Heading out on a warm and moody morning

in #goldenhourphotography7 years ago (edited)

Heading out on a warm and moody morning

Be warned a little rant below :)

golden or vehicle photography.jpg
Sony A6500 240mm F6/3 1/500 ISO 320

I shot early on morning at Woodmont beach, I was focusing on walking and getting in a few miles walk at the time as it was quite cloudy and gloomy and I wasn't expecting much color for the sunrise.

Goes to show you never can know with Mother Nature , I wasn't expecting much but some nice warm tones came out and I think catching this shot with the working boat heading out was my only shot I got that morning worth sharing.

A Post for Juliank’s photography contest Sunday tag of #goldenhourphotography you can find the contest info in his posts here

The daily themes are as follows
Monday: foodphotography and animalphotography
Tuesday: **landscapephotography and cityscapephotography
Wednesday: **architecturalphotography and vehiclephotography
Thursday: ***macrophotography and colourfulphotography
Friday: streetphotography and travelphotographytphotography
Saturday: sportsphotography and smartphonephotography
Sunday: goldenhourphotography and longexposurephotography

Random thought for today Not much effort if you just have one photo in a post

I saw a couple of comments this morning on a couple of photography posts to the effect of if its just one photo you haven't put much effort into the post and similar has been said on my posts at times so today I feel the need to say something.

If you are comparing taken a photo with a cell phone and just snapping a pic and sharing I could see how you think that but let me just take a minute to explain a little about the average amount of time that may go into a photo post such as this one.

Taking the photo

This was an early morning shot for example so I was up at about 4 AM, so I loaded my camera bag and tripod into the car and drove to the beach hoping for a nice sunrise, got to the Beach parked and walked to find a good spot to get some shots.

Once I find a good spot I setup the tripod and wait for the right shots to come along such as this boat passing by, I then proceed to take a few shots before during and after the sunset, and for me that means picking up the camera and moving back and forth along the beach.

Reviewing photos

Once home and after cleaning the sand off my shoes and camera gear, I import the photos onto my computer and catalogue them in lightroom, depending on how many photos I took this can take a little while especially since many of my shots are 3 Shot HDR files.

The I do a quick review of the photos, selecting those once at first review that I feel I may want to edit.

Merging HDR photos

As I mentioned i often do quite a few HDR photos and in case you're wondering what that is I did do a [blog post on my website about this]9http://www.singingwithlight.me/Blog/An-overview-on-how-I-do-my-HDR) that you can check out if interested.

I use a program called Photomatix Pro at the moment to merge the three photos and that probably take a few minutes to do for each photo (I have never actually timed it to be honest)

Then once I have completed the merge I will do some fine tuning in Lightroom and generally photoshop to get the photo looking just the way I want it, my estimate is that I would spend a minimum of 10 more minutes per photo in editing, and for some that may well be twenty or 30 minutes.

And then I am ready to share the photos, So I just would like to say snapping a photo on your phone and sharing it with no editing or minimal text many not take a lot of time, but for most photographers using SLR camera of one type or another, it is a very different story.

if you made it this far, thank you and a quick question

I have seen various posts about how many times one should post in a day, and seen a variety of opinions, as you know I have been generally posting 3 times a day, some with more thoughts of mine such as this one others mainly focusing on a photo.

I am thinking for the next week to cut back to just two posts a day and see how that goes.

any thoughts of feedback on this would be greatly appreciated

OK sorry if this came across as a Rant and I will now return you to the regularly scheduled programming

Unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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!steemitworldmap 41.225012 lat -73.0786122 long Woodmont Beach Milford CT d3scr.992194


Thank you for posting @tattoodjay.

Lovely photograph of such a beautiful scene and well written expressive missive.

So very true....what you are saying here.....if one is not a photographer or artist.....one really has no frame of reference for what it takes to bring that talent to Steemit.......it seems almost as if one is feeding an insatiable machine at times.

Wishing you every encouragement and continuation in your endeavour to bring quality to Steemit.

All the best.


thanks @bluejay appreciate your thoughts and support

thanks @bluejay appreciate your thoughts and support

What a cool and interesting photo. I haven't seen such a combination of maroon skies and coppery water reflections in a photograph before.

Thanks it was an interesting morning light wise

Your quality post caught my attention and I hope you benefit from my resteem. My followers have a refined appreciation for quality art. You might also enjoy my curated collection. To see the quality posts I have curated via resteem, see my blog @pixresteemer. If you want to know more about me and my mission, please check my introduction.

Hi @pixresteemer! You have received 0.1 SBD tip + 0.05 SBD @tipU from @tattoodjay :)

@tattoodjay wrote lately about: New York By Gehry. Feel free to follow @tattoodjay if you like it :)

Tipuvote! - upvote any post with with 2.5 x profit :)

Nice job supporting your fellow photographers.

You have an opportunity to upvote or not. If you aren't looking for just photography then don't upvote it and move on.

