Steem Sri Lanka Ice Breaking Comment Contest | Travel Diaries | 5% for SL Charity

in Steem Sri Lanka3 years ago

Hello everyone!! 👋

Hope you all are doing well. After a short break of Steem Sri Lanka Contest Series, we are planning to have a new comment challenge series for you all. So break your ice mood and being active here. It's just short and sweet and hope you will enjoying our comment challenge. We will hope to bring you a different theme every 5 days. So all are welcome to our comment contest series! 🤗

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As the first step, today I'm thrilled to announce our first contest for you. It's all about travelling. Well, I know you guys love travelling as well as photography. But nowadays most of us are staying at home due to this COVID-19 pandemic and badly missing our travelling life. But I'm sure you all have best photographs with you as memories of your travelling diaries. So this is the time to share your travelling photography with us.

The guidelines are just simple as follows. 👇

  • You just need to upload a photo of your travelling place and write few words as a comment to this post.
  • All photos must be your original work and photos must be taken by you.
  • Photos with you and other people as subjects are welcome! But it is needed to clearly shows the travelling place.
  • You must write about 50 words about your photo. You feel free to write any thing feel about that place, with whom did you travel there, unforgettable memories and so on.
  • Don't forget to add the location details using what3words.

Prizes for winners

There will be selected top 10 winners and will receive 1 STEEM for each and every winner.

Other than that SSL upvotes will be received for the best four places as follows.

1st place - 40%
2nd place - 30%
3rd place - 20%
4th place - 10%

Winners notification

Winners will be notified before July 6, 2021.

Please note : The contest will be closed on July 03, 2021 at 4 pm in Sri Lankan time.

Hope you will be joining in...

Thank you.❤

 3 years ago (edited)

Greetings @anusha96 and for the whole Steem Sri Lanka family. This is @hae-ra, would love to partake this very exciting topic. Thank you for initiating this comment contest that could make us all active in any ways.

Kabutongan Falls With Friends

This happened last March 14, 2021, when we got a lot boring that day, and fortunately, we were on the same rest days. Since the protocol has loosen up already, so we decided to go in a place were we could able to have fun and adventure. It is really far away from the city, so we traveled 3 hours just to go there. From the main road, we walked for almost an hour and did the trekking for another 2 hours just to reach the Kabutongan falls.
It is the best place to relax, the so-called hidden paradise in Malabuyoc, Cebu, where you could find the entrancing of crystal water surrounded by lush greeneries. This is one of the best place to recommend here in Cebu if ever you want to visit here.

Behind the falls, there's a cave, and inside the cave, you can find a hidden waterfalls also.

Device: realme 6

I hope you enjoy the scenery.

Hello @hae-ra,
Amazing! It seems you had a lot of fun and adventure at Kabutongan falls with your friends. Love this greenery scene and enjoy a lot your words. ❤

Hi. Thank you. Yes it was really a lot of fun indeed, it was so tiring but it's worth the while. More power to you and to the whole team.

Thank you for the compliments ❤

Beautiful Place.. i have seen this type of location only in movies.

 3 years ago (edited)

Oh really? Thank you.

Then you have to go here in Cebu, Philippines to experience the stunning beauty of the beautiful spots here.

Hello, @hae-ra.
I would love to be able to visit such a magical and wonderful place.

Hello @skinnygirl, yeah! me too. It is also my one way of de-stressing.

Cebu ! one of my dream places to visit someday <3

Hello @supunchandra. Yeah! you better be prepared for all the stunning destinations along Cebu.

Looks like a really beautiful and calm place.

 3 years ago (edited)

hello @rasinkani.

Yes it is really more beautiful in person, you can also jump in 4 levels if you want to release what's inside.

Wow nice place to enjoy....

Hi. Thank you for noticing my post.

Yes, it is really a nice place, and best for adventure.

A real adventure. I also had a close experience like this. But there were no caves

Hello. yeah, it was really an amazing adventure. It was also my first time seeing hidden caves behind the falls.

Hello guys I am new here and just subscribed to this community, Greetings @anusha96 thank you for this beautiful contest and hello to the whole Steem Sri Lanka Family :)

So I would love to share my one of unforgettable travel memories since this my first international travel , this was when I was in Indonesia :)



Pura Ulun Danu Bratan

This is one of my favorite place in bali Indonesia , Pura Ulun Danu Bratan is one of Bali's most picturesque temple complexes , a lot of tourist here taking a photos and I observed there a lot of couples here to witness the romantic place . As what I have searched this is also a main sources of irrigation and drinking water and when the water levels rise the temples seems like it’s floating on its surface.

