know that some communities like STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE have already started the verification of AI content, and I would like the Steemit team to take this seriously and make it mandatory for every community to have proper verification of AI content. As for tools, in my opinion, these three tools can be quite helpful if they are used properly and with a little bit of critical thinking.

  1. GPT-2 Output Detector Demo

  2. Copyleaks - AI Content Detector

  3. Corrector App - AI Content Detector

Before this, another tool called GPT Zero had come to my attention, but after testing it, I have come to the conclusion that this tool is not reliable. Sometimes, it gives such fake results that you will start laughing. I have already discussed this tool in detail with @simonnwigwe on Discord. If you want to know why this tool is not reliable, you can look at these screenshots😁.



Screenshot of my comment


GPT 2 output detector.PNG

Result shown by GPT-2 Output Detector Demo



Result shown by Copyleaks AI detector



Result shown by Corrector app AI detector


GPT zero.PNG

Result shown by GPT Zero 😆


My Suggestion

My suggestion is to form a separate team whose sole responsibility is to detect and report AI-generated content on Steemit. Although this is a tricky business and it takes time, you cannot simply accuse a user of producing ChatGPT's content based on the result of a single detector. They may be a good writer, and these tools are not 💯% reliable. However, there is still a pattern to AI-generated content, and if you read a few articles produced by AI, you can easily get an idea of what it looks like. Another tip is to check the comment pattern of suspected users. Some people write excellent articles in English, but make grammar mistakes in their comments. Also, some people write long, generic feedback on articles, which may have been generated by ChatGPT. While it is possible that they wrote the feedback themselves but by using critical thinking, you can easily identify these patterns.


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Leaving a comment would be much appreciated. Your opinion is valuable and contributes to making this a more engaging experience for everyone. Thank you again for visiting my blog, and I eagerly await your response!

I would like to invite @lhorgic, @kouba01, @irawandedy and @bountyking5 to join this contest, if they have not already taken part in it.

Best Regards,


Link to My Achievement 1 Post



It is times like this that I say thank heavens I am old school and not willing to follow technology at my age.

I read an article the other day that mentioned the fact that AI is "worryingly good".

I do believe there is a place for it in businesses, organizations, and communities for reporting, setting up API's, etc. as it can eliminate a lot of time.

As for content writing for posts on Steemit, newspapers, and magazines, my answer is no! It will never be able to add that personal touch that is needed to make it GREAT.
Well, I suppose I should replace never with "not soon".
I also don't agree with posts written by AI.

One thing I must admit, some of the applications come with great tools.

Maybe AI writing should form part of the English curriculum at school levels as the youth is going to use it more and more.

A solution for Steemit, give the AI gurus their own community where they can share their content. Rather make them part of the system than oppose them. Is it not true what they say, "Keep your enemies close to your heart"?

I would like to know what other Steemians have to say about AI. That is if I have missed previous comments by them.
@fjjrg @josevas217 @tocho2 @pelon53 @chiabertrand @marvinvelasquez

Best regards. This contest brings a very interesting topic to discussion friend @wakarahmadshah.
A few days ago I wrote a post in which I talked about this topic and the relative efficiency/inefficiency of these post detectors written with AI.
I even scanned a post of mine from over 7 months ago, a date when all this technology was not open to the public, and it gave 80% written by AI....
That's strange enough, because if I had access to that technology before it was released. Well, rest assured that I would be a millionaire heh heh heh heh.
But no. And yes, there is a lot to advance in this aspect, it is necessary to think what we will do in relation to this new tool. Thanks for the mention @patjewell

 last year 

I even scanned a post of mine from over 7 months ago, a date when all this technology was not open to the public, and it gave 80% written by AI.

Could you please tell me which tool you used to check your old post for AI content?

I will be participating in your contest soon, and there I will share the 4 tools that I am using.🙂

 last year 

Well, I think that this current contest is about to expire soon, but don't worry, there's another almost similar contest running as well. You can participate in that one 😊 and please don't forget to mention me.
Thank you for interacting with my post, it was great talking to you brother.

