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RE: Contest - My Proposal to Eliminate Plagiarism Spread by AI Bots

in Hindwhale Community2 years ago

In my opinion, if you are a good blogger, AI bots can never replace you. However, if you use them ethically, 😊 they can be a significant time-saver for you. But do try to use these AI bots sparingly because they may have an impact on your creativity.

As for if I want to write exclusive articles or read high-quality articles, I will not resort to such tools. I simply prefer to add excitement to the content through the distinctive style or add personal experiences and experiences, etc., as a writer, for example.

This will not be found in the content that was written through artificial intelligence tools.

 2 years ago 

Oh my God, finally you're here.🥰 I'll take this as an opportunity to talk to you. First of all, thank you for reading my post. You are absolutely right that the content written by AI does not have a humanly opinion, and if someone quotes AI's opinion, it can sometimes be awkward and easily identifiable due to their unique mechanical and cold writing style. For example, if you scroll up a little on this post, you will see a user's comment on my post that was first written by ChatGPT and then paraphrased. 😁

Now, as far as ethical usage is concerned, I was actually talking about Bing AI Chat Bot, which recently gained internet access and can provide you with the best sources from tons of web pages in just a few seconds,😨 which can be helpful in writing articles without wasting time on Google searches. If you didn't know about it before, please search for it. In my opinion, using language bots to translate your thoughts is also ethical, as they can do a much better job than other translators, which can often mess things up.

Lastly, I saw a contest on Steemit for AI-generated pictures, and my God, these pictures were so beautiful. So, I was wondering if the Steemit team allows the use of AI-generated pictures in articles as well? 🤔 I'm waiting for your answer Mr. @kouba01. I would also like to invite @jesusjacr, @dove11 and @irawandedy to share their opinion as well. 🙂

Respecto a las novedades de IA siempre salen en mis noticias, algunos temas tan terroríficos como confesiones sobre el ánimo de estas a terminar con la raza humana y cómo incluso las están poniendo a cargo del manejo de algunas maquinarias de guerra a pesar de ello, aunque eso está fuera de contexto para el tema tratado.

También leí sobre bing hace unas semanas atrás y con algunas polémicas pero entre tantas noticias recuerdo haber leido tambien que aplicaran restricciones, que los creadores están admitiendo cosas sobre el uso indebido que se esta haciendo de estas tecnologías.

Mi opinión sobre las imágenes generadas por IA es que si su "autor" da el consentimiento para que sean usadas deben ser tratadas como CC0 siempre que el usuario indique la fuente de donde la obtuvo.

Respecto al tema en general sobre IA en Steemit creo que mi opinión está bastante clara en el primer artículo que escribí al respecto, ahora parece un tema muy nombrado y seguido en Steemit lo que me indica que aquello causó el efecto que buscaba y eso me tranquiliza porque se que hay personas trabajando en ello.

Las personas siempre intentarán buscar la forma de hacer trampas, solo hay que llevar las circunstancias al punto donde hacer la trampa implique más trabajo que hacer lo legal.

Saludos amigo.!

 2 years ago 

For some reason, I am unable to open the link in my browser that you shared. I am getting this error. Anyway, I got your point. Thanks for responding my friend. 🙂


Te recomiendo usar el navegador Tor o alguno que pueda incluir VPN

 2 years ago 

Ok, I will check it using VPN.

 2 years ago (edited)

My best! I am working on a larger article on this topic and I will invite you participate as I see you have interest in this topic.

Maybe the link @jesusjacr provided is not opening in your area but I can see it and posting it here

 2 years ago 

It is still not opening my friend. 😄

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