Hey, Nice captures 😍 I haven't take a travel beyond my country and you are lucky girl. Keep travelling ❤️

Wow. So beautiful pictures. Really mind-blowing. @fruityapple00

 3 years ago (edited)

Hello @fruityapple00,
The pictures are very beautiful and also you. I heard Bali is a very beautiful Island to visit and I have a dream to travel there one day. Thank you for sharing your nice memories with us... ❤

Yes it is :) you have to visit there , it’s worth it!

Yeah 🤗

Hello, @Fruityapple00.

It really is a very beautiful and romantic place. I would love to visit you and be able to model in a wonderful setting.

Wow!!! It's a nice place!!!

 3 years ago (edited)

Family|Hikkaduwa Beach,Galle😍😍


WhatsApp Image 2021-06-29 at 08.38.01.jpeg

On 11th Jan 2020 we went to my friends home at hikkaduwa, Galle. Thereafter we decided to go to hikkaduwa beach and have some fun 😎😎. This was 1st experience of little Thejan with the sea and beach. He never have been there before that. It was really amazing experience for him. Huge See Turtle….. Beach… swimming with fish…. Lovely memories for us…. 😘😘

Hey, you are the first lucky commenter here...
You had a great fun at Hikkaduwa beach. It is also one of my favorite places. Everyone who go to Hikkaduwa beach love this giant turtle. Thank you for this nice photographs! 😍

Hello, @saman88.
I like those beaches that are quiet, without so many waves, and if you have the opportunity to see species like this, it is much more fun.

Yes of course....Very good place to enjoy....

Sadly I guess he is no more 😐

What??? No no... When my son watching news and after seen dead turtles... he saying "father...Is that our turtle..." I am saying no ..."We can see him again..."

I am saying no ..."We can see him again..."

There was a dead body of a giant turtle in Hikkaduwa after that incident and locals said that they haven't seen him for a while. :/ I'm not sure, hopefully he is ok.

It is always wonderful to walk at the beach with loved ones 😍.

I love this beach and have been there so many times...

It's always a pleasure to travel with the family. I haven't seen a turtle this close!!

What?? Still you haven't seen mean... You can never...

We are not from the coastal... 😅😅 Me kasbawa neda? Ibbawa witharayi dakala thynne

Yes yes I know. But this species are in danger right now.

Amazing, I love to see that giant turtle.

Yes. He is good one....

Lucky first commenter💪 I have gone there several times.... Everyone can collect so many wonderful memories from this place🤗

You can be the first lucky commenter in next contest.... Be ready....

 3 years ago (edited)

Date: 01/09/2020
Venue : Waga, Sri Lanka
Speciality Of The Place : Wak Oya

This is my first experience which I joined to a little picnic without my amma. Those days I worked in Pannipitiya, Colombo and it was very close to my uncle's place(මාමා). That day was a poya day and they had planned to go to a bath from this place and they had invited me before. After taking permission of my mom, I went to my uncle's place before the day after off work.


As I heard, it is wak oya what a beautiful place situated in Waga, Sri Lanka. There is a train track across the river and it adds a amazing look to the place. This photo was taken by my uncle's wife and this was my little gang. My uncle's two sons, daughter and two friends of loku malli are them.

It is a amazing day in my travel diaries because that was my first experience what joined to a picnic without amma. It was a challenge. Because I wanted to take my fun a lot but had to careful without causing any trouble. (නැත්තම් ආයිමත් ඔය වගේ ගමන් යන්න දෙන එකක් නෑ අම්මා😬). This photo was taken by my uncle's daughter Chathuni and I wanted to go to the middle of the track but my mom had given do many advices to my uncle so I couldn't do that 😬.

Thanks to @anusha96, I enjoyed that day again 😍


sha..beautiful location..

After taking permission of my mom

It will be a very difficul action to myself for travel

Heheee 🤭 But that time I could get her permission... I think it because those days I was stucked with office works.... 🤗

Wow Puuus! You had a great experience there with lot of memories. I didn't heard about this place before read this. Thank you my girl for sharing this beautiful photos with us... ❤

I have a kind reminder for you @sandupi, add the location details using what3words.🙊

Yes sure.... I linked it without showing it 😬😬😬 I fixed it Amiga 🤗❤️💚

It's ok 🙊❤

Nice place buddy...

Of course yes ayye...🙊 Under the train track there is a green heaven and Wak oya flow through that green. Unfortunately I couldn't take any photograph because we kept our phones in the vehicle and jumped to the water 😶

It is a beautiful experience to look at the water in between the railway.

Yes Rasi.... it is amazing 💚

I first thought, it was the yaka palama in pera campus. Kochchi yanaywa oke?

Oww api iddith ekak giya.... 🤭

Hi @anusha96 thank you for initiating this contest I'm @saneunji from Philippines and here is my entry.

A Day in Bantayan Island


We had a family trip last month in this beautiful island of Bantayan, Philippines, an island known by many tourist all over the world because of it's paradise like scenery. We spent 2 days in this beautiful island and I can say that this place is the most beautiful place I have ever been.