Thanks! I read your post and replied on the one of yesterday.
One thing remains, I am getting more and more confused with each day.🙈
We need to be very careful before we judge Steemians, that's for sure.

 last year 

I have used all those tools but unfortunately those tools have lots of glitches in them. Just type few random content and they will prove that you're a plagiarizer.

I share many of the opinions that are expressed here. An artificial intelligence can create a perfect publication, but lacking "the human touch" that provides the emotionality of the person who writes, although it is a matter of time before the progress of these manages to simulate the emotions of a writer.
However, we see that this type of practice occurs much more in research publications, some literature and educational, which are easier to execute by the AI, I have not yet seen poems, newspapers, in which this has been used. kind of techniques.
Platforms like Steemit were originally conceived as a space to demonstrate talent, resorting to this type of maneuver to create content is like celebrating passing an exam at university, having copied a classmate. Like @patjewell I'm old school and I don't see myself resorting to an AI to do what I like.
These types of tools should be used to facilitate certain things, not to do them for us. It is a subject that gives a lot, but it is only my opinion. My regards, brother @waqarahmadshah. Good luck!

 last year 

Thank you for your feedback Sir! 🙂

I am 100% with you! As long as I breath I will be presenting my own content. It is who I am and the value I add to my work. PLUS! I am proud of what I have written. I cannot be proud of work written by an AI.
I think you might like reading the following article;

I like more that of being a support tool for the writer, since it would save many hours of work in corrections and surely it would give coherence to the writing when it comes to addressing themes or topics that are little known to the author, such as science fiction writings. For example.
I don't see myself in that plan to tell an algorithm to write something about an idea that occurred to me and take credit for what the machine does, is unethical.
It is an excellent article is that it has recommended me, by the way, the page also has its own artificial intelligence for text editing.
Have a nice day my friend!

Two peas in a pot we are for sure.
Thank you, a beautiful day to you also.

 last year 

In fact, no artificial intelligence can bring life to your content unless you have personal touch in that.

Now this is so true!
It will never be able to cry with us when we write the post or burst out laughter in laughter when we read a post.

 last year 

A solution for Steemit, give the AI gurus their own community where they can share their content.

Savage 😂😂😂

Gracias por la mención amigo, creo que esto no ha hecho más que empezar, la buena noticia es que he visto actores como el famoso SC01 detectando este tipo de contenidos y motivando a los curadores del equipo de Steemit a verificarlos.

Crear un grupo que se dedique a detectar este tipo de contenido es una buena propuesta si se puede hacer a través de un bot de marcado con detección automática ya que steem es mucho más inmenso de lo que uno puede pensar y hacer la tarea manual sería un trabajo arduo y difícil.

Sin embargo creo que puede hacerse más llevadero si se distribuye por comunidad o como se está haciendo en algunos casos, añadir un cuadro para esto en la verificación de contenido.

Creo que si se hace de forma continua será una advertencia para los que quieran abusar con estas herramientas, además creo que se necesitan crear guías que orienten a los usuarios por el camino correcto, incluso añadir una tarea en la comunidad de recién llegados relacionada a este tema.

 last year 

If I had seen your comment earlier, I wouldn't have asked for your opinion in the previous comment and mentioned you again.😀 In my opinion, auto-detection flagging bot may not work properly because sometimes detectors can mess things up. Therefore, you should be familiar with the behavior of these AI detectors and be an expert so that you can make an intelligent guess. There will always be a possibility that the content may be user-generated, but you can still catch them by keeping an eye on the user's comment pattern. 🙂

even add a task in the community of newcomers related to this issue.

I liked this suggestion. 👍

No se mucho de programación aun pero si se pudiese usar las API de esas herramientas que detectan texto generado por IA en el bot este podría obtener resultados automatizados, cuando la probabilidad de que el texto sea generado por IA sea mayor a cierto porcentaje dejaría un comentario mencionando a un encargado que en este caso sea el responsable de venir y revisar este artículo, igual se podría hacer la verificación manual pero en este caso el responsable sólo revisaría los artículos marcados por el bot en lugar de todos, de esta forma el bot ayudaría a descartar una enorme cantidad de revisiones que de hacerse de forma manual sería un asunto muy complicado. Es algo parecido a lo que hacía cheetah en el pasado con el plagio (no se si llegaste a conocerla).