You get a 100% upvote for your time taken to produce your photo and for your time taken to defend your art!

thanks mate
I truly appreciate your support

I always enjoy your photos man! They are amazing, I am definitely gonna check out your post on how to do the HDR? I had never even heard of that before, but I just started getting into photography about 6 months ago and have so much to learn yet.
As far as your question goes, I try to only post once a day but it is hard to write more than one good post a day.. when I do sunrise or sunset photos I will often do 2 posts on those days, one for the pictures and one for a "real" post. But in all honesty, if my photos were as good as yours I wouldn't care what other people thought! lol.. I always try to give a paragraph or two on my photos but truth of the matter is, a lot of times I would much rather just have the photo speak for itself.. unfortunately like you have found, there are many haters out there... But don't worry bout them, i appreciate your work ;)

Thanks for your thoughts
I generally don’t let haters get to me and go merrily my own way but hearing people’s thoughts on how many post has been good to help me choose what I shall do

I thinkni am going to try two a day for a little while

Thanks my friend


I feel any more than 4 blogs/resteems a day is getting a bit much. I try and aim for 1-2 a day more on the 1 side. Sometimes I get back up on getting content out so then I have to push that number up to 2 or even the rare 3. Sometimes things are very time sensitive and so it has to be out regardless of how many times I’ve post/resteem that day.

Most time when I see people cross that number daily it seems like they could put more effort into things or they could have just done half as many posts and combined them.


I’m somewhat thankful I use an old iPad for my photos, they suck I take about a dozen of them and then I pick the least blurry/out of focus/too dark for senor when I do use photos I take. It’s only a couple minutes of my time then I focus on the written content as that is my focus.

I can see both sides of frustration when it comes to short posts with 1 photo and only a sentence or two of words not including this is for challenge an here is the info. While I’ve not done much photo editing myself I know things take time even more so if you are diving out to location taking a hundred photos and then going through your process narrowing it down to a couple that you then further process to create what you seen be translated into the photo.

While a single photo can tell a wonderful story there is often a story behind that photo. A point of view of the creator that might not be fully understood by someone who does not have similar experiences and sees the same thing.

I have seen a lot of wonderful photos on Steemit that someone spent a lot of time to get it the way they wanted and I’m sure they spent a lot of money on equipment and software. But then they don’t take it to the next level. What’s the story behind the photo? What is in that photo? Where was it? While maybe that the point of many photos leaving more questions than answers I often don’t spend the time to ask them. I also find it hard many times to even comment on them.

When I have nominated all those posts it took me hours a day sometimes. Our community produces a lot of photos but not a lot of context behind them other than “this is what challenge I did this for.” This often left me checking all of their posts from a single person looking for something just a bit more to meet the requirements that were being looked for. After seeing a dozen of "market Friday" or whatever the day was of posts and not many words it was a challenge finding things even if the photo was amazing just by itself.

A while back I wrote this dreadful storyline that I never finished because it got silly and was not worth finishing (lack of views I think I scared people lol). I was doing a color challenge and so I wrote a story using colors of that day! Here is one of them https://steemit.com/colorchallenge/@enjar/colorchallenge-wednesdayyellow-wicked-blasphemy
I could have just taken a photo of something that was yellow and posted it saying “I’m posting this for a color challenge” and be done with it.

Yes, I did not spend hours editing those photos and I’ll never admit how many hours each one of those stilly posts took in me trying to create a story out of them.

Nothing wrong with a single photo and a couple of words but so much more could be done. Even more so when people invest so much time and money into creating a photo. A great narrative behind it creates an even better blog. That is also what makes Steemit so wonderful not everyone is a writer or a photographer. Those that can combine both sides really well can create an amazing opportunity for themselves here.

One day I'll try and up my photo skills. It really is a wonderful art form just on by itself!

thanks my friend good feedback and appreciated

Beautiful image! Had a chuckle at your photo rant :) The difference between snapping a picture and taking a photography, the endless debate. I agree that when someone posts a picture there needs to be some words, context, a story. Many images can stand on their own, but people here on Steemit might be getting a little to comfortable with the Instagram style posting...

As for how many posts a day, I don't think there's a right answer to that. Depends on your audience. What kind of expectations have you built up? Also the timing of when you post might affect how people respond. If you're a minnow like me you're pretty much barred from posting during the prime times by limited bandwidth so you need to be posting more :\

Thanks appreciate your thoughts on this All very good points

What colors, shades ... a wonderful photo, thank you! Supported, of course. I also have photos in the blog ... but they are modest ... eh))

Thanks kindly

An excellent rant lol! When I started steemit, I sort of thought the same thing... "Anyone with a cell phone is a photographer these days!" but there are clearly some serious and excellent photographers here. I have been reading @coff33's thoughts (that isn't right, but you know who I mean lol!) about once a day posting, and I am calling that a goal. "Vote fatigue" is real. So is the urge to post every cool thing I see on steemit... lol!

Thanks for your thoughts on this

Indeed getting The right balance on how to vote is a constant struggle and challenge isn’t it

I dont know how you find the time to put up these quality posts a few times a day. I have trouble doing 2-3 a week.

Lol I am not sure how I find the time somedays lol

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