in Steem Kids & Parents5 months ago

Episode three...Gone Crazy



Eliora was jolted awake by a nightmare. Her breathing accelerated as she tried to calm her racing heart.

She switched on the lamp by the side and rose up from the bed heading to the bathroom. She was heating up and yet covered in cold sweat.

She closed her eyes letting the cold water fall freely down her body. She shuddered from the cold effect of the water.

Tear slowly flowed from her eyes getting lost amidst the dripping water. It was the same nightmare playing in her head over and over again.

'Yes! And never come back... and never come back... never come back'

Her words from the day her father died came back to hunt her and gruesomely at that.

"Is this a dream or what" A cold voice echoed in her head

"Why can't I control my own body?" It was the voice again

She was certain that wasn't her thoughts besides it sounded somewhat... masculine.

"Is someone out there?" The voice sounded again

This time around Eliora was certain it was a man's voice.

She shrieked and quickly covered her body with a towel. Looking around there was no one in the bathroom.

Could the person be in her room? How did someone get into her room?

"Is there someone there?" It was the male voice again

"Who are you and what are you doing in my bedroom?" She rushed to shut the bathroom door keeping guard lest the stranger forced it open


"Who are you speaking with?" Her mother called out from the room

She opened the door slowly and looked around before walking out.

There was nobody else in the room, just her mom. Then who's voice did she hear just now? Was it a reaction from the nightmare she had?

"Good you are awake. I was just about to remind you of the meeting earlier today. You missed the welcome dinner for your cousin Liam, you shouldn't miss this one" Joan, her mom smiled

"Come here" she patted the chair in front of the mirror

Eliora walked over and sat down. There was so much she wanted to say but didn't know how. Her mom was trying to push her closer to her dad's family so she could join in the fight for shares and wealth but that wasn't what she desired for herself.

Joan took the towel from Eliora and began drying her hair with it.

"Good child! Now that you are back, we will take back all what the Roosevelts took from your father" she muttered

Eliora was silent for awhile before mustering enough courage to reply.

"Mom, can't we just... Can't we just let go of the past"

"Never!" Joan yelled abruptly

"But nothing we do will bring... dad back" Eliora sighed

It had taken up all her courage and will power to engage in this conversation despite expecting it to be fruitless. She really wanted to let go of the past and all those memories that held her back but how could she?

How could she when they were constantly hovering around her! Her nightmare, her mother's quest for revenge and her personal guilt, they all weighed on her gravely.

After her studies abroad, she was hoping to start a new life for her and her mom. Far away from the shadow of the past but her mother had sunk too deep in that despair and was unwilling to let go.

"Look at me" Joan muttered holding unto Eliora's face

"Until we take all that is ours, we will never let go. Never!"

The was so much determination in her eyes that the words Eliora wanted to say got stuck.

Her mother had suffered hell from those so thought family members and she had only remained strong from nurturing the hope of a come back. Nothing she said was going to change that.

But she had a lot to say. She wanted to tell her mother that she was a chef now and hence could continue growing grandma's restaurant until it became a big business.

She could earn enough money to carter for all their needs. It was her dream after all but thinking of it, she doubted her right to even have dreams. Her father died because of her anyways. This was the least she could do.

"Sure" she nodded and Joan smiled sweetly before leaving the room

Eliora brushed her hair backwards with her hands and stared at her reflection in the mirror.

"What the hell!" The male voice echoed again

She looked around but there was no one in the room.

"I have definitely gone crazy" she sighed shaking her head vigorously



Thank you for taking time to read through. Very much appreciated.

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Episode 1 👉 Steemit

Episode 2 👉 Steemit

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