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Curated by :@irawandedy

You have written well, I agree with some of the important points that you convey regarding the positive use of Chatbots. For example using the ChatGPT service as a medium for finding ideas or compiling a framework from an article that is written. Basically, not all users are able to do well by developing their every imagination without getting a framework in writing.

The bottom line is that the use of ChatGPT is limited to finding interesting ideas.

I would be very categorically against using Chatbot services totally, I find many users who want to generate content quickly, so take shortcuts. Among the many cases of ChatGPT users, it can be suspected of having multiple accounts.

It's not easy to manage multiple accounts, so they try to generate as much content as the accounts they have.

This ChatGPT tool does not have the accuracy that can be fully adopted, because I have tested many web-based tools and not a few of them gave disappointing results. I once tried to write freely, such as the opening of an event, the result after being translated into another language is considered as text produced by non-humans.

I tried various tools and could not always be used as a reference, the point is to detect articles written by AI that would take a lot of time in 1 post. sometimes almost 20 minutes for just 1 post, not to mention checking for plagiarism. This does require patience.

The current dynamic is, the author uses Chatbot, then uses other tools such as Rewrite, sometimes the AI detector is unable to detect articles like this, extra work is needed such as pasting article subtitles to ChatBot, I will find similarities from the content.

Other attempts can be made by opening wikipedia or other search engines, I am used to opening 2 tabs, there you will see how the rewrite activity is carried out.

I Agree and fully support if you can independently develop a Tool to combat this negative activity.

Have a nice day...

 last year 

I once tried to write freely, such as the opening of an event, the result after being translated into another language is considered as text produced by non-humans.

Well, that was surprising to know. 😀

I tried various tools and could not always be used as a reference, the point is to detect articles written by AI that would take a lot of time in 1 post. sometimes almost 20 minutes for just 1 post, not to mention checking for plagiarism. This does require patience.

Thank God I am not a moderator. 😀

I Agree and fully support if you can independently develop a Tool to combat this negative activity.

Well, I would have loved it, but I am not a programmer or web developer. Anyway, thank you for your support and nice words of encouragement. 🥰

 last year 

This is a fascinating and educational post about the utilization of AI bots in the writing of a blog industry and the likely effect on imagination and creativity. It's perfect to see that a few networks, such as STEEM FOR BETTER LIFE, are now doing whatever it may take to check AI-generated content, and the creator gives a few supportive devices to distinguish such happiness. I value the decent viewpoint on the utilization of artificial intelligence bots as both an efficient device and a likely danger to the imagination, and the call to track down a harmony between involving machines as instruments and depending on our capacities to make and develop. In general, an elegantly composed and provocative post.

 last year 

Oh, well well, look who's here to appreciate my post. It's none other than ChatGPT itself, haha! 😁 If you just wanted to appreciate, you could have written something yourself instead of getting a generic feedback from ChatGPT and copy-pasting it here. And then on top of that, you even had to paraphrase it to avoid detection by the AI detector. Your comment doesn't make any sense to me because it's not really you speaking, it's just the AI. Please avoid such activities in the future, and especially don't paste ChatGPT's paraphrased feedback on my post.


Perhaps you played a prank on me, or maybe not. Regardless of the reason, please do not repeat it in the future and write your own content, my friend. It is unethical to copy and paste an entire bot's content and take credit for it. I trust you won't make the same mistake again in the future. 🙂

 last year 

Screenshot 2023-03-14 101712.png

 last year 

Firstly, I wasn't expecting a reply from you. You could have simply said that I played a prank on you brother and get away with it instead of going behind my back. But wait oh my God, you're so talented. Right? 😁 If you had read some of my posts and recent comments on ChatGPT, you wouldn't have made this foolish move. 😄

First of all, the detector you pasted in the screenshot is not reliable. If you don't believe me, please scan some other users' posts with this detector and you'll see for yourself. Even a blind person can tell that this is a human response and not an AI's. 😄

