in Steem Kids & Parents4 months ago

Episode One



Eliora honked and glared at the car in front of her scooter. Whoever it was the punk that was driving that gaudy, flashy Devel sixteen was definitely a slug.What a waste!

"Hey sluggard! Can you take this expensive junk out of the road, this is the only passage in, you know?" She growled

She was about making the last delivery for the day before heading for that very important meeting at Gardens Hotel her mother threatened her not to miss or show up late.

She despised meetings, there were mostly unproductive and boring but this particular was at Gardens Hotel, a five star hotel, of course she wasn't going to miss it for anything.

"Hey! Do you think I have all day? Why buy an expensive car if you can't ride it" she scoffed

The sun wasn't friendly neither was time on her side. Did the fellows car just break down on a one way passage into Superior hills Apartments without prior notice or what could the matter be.


Once the meeting was over, Aiden closed his laptop and took hold of the steering wheel.

Secretary Zhou who was seated beside him quickly ensured that her safety belt was intact. In the next moment, the car speed up with a swoop and dashed away at a crazy speed.

Despite working with him for so long, Secretary Zhou could never get used to his reckless and unpredictable acts like stopping in the middle of the anywhere to join an online meeting or complete a task and also driving at unauthorized speed levels.

Even the officers didn't dare to ask what the matter was once they saw it was Mr Winthrop's all too familiar car.

There were currently at Superior hills to officially break up with Miss Lowells, Mr Winthrop's supposed fiancee. Their two months relationship was finally over.


The car finally rode off, She parked her scooter in front of superior hills took out the delivery from the back seat and headed for Apartment 15.

After parking her car, she sighted the fellow stepping out of the car that was on her way just now.

A black tuxedo, jacket made of silk with satin facings on the peak lapels, trousers of silk braids matching the lapels, low cut waist coat in black, pleated front white dress shirt, a bow tie in black and of course dress socks in formal black with shoes in patented polished leather and black in color.

The ideal luxurious outfit. Certain mannerless second generation heirs and show off. She watched as he walked into walked into apartment 15.

Apartment 15? Was he the one who ordered for delivery? Standing in front of the door, she hesitated a while before knocking. There was no time to be wasted, she still had a meeting to attend later in the day.


Thank you for taking time to read through. Very much appreciated.

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