Benefits of Fermented Foods including healthy immune system, preserve food, helps absorb more nutrients from your food, eliminates anti-nutrients, detox, balance production of stomach acid, etc.

in #health8 years ago

Improves and supports a healthy immune system

  • 70-80% of a healthy immune system resides in the gut. Largely due to the 100 trillion bacteria (eq. 2-4 lb.’s in a healthy gut) that live there. Fermented foods help supply probiotics to support a healthy gut flora.
  • Pasteurized fermented foods typical for in stores and void of many beneficial microbes!

Preserves Food

  • Most pathogenic bacteria are sensitive to acidic environments.
  • Traditional cultures with no refrigeration, fermentation is a means of extending shelf life.
  • Fermented foods produce numerous compounds that retain nutrients and prevent

Improves the Bioavailability of vitamins and minerals present in Food

  • Fermentation breaks down foods into more easily digestible forms.
  • Also produces A, B, C, and K2 vitamins.

Potent Detoxifiers

  • Helps break down and eliminate heavy metals and other toxins from our bodies.

Helps balance the production of Stomach Acid

  • When the production of hydrochloric acid by the stomach is low, this can cause several health problems like not absorbing nutrients, several symptoms (such as heartburn) etc. Fermented foods help increase the acidity of gastric juices.
  • When the stomach produces too much acid, fermented food helps protect the stomach and intestinal lining.

Improves Bowel Movement

  • Helping the body produce acetylcholine (a neurotransmitter that facilitates the transmission of nerve impulses.
  • Which then helps increase the movement of the bowel, and can help reduce constipation (and diarrhea, inflammatory conditions such as Crohn’s, IBS, and colitis…)

Helps Improve Pancreatic Function

  • Beneficial to diabetics
  • Carbohydrates in lactic acid fermented foods have been broken down or “pre-digested.”’ Which end results with less burden on the pancreas.

Eliminates Anti- Nutrients

  • Anti-nutrients (compounds that interfere with the absorption of nutrients) can be destroyed by fermentation.
  • Phytic acid, for ex: (found in legumes, seeds, and grains) binds minerals such as iron and zinc, reducing their absorption when eaten.
  • Phytic acid can block absorption of zinc, calcium, iron, magnesium, and other minerals, which may lead to mineral deficiencies.

Improves Mood and Behavior

  • The gut (brain #2) and brain are connected via enteric nervous system. The gut is lined with neurons that can influence our emotions and feelings. Serotonin is made in the gut.
  • Research also suggests that as probiotic bacteria contribute to a healthy gut, probiotics are also linked to a healthy mind.

I personally recommend eating 1Tablespoon per day at least or 1T AM and PM.

Eat with every meal to help digest foods and prevent heartburn.

Related Helpful Content and Refrences

Any Food Can Be Fermented, Just Make Sure It Is Organic!



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