#burnsteem25 || Contest On Steemgrowth Week #2 || My Weekly Power Up Contest/7 Days Activity Review

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago

Happy new month, I pray this month be bullish for everyone.

My name is Matthew with the handle @mato445 on Steemit, I'd like to welcome you all to my blog today. It yet another contest entry, and this time it's a contest organized by @ngoenyi, the contest main focus is out growth on the Steem blockchain, I'm in love with this contest already as it helps us monitors and track our growth, thereby we can quickly see or notice any flaw and adjust or improved. I'll call on other communities to start this kind of contest.

Enough of the talk, let jump to questions, if you're interested you can check on the contest announcement below 👇

Steemgrowth Week #2: Weekly Power Up Contest/7 Days Activity Review

Your power up amount for the week, including the screenshot of your powerup

We're all well aware of the need of powering up for both ourselves and the Steem blockchain.

I've done a total power up of 81.503 STEEM this week, which is somewhat higher than my previous week's total of 65.790 STEEM. In addition to the power up, I haven't withdrawn any Steem out of my account and have maintained my club100 status since the beginning of the year.


What is spud4steem promotion? How often is it done?

SPUD4STEEM which simple means Steem Power Up Day is a day set aside for everyone to power up. This isn't to say that we can't power up on any other day, but spud4steem is special in that it tends to reward users who power up on that day. Every first day of the month is set aside for SPUD4STEEM.

As I previously indicated, the spud4steem promotion takes place every month on the first day of the month, is coordinated by @kiwiscanfly, and is sponsored by a number of other Steemians who provide prizes to the winner.

Users that are interested in participating in SPUD4STEEM day (1st day of the month) must first write a post expressing their interest before the day, and then participate on that day. They must make a post and showing the screenshots of their wallet before, during, and after the power up. There are also some rules that govern the contest; it is recommended that you read them before participating. Simply follow @kiwiscanfly and keep an eye on his blog for any updates on the SPUD4STEEM promotion.

What is your motive for powering up and what do you stand to gain when you power up.

My motive for powering up is to increase my influence on the Steem blockchain; remember, the more power (SP) we have, the more content we influence, and the more content we influence, the more rewards we get.

Let me explain: powering up increases my Steem power; this power, in turn, gives me more voting power (influence); this voting power allows me to upvote and add more value or money to other people's content or posts; and the Steemit rewards system implies that upvoters will receive 50% of the payouts (curation rewards). Simply put, the more power I have, the more votes I have, and the more votes I have, the more rewards I earn.

I stand to gain a lot by powering up; first and foremost, I'll be able to upvote people more frequently and make them happy in my own small manner; secondly, I'll earn a higher percentage of upvotes from the curation team (club75 and club100). Finally, I earn more money from curating and don't forget if Steem rise the $$ value of my balance also rise.

What's your plan to grow your steempower?

My goal has been to reach 5,000 SP by August 2022. My strategy is plain and uncomplicated. I'll keep powering up all my earnings because I want to keep club100 (I'm not withdrawing any of my STEEM), and I hope @ngoenyi keeps up with this weekly contest since it will help me monitor and stay on track with my target. In addition, I'll buy STEEM from my exchange and send it to my Steemit wallet to power up; I recently achieved 3,000 SP and am 2,000 SP away from reaching 5K in August.

My plan to grow my SP is to participate in contest, engage and make posts in order to earn more rewards; the awards, on the other hand, will be powered up as soon as I claim them; don't forget that I'll be purchasing STEEM to power up, which will help me reach my goal faster.

How active were you last 7 days. The total number of posts you made, upload the screenshots of at least 5 quality comments you made in the last 7 days, the 5 different users you commented on their posts and the 5 different communities you made the comments on.

I think I'm more active last week compared to the prior week, I made a total of 9 posts compared to the prior week where I just made 5 posts.

Two of the post were nominated by the curation team.

The first post Reviewing Crypto.com NFT Marketplace - How To Buy, Create & Sell NFTs On Crypto.com was nominated for top post by the fintech curation team, and I received addition upvote from SC01.


The second post What Is Custodial Wallet & Non-Custodial Wallet? - Which One Is The Best? was nominated for top post by the learnwithsteem curation team, and I received addition upvote from SC01.

My comments on the other hand as improved as well, in the last 7 days I've made some quality comments to different users post in different community.

The first comment was made on @abialfatih post in Steem For Betterlife Community


Second comment was made on @srrebullient post in Steem-Database Community


Third comment was made on @chiabertrand post in Steemkids Community


The fourth comment was made on @swaylee post in CampusConnect Community


The fifth comment was made on @pocoloco01 post in Tron Fan Club Community


Your biggest challenge you encountered last week and your memorable experience for the period. What did you learn?

My biggest problem has been the lack of power in my area, however I've managed to get by with a power bank and occasionally use my generator to charge and power my laptop.

