The gem followers pick (week3)(day1)

Finding those really great content creators to get their work noticed and for you to follow.


@minion - Diversity of content

@customnature - Photography & nature

@shneakysquirrel - Diversity of content

@shaka - Photography & travel

@jaredcwillis - Diversity of content

Promoted author work (click image to go to their post)


Favourite post by author

Other work by author

Vote Buying


Other work by author

UPCYCLED: From Pallets At Work to a Headboard At Home. (Original Work)

Daily Nature Fix: Just a Buffalo and His Tiny Bird Hat. (Original Photos)


Other work by author

StumbleUpon Gems #1


Other work by author

The local gem safari #3 - Downtown Basel


Favourite post by author

Other work by author

The Sky Is Not Falling: Overpopulation — Coming Disaster or Myth?

Unconventional Profit: Raising Ostriches

Any suggestions on how to improve layout or the project post a comment below


English | Russian | German | Spanish | French

------------ | -------------

@dragonslayer109 | @serejandmyself | @knozaki2015 | @webosfritos | @sebastien

This section will be edited throughout the day

Press image to go to the post

Russian - @serejandmyself

Not in yet

French - @sebastien

Not in yet

German - @knozaki2015

Not in yet

Spanish - @webosfritos

Not in yet

Quote for the day

Image credit


@dragonslayer109 Upvoted and followed! This is a great post and was chosen to feature on the front page of today's 'Steem Talk' edition:

thank you very much I will go check it out

You have some good authors on that list! Thank you for featuring me last week! I picked up a few more followers because of you. Thanks again! :)

Nice to see these authors getting noticed :)

Wonderful list of authors as always, good going keep it up @dragonslayer109.

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