Vaccines : Because I Refused To Be Vaccinated I Never Held My Twin Nieces - Today I Cuddle Them For The First Time! =)

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Today is a watershed day in my life. Because I refused to be vaccinated I have never held my nieces in my arms. Now over a year later I will be cuddling them for the first time!

My heart is bursting with joy and I want to share that excitement with you here on Steemit!

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The Twins Are Born!!!

Over a year ago my beautiful twin nieces were born. Because they were twins their birth was through cesarean section and they were birthed about a month prematurely. The first part of their life was spent in an incubator and because my brother and his wife couldn't cook at the hospital I prepared wonderful home cooked meals and delivered them every evening. I was able to see my beautiful nieces through the walls of their incubators.

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All Babies Vaccinated for Hepatitis B On Their Birth Day In Australia - I Can't Understand Why!

After the girls were released from hospital to go home they were still small and fragile. The local district nurse turned up on their scheduled birthday with a cocktail of vaccinations which included Hepatitis B. I couldn't understand why such perfect and beautiful children of the universe were being vaccinated on day 1 for a disease which is transmitted through sharing needles or sexual intercourse.

I began to research the topic and the path of knowledge led me to some startling information which I have previously outlined in this post about children being vaccinated for Hepatitis B at birth in Australia. It appears that by the time children are 12 months old in Australia they have had various cocktails of vaccinations injected into their developing bodies which amount to 32 vaccines!

For your reference here is the link for the Australian Standard Vaccination Schedule - it is pretty scary! Not only are healthy little children pumped full of vaccines but if you are to follow the standard vaccination schedule in Australia you will be vaccinated 92 times by the time you are 70 years old! What a whopping big profit each citizen represents to the pharmaceutical industry!

The push to vaccinate all of us is growing fast. In Australia they are removing government benefits for families which have unvaccinated children and banning those children from schools under a policy called "No Jab, No Play" - ouch!. I wrote a post yesterday about Italy's new policy to fine parents of unvaccinated children, ban them from schools and potentially take the children away from their parents!

We live in strange and dangerous times!

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Corruption In The Pharmaceutical Industry?

Incidentally the Australian pharmaceutical industry sponsors 30,000 doctor events in Australia each year which equates to 82 events per day. I have covered this topic in a previous post on pharmaceutical corruption in Australia. In a country of 24.3 million people and 70,200 registered medical practitioners this equates to 2.34 sponsored events for every Australian doctor per year!

Because I have directly participated in the corruption of doctors for the pharmaceutical industry outlined in this post, I have an understanding of what goes on in these events. To my eyes this is corruption and tarnishes the entire medical industry!

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Immune Systems In Children

My research has shown that babies are not born with a fully functioning immune systems. Mother's milk plays a large part in keeping babies healthy. Although I understand that in some cases women have trouble lactating, such as in times of natural disaster, this casts a worrying shadow over baby milk formula.

By the time babies are 1 year old they will have developed their immune system significantly but not entirely. Some experts believe that a child's immune system is not fully developed until 12-14 years of age, at which point they finally reach adult levels of antibody formation.

Why oh why are we vaccinating children in Australia with 32 vaccines before they are 12 months old and they have some form of immune system? Obviously this is very lucrative for the pharmaceutical industry, but is there something more sinister going on???

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Why I Refused To Be Vaccinated To Hold My Twin Nieces

The doctors at the hospital told my family that we would all need to be vaccinated before we could be around the girls.
Knowing what I do about the corruption that big pharmaceutical companies instigate in the medical profession, I refused to be vaccinated. I knew that this meant I would not be able to be around the twins for a long time and it broke my heart!

Although I wanted to pick my beautiful nieces up and cuddle them I was also sensitive to the feelings of my family and forbade myself to even enter their room. I knew I would be moving to Asia soon and might not get to hold the girls in my arms for years. Today over a year later I will hold them for the first time!

I am so excited that my body is bursting with joy and anticipation... The girls are getting the biggest cuddles and kisses I have ever given and I expect I will start crying with unbridled love and affection! I admit the separation from my nieces was self inflicted because I did not want doctors putting unknown chemicals in my body. Sometimes we must wait for the best things in life! =)

In just 3 hours they will finally be in my arms!

I close with words from my favourite Sufi poet Rumi:

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Further sources of information on vaccines and the Australian pharmaceutical industry can be found here:

  1. Australian Standard Vaccination Schedule
  2. Vaxxed The Movie
  3. Excellent Steemit Feed on Vaccination Issues @canadian-coconut
  4. Risks Associated With Vaccination

Images courtesy of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Jockey loves you All - especially my beautiful twin nieces!

