in Steem Kids & Parents4 months ago

Episode four...A voice



After dressing up she left for the Roosevelts Villa on her scooter. She could vaguely recall the address after all, it was the place she lived in... until she didn't.

The Roosevelts Villa was situated in lilac valley, one of the most attractive and luxurious residential areas in the city.

It was very much expected, the Roosevelts were no simple family. Despite the challenges they were subjected to after her father's death, they still managed to strive just fine. Not to be compared to their former glory but not to underestimated either.

"Are you listening to me at all?"

The male voice in her head had been saying a lot nonsense all along but she had decided to just ignore it. That wouldn't be her craziest experience yet.

As though her perturbed mind was not already too hard to control. Now she had a man speaking in her head. She didn't have the time to spare on the lot of them.

"You really don't know who you are messing with!"

"Can you just shut up?" Eliora was getting irritated

Her perplexed mind was one thing but this supercilious and demanding voice in her head was simply annoying.

"Listen to me Eliora Roosevelt, I don't know how you got me stuck in your head but you don't wanna be playing this game for too long" he warned

"Yeah right" she scoffed

Some things were best ignored. She really had to begin her therapy sessions once again. The grief was messing seriously with her mental state.


The Roosevelts Villa looked exactly the same as her memory of it only that it was actually in front of her.

She quivered as she walked in through those familiar gates. They smell of the cherry blossom invaded her nostrils. It was already spring and they were in full bloom just like on that day.

The usually warm and homey smell was now an inconvenient trigger to unwanted memories. She cringed her nose subconsciously and walked faster.

"Miss Eliora?" The butler of the Roosevelts Villa said with slightly furrowed brows

From the little conversations of the various family members, he understood that she had also return from her studies abroad like the young masters but her casual dress up didn't seem like a young lady from a wealthy family at all.

"Do you intend to change into something else before the luncheon?" He was rather concerned

All the immediate family members of the Roosevelts will be present. If she appeared like this, she would look more like a maid than an actual mistress.

She shook her head absentmindedly. Her attention was drawn by the unusual apple tree that stood odd at the centre of the compound surrounded by majorly flowering trees.

It brought good memories that were now hurtful. There was a time this house felt like home but that time was definitely not now.

"After you..." The butler offered

Walking into the house, whatever silly thought she had about traveling back in time was instantly reversed.

The interior of the house had gone through an intense amendment. It was as though she walked into an auction party rather than a home. The were luxurious and expensive items at every corner of the house.

This was definitely not home! She was more than certain of it.

"This way miss" The butler directed her to the dining table

There were already a few people seated and discussing amongst themselves.


"I hear he is in a coma" A lady's teary voice could be heard

"Mum! My Aiden is in a coma. How could I be in a good mood" she cried out louder

"Enough with the drama, even if he died, he will never cast a glance at the ladies from the Roosevelts family. The Winthrops and the Roosevelts are world's apart" Another voice echoed in somewhat disgust

"Aiden Winthrop is in a coma!" Eliora gasped drawing their attention to herself

Her face was filled with shock not from this news but the fact that she said something on it.

Indeed she was surprised to here that he was in a coma. After witnessing that accident scene the previous day, she didn't follow the news any further so of course she was uninformed but definitely not to the extent of saying out loud.

If she didn't here herself say that just now, she would have sworn it wasn't her.

"Let me see that"

Like that wasn't enough, in the blink of an eye, she was in front of the crying girl with the news paper she was looking at already in her hands.

"I'm in a coma, this news should be confidential. Why the hell is the press reporting!"

That voice again but this time around it was very clear. There was a man speaking in her head. Uncannily, she found it extremely familiar now.

"Aiden Winthrop?!!!"

How was Aiden Winthrop talking in her head?



Thank you for taking time to read through. Very much appreciated.

To read the previous episodes click on 👇

Episode 1 👉Steemit

Episode 2 👉Steemit

Episode 3 👉 [Steemit]


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Curated by : @𝗁𝖾𝗋𝗂𝖺𝖽𝗂


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