Master Cleanse...Day 16

in #health7 years ago (edited)


Changes So Far

I have stopped biting my finger nails...
My index finger nail which has had a vertical black line down it for several years, is healing. I believe that is a liver issue. I have not had much trouble sleeping - I am not using melatonin anymore. Finger Nail Diagnosisshows malabsortion of nutrients.


But back on track with the morning salt water flush...I miss food... but mostly the food I used to eat... which I would like to get off of completely. I smell food and it smells wonderful. Wow! The food industry along with the convenient food industry surely has me under mind control. Just because it smells good does not mean it is good!

I do not want to ingest cruelty. I have been able, recently, to see all animals as my brothers and sisters - ie: Max Heindel's Rosicrucian Cosmo Conception. My dog has a great personality. Who says cows don't? This is the basis of the vegan ideology but the experience of this cleanse has shown me that food is just one more area of mind-control that I have been under in the Occultocracy we live in.

If we were once peaceful frugivore hominids, and Grays and Reptilians came here and made us a slave race as is purported by so many articulate researchers, then we are easily programmable robots under mind control, for the purpose of making this a prison planet for the benefit of some at the expense of many.

I am surviving just fine on lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper, so I should do just as well on vegetables, fruits - raw - and it will just be flavor I am giving up...and there will be new more subtle flavors that I will grow to love. But if I saw myself as outside society before - now I am way out there...

Profound Comedy about this topic.

Off the Grid - On the Grid -

Master Cleanse

I am following the Lemonade Diet to the letter. I am also taking a parasite cleanse as well, diatemaceous earth. I am also getting assistance from this website.
I am doing this cleanse so that I can get off of coffee, meat, & dairy and also kill some gut parasites.
The cleanse can go from 10 - 40 days. I am not sure how long I will go.

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Day 1,
Day 2,
Day 3,
Day 4,
Day 5,
Day 6,
Day 7,
Day 8,
Day 9,
Day 10,
Day 11,
Day 12,
Day 13,
Day 14,
Day 15,


i like how the cleanse has showed you how capable you would be to refrain from eating flesh. ive been consuming only juice and solid fruits and salad 🥗 . i admire your efforts to cleanse. very few people are able to do what u are doing

really? Very few people? It is hard... peer pressure is hard - my friends not wanting to look at their own lifestyle choices which is all well and good when you are young - but then you get up there in years and people start having to go to the doctor - and I do not want to do that. My mentor - who is 85 - and very spiritually advanced - is on like 15 meds that don't work and his diet is atrocious - I don't want to go down that road. He is physically very strong as he used to be an ironworker and and an oil field roughneck so he has a strong constitution - not me. Just looking at that black line on my nail knowing it could have been melanoma under my nail bed - i want to cure that naturally - how are you feeling on that raw diet you are on?

it feels awesome. my mind feels clear and i feel more in control of my urges to satiate myself. still off tobacco which is amazin!. i ended up eating cooked food this weekend, which i didnt want to tell you. but now that its monday im back on the jucing / raw food. i think im going to be raw through the workweek and then eat cooked on the weekend. I wish my parents would take these steps. I would think that your mentor would be open to the natural cures instead of medication..?

very good to hear, I was wondering about lines in my fingernails, I will check out the link you provided. do you know about dopamine addiction and it's relation to sugar intake? also the difference between fructose and glucose is important. Cheers!

sure... I have not read sugar blues but I am sure sugar replaces dopamine in the brain. and fructose is natural sugar embedded in fruit.

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