Effects of Bullying

in #health7 years ago (edited)


Is bullying a crime? What do you think? In my opinion yes it is a crime because it’s against the law and it destroys a person’s life physically, mentally and emotionally. Today since we are in era of internet and technology it’s easy to bully others thru the use of social media. I don’t know why others find it as a habit or pass time to bully others without putting themselves on the shoe of the person they are bullying. If you are experiencing this don’t take it or keep it to yourself because this is a serious problem that needs a solution. You must talk with your parents or relatives regarding this to take some legal advice and action to resolve this don’t be afraid to ask for a help. To those who are bully make sure you are perfect.

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Thank you for this entry, it's very important to write/speak about things like this.
I'm a victim of bullying and agree with every single word in your entry. I was a victim of offline bullying as well as online during middle and high school and I struggle with it even now. Now after school I have the anxiety-depressive disorder, even tho I have graduated from University where I was not a victim but the past affects me every day. I try SO hard to be a normal person but, unfortunately, seems that I just can't. And it is happening because of the cruel children in the past and teachers who encouraged these cruel children. I asked my parents to transfer me to another school but they didn't care about my psychic state, they just avoid to hear from me suicidal thoughts. And now I have also physical problems, huge eye problems, which prevent me from earning money.
So yeah, I think bully is a crime because it affects other person's life, it could even destroy it, as we can see in my case.

Oh my God! I am so sad for what happen to you its really injustice it breaks my heart when I saw and heard people being bullied. But despite of what happen to you I admired you because even though your past experiences is not really good you stayed strong and faced your problems.

I agree with everything you said. I've been bullied physically and verbally through all ten years of school. Even now, 20 years since the graduation, I am still struggling to overcome long-lasting psychological damage that those ten difficult years had caused. I am working on it, though, step by step, learning to live a fuller, healthier, and happier life. I hope and wish that you will be able too, @anastasiabusko.

Humans are cruel creatures! We are still primitive even though we would like to believe that we are better than animals...

yes we do believe we are better than animals but sometimes animals can be more human than us.

My point exactly.

They should have a kick a bully in the nuts day... That would put an end to it!

Nice Post!Upvoted


The best way to deal with bullies is to collaborate with others. Don't try to deal with bullies alone.

Some schools have adopted restorative justice to show the damage that bullies do to the kids they bully. They set up a meeting between the parents of the bully, the parents of the victim and the bully and victim. Then they have a nice chat to talk about how each of them feels.

Once the bully comes face to face with his victim in the presence of other adults, and he can see how the victim feels, most of the time, bullying ends. Not just because parents on both sides know, but both kids understand each other a little better.


Exactly @digitalfirehouse very well said. There must be a presence of both parents to resolve this peacefully and also to understand the cause of bullying.

exelente. saludos.

Nice post! Up voted and following you !


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