Seeing those clear blue ocean, vast white sand and smelling the ocean breeze felt like I'm in a different dimension. This was really a great escape away from the busy life in the city. I was glad that my family and I decided to spend our vacation here in this beautiful island of Bantayan.

Hello @saneunji,
Wow! Bantayan Island looks like a heaven. The pictures of there are beautiful. I think you spent days there filled with funny experiences. It seems you had enjoyed a lot there. Thank you for the amazing captures! 😍

Hi @anusha96 it really is!!! The place is like a paradise. It's a bit far island but I can assure you it's worth it. 🙂

Yeah 🥰

 3 years ago (edited)

Greetings friends of the @srilanka community I think this contest organized by @anusha96 is excellent to remember how beautiful it is to travel. The trip that I present to you I did with some friends in 2018 where we had no idea what would be the world in pandemic. To remember is to live. Name of the place visited Tierra Nueva, located in Puerto Ordaz, Bolívar State, Venezuela.


Hello @luimer79,
Yeah. After a travel it remains only photographs and lovely memories. So this also such a beautiful memory for you and its looks very beautiful. 🥰 Is that a river or lake or something?

Hello friend that is the Caroni River located in the state of Bolivar, Venezuela.

Oh! What a nice location 💙

Yes, it is very beautiful. Thanks for the support friend

You're welcome. ❤

Thanks @anusha96. And the #steemsrilanka family. Who has made his creative idea with this contest.

My trip ended in an ocean where no one has ever arrived, this place is in the Pim factory area, north aceh, this is the first time I have visited this place, no wonder we are not allowed to approach that place, I enjoy the view of the calm sea water above tempok as a fringe fastener. I see the factory working and the sound is clear here. The crew tried to start the big engine above the water, but I don't know the reason for making such a loud noise. I ignored the loud noise by enjoying the natural atmosphere in the factory area.


It doesn't look lonely with fishermen stopping their sailing tools on the beach



Location : Aceh
Thank you somuch

What a cute family

Thanks very much😊😊

Hello @maulidar,
Nice view! This is the beauty of nature and you are lucky to enjoy this beauty. Thank you for the lovely photographs! 🤗

yes my friend, still in a pandemic. I can still visit this simple tourist spot. Thank you for creating this creative contest. thanks again my friend😊

I didn't go a trip for a long time due to this pandemic. I wanna go a trip as soon as possible. Thank you too for joining us... 😍

yes it must be a friend.. hopefully your country will recover to normal soon.

Yeah. Waiting for that 🥰

Thanks to the @srilanka Community for this very special initiative and to @ luimer79 for inviting me to participate.

One of the many trips I have made was to the City of Mérida, Mérida State, Venezuela, in 1999. It was a trip for a week, as a promotional gift for the Fifth Year of High School.

One of the places we visited was the “Los Chorros de Milla” Zoo. At that time I did not have a Digital Camera so I had to take a picture of the printed photograph.

I apologize if it doesn't look so sharp, but it is one of the most beautiful memories I have.


Printed photos remain for a long

That's. But even more so, the whole story behind that image.

Hello @skinnygirl,
22 years ago... What a lovely memory. It doesn't matter how it is old. Thank you for sharing your beautiful memory with us. 🙊

Thanks. They are indelible memories.

You're welcome. 🥰

it doesn't look so sharp

But there has a thousands of happy moments beyond that photo 😍

Yes, the whole story behind that image.

Hello @anusha96 thanks for this contest 🙂😊 Thanks also to @hae-ra for mentioning me 🙂😊 I'm mariarosa27 from Cebu City Philippines.

I just want to share with you our Family Outing that happened Last year.

Mahayahay Beach Resort, Argao Cebu Philippines

When the pandemic started it's really hard for the people to go outing because of the precautionary measures and health protocol. When we had our family outing, the covid cases somewhat decreased in numbers that's why it was not that strict already. We rented a van for us to go there with the whole family and for a less hassle travel too. And of course, we did not go that far for us to go home earlier because our grandmother who is a paralyzed was with us and many kids too. Our travel hour is 2hrs and approximately 70.5km in distance.

This is not a white sand beach resort but this is incredibly amazing for you cannot step any stone in the water, all sand! and you cannot see any garbage floating even if it is just a public beach resort. And lastly, we chose this place for my grandma could not walk far, she wanted a place where the cottage and the seashore are just near the road where the van stopped.





Hello @mariarosa27,
I'm pretty much sure you had a nice family outing at Mahayahay Beach Resort. Love this sandy beach. You have a nice family. Enjoy and stay safe! 😍

Please add the location details using what3words.

Hi @anusha96, I'm not sure if I will be doing it right but yes, I will edit my post . Thank you 🙂😊 sorry my 1st time to use what3words 🙂

It's ok 🤗

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