Furthermore, the debit ratio is a little high, leading SBD to be removed from the reward system and the value of the author payout to be reduced as a result.

The fact that my post was chosen twice in a week was a memorable experience for me. This is the second time this has happened to me. This, I assume, is due to the time I spent researching and writing my post. This has inspired me to keep giving it my all and producing high-quality content; I've learned that persistence pays off in the end.

In addition, I've learned a lot from other people's articles regarding learnwithsteem and fintech. For example, last week @srrebullient published a post about Crypto gift cards, how to activate it, and send crypto in the form of gift cards. I've learnt how to do this during the week.


Finally, I'd like to thank @ngoenyi for organizing this contest to assist people in keeping track of their prior activities. If she continues to have weekly contests like this, I'll be extremely glad because it will allow users to track their activity and improve where there are flaws.

This contest is open to everybody, but I'd want to personally invite @lhorgic, @solexybaba, and @swaylee to participate.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and may God bless you!

 2 years ago 

Dear @mato445, your entry to the contest I organized is well received.

I can see that you have not relented in powering up your steem. Your power up amount which is 81.503 really exceeds that of the previous week. Kudos to you!

You have explained spud4steem in details and this shows that you know everything about it.

You made a total of 9 publications for a period of 7 days? Wow! This is amazing! It means that on average, you made 1.28 posts a day. This is quite commendable and you are already reaping the rewards as 2 of your publications were chosen as quality posts to be supported by steemcurator01. Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉 dear, you deserve it.

Electricity has been a major challenge for all of us here in steemit. We are battling with it seriously. But am glad you have got yourself a power bank to assist and you are also running generator to power your devices. I recommend that you support the #solarsteem25pc project that is sponsored by @worldsmile under the @smilenigeria account and oversees by @irawandedy. First, they are sponsoring @ubongudofot to install a 1000 watt solar panel to power his area. Perhaps when that project is completed, any other one can also be embarked on. You can support by setting 25% to @smilenigeria to some of your publications. That way, we can grow that account. How about that?

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You will need to work on upvoting your fellow steemians to increase your voting CSI.

Greetings @ngoenyi, first and foremost, thank you for organizing this kind of contest, it has assisted me in monitoring my activities on the chain.

You can support by setting 25% to @smilenigeria to some of your publications. That way, we can grow that account. How about that?

Cool, I'll definitely check the project out, and will support them also.

You will need to work on upvoting your fellow steemians to increase your voting CSI.

Main reason I've followed curation trail, seems the trail I'm following aren't active.. or won't the trail vote counts?

 2 years ago 

Main reason I've followed curation trail, seems the trail I'm following aren't active.. or won't the trail vote counts?

Well, the trail might be doing it's work but you too needs to monitor your voting CSI so that you can upvote on your own. Have you joined steemkids community trail?

Okay I'll work more on manual curating....

Have you joined steemkids community trail?

I tried to confirm if I had joined or not, but I couldn't login on WOX

Below is the error 👇


 2 years ago 

It could be network problem. You can try at other times

You have outlined your last seven days activity in details and I must say that it is indeed awesome. Your work is well detailed and neatly organized. Keep it up. For some weeks now I have been struggling with expenses and that have taken me off track which is really sad and which explains why I won't be taking part in this week's contest despite winning it last week. But am back now and will continue doing my regular power up again and will certainly take part in that of next week.
I really appreciate @ngoenyi for bringing out this initiative.


It not really easy out there, I'm glad you're back and will be taking part in the next edition.

Glad you're doing great 😃

Interesting stats in the last 7 days, I love this contest, seems I'll take part in the next one.... Hey hey!!! Thank you for the mention

 2 years ago 

@mato445,thanks for inviting me to this contest,I was surprised when I saw the mention in my notification but when I got here and read your write-up,I was swept off my feet with the level of of progress you've made so far. I've learnt so much from your write up and I must say every effort you made toward seeing this tremendous progress is worth emulating. I would also like to commend @ngoenyi (I call her mama e get why... Smiles) for putting up contest like this that help users track their progress on steemit.

Cool, you're really a great person, who has been giving his all on this platform... Engaging with others and building stakes, this is what I called hardwork and consistency.

I will be waiting for your entry, and you can as well participate in the next edition cause this particular one will be ending in hours

 2 years ago 

Thanks so much for the warm remark. I will ensure I take part in the next contest since I got to know about this very late. Thanks once again.

 2 years ago 

Hello @mato445, Your post has been selected as one of the quality posts for the day by steemkids community. Congratulations! Please keep making quality and original contents with us here. We love you so much and will like to read more of your posts.

Please endeavour to resteem, vote and comment on the post of selection. Thank you!

Wow... Thank you so much for recognizing my post @steemkidss, I really appreciate. I'll keep on posting quality contents.

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