Dpoll 13: The customer is king?

in #dpoll5 years ago

Dpoll 13: The customer is king?

I seldom eat in restaurants these days.

It is not only a matter of money but the quality of the food is getting worse plus the atmosphere and service is seldom what I expect from it.

In my opinion, a fast-food restaurant is not a restaurant. It is a snack bar, a place where people swallow their food down without chewing and do not spend more time as necessary.

If you are not satisfied with your food (cold, burned, tasteless, etc) will you tell the truth if asked if you enjoyed your meal or complain about it or swallow it down and pay whatever is asked and keep visiting the place?

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  • Yes, I complain

  • No, I keep my mouth shut

  • Yes, I come back again

  • No,you won't see me again

  • I want value for my money. If the food isn't right I get my right.

  • I am hungry so I eat whatever they serve me

  • Other

Answer the question at dpoll.xyz.


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Voted for

  • No,you won't see me again

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Voted for

  • Yes, I complain
  • No,you won't see me again

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Voted for

  • No, I keep my mouth shut
  • No,you won't see me again

I don't eat out anymore. But, when I did, I never complained about my food not being good (unless it was something extreme). Here's why:

  • Who are you complaining to? Most likely some underpaid teenager who just wants to go home.
  • How do you know they won't take your food back and spit into it?
  • If this is happening often to you, perhaps it's time to save money & boost your health by cooking at home.

I cook at home. If I go out I go to/went to a real restaurant not a fast food. At these restaurants they give service, no teenagers work, there is a manager and you can talk to the cook.
If you never complain and stay away this means too a restaurant will never know what they do wrong. I know some who had a very short life as a restaurant. These days many have a site or Facebook too.
Big chance they do not admit they are wrong but that doesn't mean nothing will change.
Thank you for your vote/sharing your opinion. Enjoy your day 💕

Thank you, you too :^)

Thank you for your vote. You do not think it can improve the restaurant if they know customers are unsatisfied?

I suppose it just depends on the restaurant right?

Like, a low-tier shitty one probably just doesn't care enough.

@stuffbyspencer I guess you are right. They always have customers and the good ones go bankrupt first. ❤️

Voted for

  • Yes, I complain
  • No,you won't see me again
  • I want value for my money. If the food isn't right I get my right.

Tjank you. I complain too.

Voted for

  • I want value for my money. If the food isn't right I get my right.

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Voted for

  • No, I keep my mouth shut
  • No,you won't see me again

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Voted for

  • No,you won't see me again

Voted for

  • Other

I stopped eating fast food years ago. The smell alone keeps me away from the door.

I am not talking about fast food here but restaurants. A fast food restaurant isn't a restaurant to my opinion.

The question is if you complain if you get served bad food. There was a saying with us "the customer is king". Restaurants did their best, gave service. If you wanted more salat or ... they gave it to you without charging it. You were served at your table and went out to dine.

Fact is these days hardly no one complains if the food is bad, cold, burned, there is a hair in it etc.

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