@jockey - introducing me.jpg


Awesome man!

Thank you mate! Upvoted and followed! =)

More resources...

One of hundreds of independent efforts to report facts:
An excerpt: "...What I didn’t realize is that my son was having reactions from every shot and I just hadn’t put it all together. Following his two-month vaccinations he screamed and would arch his back to such a degree I could barely hold on to him. I didn’t know the French call this the "encephalitic cry", brain damage in progress. Two weeks after his nine-month vaccination he was admitted into the hospital with uncontrollable diarrhea to which no cause was ever found. I didn’t know diarrhea was one of the ways the body rids itself of poisons. Next, he developed a rash on the back of his legs and his shoulders. The nurse diagnosed dermatitis caused by bubble bath. At this time I didn’t know the phenoxyethanol, a preservative that protects against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria in vaccines, could cause dermatitis and eczema. I now know that all these things were attributes of vaccine damage.

"At first my pediatrician diagnosed Chase with syncope. Our next course of action was to visit the Pediatric Neurologist. An all day video EEG was performed on an out patient basis. The doctor on duty informed me, on a scale from one to ten, ten being the highest seizure activity, Chase was a seven to eight. At this time he was having six to eight complex partial seizures a day. ..."

100-Year history of the vaccine program


Book from 1957

Good on you for standing up against this fascism - that is the only way this will be stopped..

Yes, fight the sadists!

Yes mate! Upvoted and followed! =)

Thanks mate! I agree! Love the image! Upvoted! =)

Sorry, but I don't understand. There is no scientific proof that vaccines represent any kind of significant danger, while there is tremendous evidence showing their benefit. I would not let anyone that has not been vaccinated near my newborn children.

I'm with you bro.

Knowledge is a process... it takes time to learn and we need compassion to speed that process up! Upvoted and followed! =)

you are so wrong.

Knowledge is a process... it takes time to learn and we need compassion to speed that process up! Upvoted and followed! =)

Thank you for you comment! I appreciate having different opinions in my posts... My research and life experience have led me to a different conclusion. If you are interested in learning more there are many links in my post and in the links for further research... I believe in free and open discussion about all topics because that is how we learn! If you would like to discuss this further please contact me on! Upvoted! =)

Only idiots mass-vaccinate babies against non-existent illnesses. Pharma companies owners are getting rich at the expense of the ones who cannot defend themselves. And people still buy that lies and poison their infants under the cover of "science". The human race has survived millions of years without needles and poisons. I sometimes wander what has happened with common sanity in our days and age...

Sadly I agree! Upvoted! =)

Another sad story. At least the ending is good! Enjoy your visit and cuddles.

Thanks for your continued work at educating people about the side effects of vaccines. I'm not convinced that all vaccines are bad. I don't know if any have safe ingredients in them. I think that it is prudent to at least know what is in those vaccines before agreeing to have them. It is also important to weigh the risks against the benefits. If I knew then what I know now, I'm sure I would have been asking a lot more questions about what was being injected into my body and the bodies of my children. I would also have researched the severity of any illnesses that we are supposedly being protected from by these vaccines. If the risks are greater than the cure, why would anyone agree?

Thank you very much for your considerate comment! I appreciate your gentle attitude to what can become a very heated and passionate subject! Upvoted! =)

Thank-you. I can understand how heated it can get. I have experienced that myself when talking live to people regarding the subject. I was thinking after the fact and I should have used the word 'immunization' rather than 'vaccine'.

I don't get it. If the babies were vaccinated why was it necessary for the adults to be vaccinated too? (Especially if we're talking about HepB?)
A bit off-topic - I don't understand this "No Jab, No Play" phrase. I don't know about Australian schools, but around here kids don't actually have time to play while at school. They barely get a few minutes between classes and those minutes are spent running from one room to another and going over their lessons in case the teacher gives them a test. Doesn't sound like kids' play, does it?

Thank you for your comment and thoughtful input! They wanted to vaccinate us for hooping cough (I don't think I spelt that correctly!). I agree it seems like playtime is over! =( Upvoted! =)

twin healthy baby

Good for you and congrats!

Yeah, vaccines are poison. Good job.

I was just sent this link to register for a documentary series that is coming up about GMO foods. Like immunizations, food can introduce harmful products into our bodies. When I got the link, I immediately thought that you would be interested to watch this free series of videos, so here it is: