Our livers in the world of today have become even more important, like our brain and hearts. Especially, with preventing and treating cancer!

in #life8 years ago

With all the toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis, our liver is processing out more than ever. However, today’s society is so heavily involved with consumption of alcohol, our livers only focus on processing the alcohol. When this happens our liver can not process the other toxins while its trying to keep up with the alcohol. This will cause inflammation and toxins to re-enter the bloodstream.

Which causes the following bodily reactions...

  • increased muscle, joint pain
  • nausea, vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • dizziness, drowsiness, or weakness
  • double or blurred visioned
  • fever, chills
  • difficulty swallowing
  • loss of appetite
  • seizures
  • stomach pain
  • skin rashes, hives
  • producing more than normal saliva
  • headaches, irritability
  • acoma or death (in extreme cases)

Supporting your liver is very important!

What most people don’t know is…

  • Without inflammation, no cancer!
  • Our livers needs us to at least space out alcohol beverages
  • Our livers needs us to refrain from binge drinking
  • Our livers needs us to take at least a week off from drinking at least every month or two so it may catch up on the normal liver functions and processing

These are extremely important keys to living a life with less inflammation and less chances of getting cancer.


Decreasing inflammation and toxins are key to curing cancer. Our bodies are well oiled machines made to handle a lot. However, there are way too many toxins in todays world for our bodies to not need extra support.

In chronic inflammation, the inflammatory process may begin even if there is no injury, ... Over time, chronic inflammation can cause DNA damage and lead to cancer.

Coming soon: What you can do to reduce your inflammation.



Aside from food intake, medicines can also damage our liver which most the time get burned out due to severe medications of other diseases that has nothing to do with the liver. This is why other people utilize organic medication to avoid harming their liver.

Very true!

I agree, a lot of my family have passed from too much alcohol. thanks for this post. Very good information.

Thanks, I have lost family from alcohol too. Even the ones that didn't die from too much alcohol, their life was limited to pain and inflammation. Not a way to live in my opinion. :/

A Good Healthy Liver Is A Good healthy Person


tell me nowz ^_^ ;P

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