How to Stop Emotional/Stress Eating

in #health7 years ago

When you’re stressed, you probably notice that you have a ravenous appetite. This is because stress and appetite do have a connection. One person may have a different response to life issues, but a lot of people find that their anxieties cause them to have appetite problems, which affect how they eat and how they enjoy food. Obviously, this will result to overeating and will eventually cause you to keep gaining weight.

Are You Really Hungry or Are You Just Stressed?

Stress-eating, also known as emotional-eating, can happen to anyone. Many people deal with their negative emotions by turning to food. As they eat, they begin to feel better and this becomes a habit. Whenever they are down, sad, or miserable, they end up buying ice cream, pizza, and other foods that will make them feel so much better. Unfortunately, this becomes a problem as it can result to obesity.

There are several reasons why you may turn to food when you are having negative issues in your life. One pertinent reason is how you were raised. When you were a child and your mom gave you food in order for you to manage your emotions, there is a huge chance that you will stress eat when you grow up. Another reason is a bit on the scientific side where your hormones trigger an increase in appetite, so that you can deal with stress.

To know if you’re an emotional eater, answer the following questions:

  1. Do you tend to eat more when you have problems that bother you?
  2. Do you still eat when you are already full or even when you’re not hungry?
  3. Do you tend to eat just to calm yourself down when you’re anxious, mad, or bored?
  4. Do you often give yourself rewards in the form of food for a job well done?
  5. Do you feel safe when you’re eating?
  6. Do you find it difficult to resist food when it’s in front of you?
  7. Do you eat until you’re really full?

If your answer to the questions above is mostly yes, then you can say that you’re an emotional eater. Once you have distinguished whether you’re really hungry or you’re just stressed, you should take the necessary steps to stop yourself from turning this into a habit. Some things you can do include exercising, which can actually prevent stress. Also, when you’re stressed and you exercise, this can trigger happy emotions and you burn calories during the process as well.

Thinking positive also helps you from being a stress-eater. Beat stress and you will eventually stop yourself from turning to food that you think can give you the comfort you need.

Source: Click here

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Amazing post i like your post
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okay! I upvoted your latest post

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Nice post! Many people treat their unhappiness with eating. The tryptophan in the food makes us happy and dopamine gets released. Very addictive stuff :)
I eat less when I'm stressed or unhappy but I eat more when I have an hangover. Luckily that doesn't happen too often.

thank you @thecoach I also eat less when I'm stress and people should learn to discipline themselves when it comes to eating because everything that is too much is not healthy.

i just upvote you so please follow me @alijan


que bien de verdad. saludos.

Nice Post! Upvoted

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