Contest Result | Write a Short Story Taken From Your Life | Success Edition

in Steem Bangladesh3 years ago

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Another great week of the "What's Your Story" contest has been passed. There were a total of 19 entries this time! Most of them were very qualityful as usual and made it hard for me to choose the winners.

4.5 Steem


No podía creer lo que estaba viviendo y sintiendo en ese momento estaba emocionada que de hecho de la emoción me puse a llorar y pedí disculpa ellas también compartieron esa alegría y este éxito fue grandioso para mí y desde momento empecé a ponerme al día como iba ser mi compromiso con este cargo que me asignaron.
(Translated:I could not believe what I was living and feeling at that moment I was excited that in fact from the emotion I started to cry and apologized they also shared that joy and this success was great for me and from the moment I started to catch up on how it was going to be my commitment to this position assigned to me.) Main Post

3.5 Steem


Saya berjuang melawan rasa takut walau kadang-kadang harus menangis karena tidak bisa tidur takut gempa dan tsunami lagi. Ingin rasanya menyerah tapi saya yakin kesuksesan akan datang kalau saya sanggup bertahan. Alhamdulillah hasil memang tidak mengkhianati usaha. Akhirnya saya lulus kuliah. Kabar yang lebih membahagiakan lagi saya lulus menjadi pegawai negeri sipil.
(Translated:I struggled with fear even though sometimes I had to cry because I couldn't sleep because of the earthquake and tsunami again. I want to give up but I believe success will come if I can endure. Thank God the results did not betray the effort. Finally I graduated from college. The more happy news is that I graduated as a civil servant.) Main Post

2.5 Steem


Aprendí que no hay que ser dependientes y que si estamos en un lugar tóxico donde no nos quieren, hay que salir de ahí. Siempre se puede.
(Translated:I learned that we don't have to be dependent and that if we are in a toxic place where they don't want us, we have to get out of there. It's always possible.) Main Post

1.5 Steem


El director me entrevistó y entre las primeras preguntas que me hizo fue sobre mi experiencia, y fue totalmente sincera, me acabo de graduar y no tengo experiencia alguna, mi sorpresa fue mayor al escuchar su respuesta: “Eso es lo que estamos buscando, gente nueva y fresca, que venga sin malas costumbres”.
(Translated:The director interviewed me and among the first questions he asked me was about my experience, and it was totally sincere, I just graduated and I have no experience, my surprise was greater when I heard his answer: “That is what we are looking for, people. new and fresh, let it come without bad habits.”) Main Post

Additional 2 qualityful entries were selected to reward with 0.5 Steem.

Honorable Mentions

UsernamePost LinkPrize
@filili71Entry0.5 Steem
@marvismagallanesEntry0.5 Steem

Thanks to everyone who participated in this contest. Always try to improve yourself and thus you may become one of the winners next time!

 3 years ago 

Prizes have been sent-


Alhamdulillah, terima kasih banyak. Selamat juga untuk pemenang lainnya

 3 years ago 

Hola amigo, agradecida por mi mención, mil gracias. Felicitaciones a los ganadores y a todos los participantes.
Saludos, te deseo mucho éxito en todos tus proyectos.

Hola muy bendecida tardes oye feliz y agradecida por mi mención amigo @abuahmad y felicidades a los demás ganadores hicieron muy buena publicación. Exitos.

Felicidades a las ganadoras y gracias por la mencion

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