
Thank you mate! Upvoted and followed! =)

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One of hundreds of independent efforts to report facts:
An excerpt: "...What I didn’t realize is that my son was having reactions from every shot and I just hadn’t put it all together. Following his two-month vaccinations he screamed and would arch his back to such a degree I could barely hold on to him. I didn’t know the French call this the "encephalitic cry", brain damage in progress. Two weeks after his nine-month vaccination he was admitted into the hospital with uncontrollable diarrhea to which no cause was ever found. I didn’t know diarrhea was one of the ways the body rids itself of poisons. Next, he developed a rash on the back of his legs and his shoulders. The nurse diagnosed dermatitis caused by bubble bath. At this time I didn’t know the phenoxyethanol, a preservative that protects against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria in vaccines, could cause dermatitis and eczema. I now know that all these things were attributes of vaccine damage.

"At first my pediatrician diagnosed Chase with syncope. Our next course of action was to visit the Pediatric Neurologist. An all day video EEG was performed on an out patient basis. The doctor on duty informed me, on a scale from one to ten, ten being the highest seizure activity, Chase was a seven to eight. At this time he was having six to eight complex partial seizures a day. ..."

100-Year history of the vaccine program


Book from 1957

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