Cameroon Country Representative's Weekly Report (July 12 - 18, 2021) by @thegreens | Delegated 30SP to 10 Newbies, organized Plastic Bottles Drive and Community clean-up campaign, etc

in Steem POD Team3 years ago


@thegreens’ weekly report | July 12 - 18, 2021

As usual, I always split my reports into two; the Steem Cameroon Community Report and @thegreens’ report

1. Steem Cameroon Report

Monday's are ghost town days in the English Speaking Regions of Cameroon. Accordong to the Cameroon Steemit Blogs Review and Curation Roster, i am charged with curating and reviewing the blogs of Cameroonian Steemians on Mondays as you can read in the updated blogs review and curation roster here;
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Blogs review and curation was limited to only registered members of the @steem-cameroon community as detailed in this announcement:
This made the process easier. We also changed our blogs reviews/curation strategy wherein we now review and curate from oldest post making sure that we don't skip any posts. This implies on a daily basis, we are always reviewing and curating posts that are 6 - 5 days old making sure that we don't skip any posts as well as ensuring that we give our accounts enough time to power up.
The feedback from our blogs review and curation program is amazing since no one complains of his posts not being reviewed nor curated.

Steem Cameroon Admin Meeting

On Tuesday July 13, 2021 members of the Steem Cameroon Team had an executive meeting to discuss some crucial issues about the community. Some of the key issues discussed focused on;
1. The status of @njiatanga
Despite our efforts to call to order @njiatanga who is one of the CRs and mindful of his inactivity and misconduct, the admins of @steem-cameroon comprising of @thegreens, @saxopedia and @fombae decided to suspend till further notice @njiatanga from the Steem Cameroon Community. Details about his suspension will be published in a post by @steem-cameroon.
2. Cameroon Steemit Njangi and Shares Program
It was realized some members had become delinquent with the Cameroon Steemit Njangi while others had opted out for personal reasons. @njiatanga due to his inactivity was delinquent meanwhile @bihnadine and @tenguhatanga opted out of the njangi but asked to remain part of the Steem Cameroon Shares Program.
@bihnadine later asked for her shares to be sold and a notice to Cameroonian Steemians will be made public so that people can purchase her shares.
3. Review of the weekly blogs review and curation roster
With the indefininte suspension of @njiatanga, a new blogs review and curation roster was designed as you can read here;
4. Contests
It was resolved that the Cameroon Steemit Program be re-launched so that we can have more contests, sensitization campaigns, trainings and community outreach programs.
5. The Steem Cameroon Delegations Reward Program.
It was also resolved during the meeting that from August 01, 2021 @steem-cameroon will be rewarding her delegators with 01 Steem for 100SP delegated per month. More details can be read here;
6. The SP Achievement Pledge Program
Week two of the SP Achievement Pledge program was launched via the Week 1 Report that witnessed 07 Steemians pledge to power up over 74K SP by December 2021. More details can be read here;

Cameroon Steemit Njangi and 100K SP Shares Program

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Cameroon Steemit Njangi entered Day 9 last week with @peacemakers and @mr-greens as the Njangi beneficiaries.

At Week 8, it means we have already raised over 234 SBD for the power-up of @steem-cameroon community account. 35 SBD was approved for power-up and the power-up will take place tomorrow.

Steem Cameroon Contests

The Best Day of the week contests coordinated by @saxopedia is ongoing and you can learn more about the contest here:

As recommended by the Steemit Team, we launched the SP Achievement Pledge Program to enable us to be able to identify Steemians who are willing to power-up 50% of their earnings so that we can label them for support from @steemcurator01. Below is a list of some of the Cameroonian Steemians who have already pledged for SPAPP. A handful of them have already written their week 1 SPAPP Report.

SNUsernameSP Achievement Pledge

@Steem-cameroon became a Dolphin

Last week, @steem-cameroon powered up to become a dolphin as can be read here;
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2. @thegreens’ Report

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Its been a busy business week for @thegreens' Steem Bank with lots interesting trade deals, loans and Steem advice as detailed in the bank's weekly report:

We're happy to have purchased over 500 Steem to for power-up during the Steem fall. We hope to acquire more because we pledged to power up to 15K SP by September 30, 2021 as you can read here:

The Plastic Bottles and Arboriculture Project

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It's been a very green week with lots of green and community service initiatives. Started Monday last week with community service as i joined members of my community to fix the roads in our community. More about this activity can be read here:


Away the community clean-up exercise, I joined members of New Vision for an Ecofriendly Environment a partner organization i work with for the Plastic Bottles Recycling and Arboriculture Project to pick up plastic bottles from around the community. More about this exercise can be read here:
We also commenced the construction of the Propagator at the Nursery site as you can read here:

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The Plastic Bottles Recycling and Arboriculture Project strives to remove 500K plastic bottles from the environment, transform them into UPB Tree Nursery pots and use them to nurse one million trees. More details about this project can be read her:

The Power Up Challenge

The mid month edition of the July Power Up Challenge registered 03 entries who powered up 339 Steem.

SNUsernameAmount of Steem Powered UpPower Up Challenge Entry
1@thegreens175 Steem
2@steem-cameroon50 Steem
3@yems.group114 Steem
Total03 Participant339 Steem Powered UpCongratulations

The Greens' Newbies Delegation Program

As at today, i have delegated 30SP to 12 Newbies to encourage them to be active on Steemit. The newbies will benefit this delegation for a period of one month during which inactive newbies will be unsubscribed from the delegations.

  1. @groovesmanrandy
  2. @vanderstar
  3. @kendra99
  4. @pbass
  5. @fongang-fongang
  6. @iloveakuma
  7. @atabong
  8. @rosita-nkefor
  9. @lopro
  10. @azah-joziah
  11. @ngonglanceyuh
  12. @benjamin09

@thegreens' contests

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I launched the ninth edition of the Creative Writing Contest and rewarded participants of the seventh edition of the contest with Steem.
More about the Creative Writing Contest can be read here:


The Green Deeds Contest which strives to use the power of Steem to promote environmentalism on the Steem blockchain was also launched last week. You can learn more about the contest here;

In other matters;

  1. @thegreens’ ecoDesigns, a textile recycling and fashion designing hub that is training women and girls for free in textile recycling and fashion designing will commence blogging her weekly report of activities via @thegreens’ blog.

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Check out last week's weekly report here:


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The Greens is a grassroots environmental organization that strives to educate, inspire and engage young people to take action to combat climate change and be at the forefront of biodiversity conservation and waste management.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 57495.98
ETH 2320.95
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.35