Brother, I have no personal grudge against you, but please don't do this again. Try to write in your own words, and I'll support you if your English isn't good. Use Grammarly if you need to. The language isn't the most important thing, but your personal opinion and human touch in your writing are. I've made mistakes too, but I've learned a lot from them. I hope you won't take offense to what I'm saying and take it positively. Keep on steeming! 🙂


This post has been upvoted through steemcurator08. We support quality posts anywhere and with any tags.
Curated by: @sohanurrahman

 last year 

Thank you for your support @sohanurrahman.

 last year 

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 last year 

In my opinion, if you are a good blogger, AI bots can never replace you. However, if you use them ethically, 😊 they can be a significant time-saver for you. But do try to use these AI bots sparingly because they may have an impact on your creativity.

As for if I want to write exclusive articles or read high-quality articles, I will not resort to such tools. I simply prefer to add excitement to the content through the distinctive style or add personal experiences and experiences, etc., as a writer, for example.

This will not be found in the content that was written through artificial intelligence tools.

 last year 

Oh my God, finally you're here.🥰 I'll take this as an opportunity to talk to you. First of all, thank you for reading my post. You are absolutely right that the content written by AI does not have a humanly opinion, and if someone quotes AI's opinion, it can sometimes be awkward and easily identifiable due to their unique mechanical and cold writing style. For example, if you scroll up a little on this post, you will see a user's comment on my post that was first written by ChatGPT and then paraphrased. 😁

Now, as far as ethical usage is concerned, I was actually talking about Bing AI Chat Bot, which recently gained internet access and can provide you with the best sources from tons of web pages in just a few seconds,😨 which can be helpful in writing articles without wasting time on Google searches. If you didn't know about it before, please search for it. In my opinion, using language bots to translate your thoughts is also ethical, as they can do a much better job than other translators, which can often mess things up.

Lastly, I saw a contest on Steemit for AI-generated pictures, and my God, these pictures were so beautiful. So, I was wondering if the Steemit team allows the use of AI-generated pictures in articles as well? 🤔 I'm waiting for your answer Mr. @kouba01. I would also like to invite @jesusjacr, @dove11 and @irawandedy to share their opinion as well. 🙂

Respecto a las novedades de IA siempre salen en mis noticias, algunos temas tan terroríficos como confesiones sobre el ánimo de estas a terminar con la raza humana y cómo incluso las están poniendo a cargo del manejo de algunas maquinarias de guerra a pesar de ello, aunque eso está fuera de contexto para el tema tratado.

También leí sobre bing hace unas semanas atrás y con algunas polémicas pero entre tantas noticias recuerdo haber leido tambien que aplicaran restricciones, que los creadores están admitiendo cosas sobre el uso indebido que se esta haciendo de estas tecnologías.

Mi opinión sobre las imágenes generadas por IA es que si su "autor" da el consentimiento para que sean usadas deben ser tratadas como CC0 siempre que el usuario indique la fuente de donde la obtuvo.

Respecto al tema en general sobre IA en Steemit creo que mi opinión está bastante clara en el primer artículo que escribí al respecto, ahora parece un tema muy nombrado y seguido en Steemit lo que me indica que aquello causó el efecto que buscaba y eso me tranquiliza porque se que hay personas trabajando en ello.

Las personas siempre intentarán buscar la forma de hacer trampas, solo hay que llevar las circunstancias al punto donde hacer la trampa implique más trabajo que hacer lo legal.

Saludos amigo.!

 last year 

For some reason, I am unable to open the link in my browser that you shared. I am getting this error. Anyway, I got your point. Thanks for responding my friend. 🙂


Te recomiendo usar el navegador Tor o alguno que pueda incluir VPN

 last year 

Ok, I will check it using VPN.

 last year (edited)

My best! I am working on a larger article on this topic and I will invite you participate as I see you have interest in this topic.

Maybe the link @jesusjacr provided is not opening in your area but I can see it and posting it here

 last year 

It is still not opening my friend. 😄

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