Entry "What does TODAY (Jan 3, 2019) Mean to ME? - #ccc 2.30"steemCreated with Sketch.

in CCC5 years ago

Januar 3, 2020 seems ages ago. Is this what happens if you live by the day?
I did not make notes on that day. It was Friday and I drove the biggest part of it. Is was quiet on the roads. Less trucks is less trouble. Not one single traffic jam.

I took some firewood with me.
My friend gave it to me. It is not much but my trunk was full and I can heat the house with it. Each piece of wood counts. It's very dry so it will burn fast. Hopefully it gives us some warmth for two (half days or less).

It is getting cold and I will spend the night in Austria.
So far I only stayed over once there and to be honest the only friendly people I met were those running an Italian restaurant. My travels through Austria (by camper or car) were seldom relaxing. People have what we call "long toes" and aggressive drivers push you off the road, following you to push you off the road, pass you by at the right, drive in front you and step on the brakes to "teach you a lesson" because you do not drive faster as allowed and get off the road immediately if they show up.

We stopped in Oed at the gas station and for the toilet.
There were no traffic jams which was a good thing. It felt like the "carless Sundays" in 1973. In the Netherlands, we had them for the first time in 1939. Who knows they will come back soon. A good moment to finish those never-ending roadworks.

Would it be so bad if we had them again? Life does not stop if you cannot drive a car and take a break. It might help against to relax, against being overworked.

My navigation system sent me to the middle of nowhere on our way to the room I booked.
I found it via booking.com and although I could not find a single review it was rated with a 5.5 (10 is best) or so which is not good. Still, I wanted to give it a try. Money does count and I learned an expensive room is no guarantee for a good night rest. The only thing I want is a bed to stretch out instead of keep driving and having short naps/blackouts in a small car while it is freezing outside.

We visited some shops among the road to have a look at the prices and products. To be honest I doubt the supermarkets are cheaper than with us especially not if you know the prices of the products and can buy when if it's for sale (I intend to make a budget for that).

We ended up driving in the fog again.
It was hard to find the way but I managed. The room was way better as expected for "budget" and we were left alone.

Besides a room with great beds and temperature there was a very clean fridge and we had a separate bathroom.

The kitchen could be used by all guests.
The water was better at home.

The rooms were above a Chicken restaurant that looked cute.
This all was a welcome surprise. It felt a bit like a student home and I had a great night rest. One of the few in the past week(s).

I still posted on this day (I scheduled a part with Steempeak).

  • My favourite change/s and themes. I thought out 35 themes @marblely can use for her contest. If someone asks if a contest should change or for themes it makes me think. Is it time to quit? I wrote this a day earlier and scheduled it for this morning.

  • Dpoll 13: The customer is king? at least it was once customers were king. These days restaurants no longer care.
    I wrote this post during our stop Oed in Austria. The petrol/gas is cheap there and the toilet is free just like the very slow and lousy internet at Burger King. It is worse as mine and you cannot even load there own site!

After I arrived I tried to answer some comments but I did not manage to do much.
All apps seem to have problems and my battery had to be charged. I asked the bus-kid to do it for me and wake me up once done. At the moment the youngest woke me up I decided to sleep. I needed sleep and... it is proved that people who sleep more are slimmer than those who sleep only a few hours a day. That might help me losing weight too (if you sleep you cannot eat).

This is my entry to the ccc contest What does today mean to you? 2:30
Use the title: "My Entry to Contest - "What does TODAY (Jan 3, 2019) Mean to ME? - #ccc 2.30" (pick your date).
Hosted by @freedomshift.
Deadline: Januar 8, 2020 at noon US CST.
He uses the Commentcoin tag

My Diary Days

Diary Day #1 - Sept. 13, 2019
A day full of surprises

Diary Day #8 - Sept. 20, 2019
Finally Friday

Diary Day #15 - Sept. 27, 2019
Finally Friday

Diary Day #22 - October 4, 2019
Gaining weight Day

Diary Day #29 - October 11, 2019
A bright Friday

Diary Day #36 - October 18, 2019
How to hang in.

Diary Day #43 - October 24, 2019
Editing on

Diary Day #50 - November 1, 2019
All Saints Day

Diary Day #57 - November 8, 2019
NaNoWriMo goes on.

Diary Day #64 - November 15, 2019
Lack of writing = writer's dip

Diary Day #71 - November 22, 2019
A short one.

Diary Day #78 - #WednesdayQuickie
Poverty (En) / Armut (En)

Diary Day #85 - December 7, 2019
An ordinary dizzy day.

Diary Day #92 - December 14, 2019
Greed, rich and no need to be generous

Diary Day #99 - December 22, 2019
So it is nearly Christmas huh?

Diary Day #106 - December 29, 2019
How it ends.

Diary Day #107 - December 30, 2019
A piece of cake

Diary Day #108 - December 31, 2019
The last day of the year

Diary Day #109 - Januar 1, 2020
The warriors gate.

Diary Day #110 - Januar 2, 2020
Hotel Transylvania (3)

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 5 years ago 

Es bueno viajar contigo, en forma virtual, claro está. Muy buenas fotos por el camino. No creas todo lo que te dicen. Yo duermo más de 8 horas, Y algunas veces hago siestas, pero no soy delgada. Para mi el sistema para rebajar es individual. Yo conseguí el mio. Caminar mucho. Esto si me hizo perder peso. Y aun quiero rebajar otros 8 kgs. Veré como me va este año.

It's good to travel with you, virtually, of course. Very nice photos along the way. Do not believe everything they tell you. I sleep more than 8 hours, and sometimes I take naps, but I'm not thin. For me the system to lower is individual. I got mine. Walk a lot. This did make me lose weight. And I still want to lower another 8 kg. I will see how I am doing this year.

No creo todo lo que la gente dice, pero definitivamente necesito dormir más. Siempre me veo exhausto, nunca bien, nunca lo hice. Soy como la muerte andante. Salté a la báscula esta mañana, es menos peor de lo que pensaba, pero todavía faltan 5 kg. Conmigo no importa si camino o me quedo quieto. Lo más que pierdo si me quedo en la cama. Ahora me concentraré más en beber ya que nunca hago los 4 litros al día. Buena suerte con tus 8 kilos. Abrazos

I do not believe everything people say but definately need more sleep. I always look exhausted never well, never did. I am like the walking death. I jumped on the scales this morningit is less worse as I thought but still 5 kg to go. With me it does not matter if I walk or sit still. The most I lost if I stay in bed. I will focus more on drinking now since I never make the 4 liters a day. Good luck with your 8 kilo. Hugs

 5 years ago 

Si, definitivamente, dormir y descansar es muy reparador.

Yes, definitely, sleep and rest is very refreshing.

@gertu I wish you a happy day ❤️

 5 years ago 

Thank you for joining this contest. We gave you an upvote.

@team-ccc Thank you very much. ❤️

 5 years ago 

You are welcome. 👍

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