Nintendo Classic Mini SNES Review - A classic in a new jacket

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

In my Nintendo Classic Mini SNES Review, I'll discuss everything about the console. Is this compact version of the SNES, which was sold out fast, worth your time and money? You're reading it here!

Reminders of the SNES will appeal to many people. From frustration, because you get stuck in Super Mario World for example. Or be completely tapped on Street Fighter II by someone who plays the game for the first time. But of course also other good memories.

A relapse that you can touch

The Mini SNES is in many things exactly like the SNES like it used to be, but Nintendo has also made a lot of adjustments. For example, the Mini SNES, as its name says, is smaller and lighter than the regular SNES. Also, you do not have to blow in big gray cardridges to get the games at work; These are now installed on the console.

This Mini SNES also works with HDMI. Huge fine, because most of us do not have a fridge like television anymore. As a charger you do not have a huge block anymore, but you can use any USB plug you have. The Mini SNES only comes with a full charger, but with a micro USB cable. You must add the plug yourself by purchasing one from Nintendo or by using the plug of your phone, but you can also plug the USB cable directly into your TV.

Also, the length of all cables is annoying. The controllers, the HDMI cable and the micro USB cable are all very short and this can cause problems, for example, if your television or power outlet are farther away. Also you can not sit very far away from the Mini SNES. Of course, this has never been a problem, but today we live in large-scale displays and wireless controllers, and these small flaws sometimes cause serious irritations.

Old trusted buttons

If you start the Mini SNES (via the old-fashioned slider) you will find a colorful menu, where you can start your favorite game right away. Nintendo has not changed anything in the game, so if you're in control of it, then you will not be able to get rid of the titles.

The Mini SNES also has the old trusted reset button. If you use this button, you return to the main menu and you can choose another game. If you regret your decision now, you can return to the game you were playing by pressing the B button of your controller.

And talked about controllers, the Mini SNES comes with two copies. So you can invite someone to gamble. For example, a boyfriend. Or what about younger brothers, sisters, nephews or nieces? Through the Mini SNES, younger children can meet the classics that many of us have grown up with. For a price of 89.99 euro you will at least get a complete package at home.

A collection of classics, but not all classics

Because the Mini SNES library houses 21 games, all of which are classics. With Star Fox 2 as an exception, as this game with the Mini SNES first looks like a release. But amazing titles like Final Fantasy VI (or Final Fantasy III, as they first came west), Donkey Kong Country and A Link to the Past give you hours of fun.

On the Japanese version of the Mini SNES there are other games than on the European version. For example, we can not play Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem. At the NES mini, it was also true that the Japanese and Western selection differed.

Something gamers need to keep an eye on is that some games are "old-fashioned hard". Now there will be players who have absolutely no problems here and find the games of today far too easy. But for gamers who are not used to this and may not have experience with older titlesm, this will get used to. But, with a little luck and a lot of perseverance, even the gamer without experience can finally come through the games.

Something for everyone

The selection of games has something fun for every gamer. For example, there is Super Mario Kart, for anyone who likes racing games. Fighting fans can get on with Street Fighter II and Super Punch-Out !. Fans of the RPG genre have Final Fantasy VI and Secret of Mana, and for platformers there are of course Super Mario World and Yoshi's Island.

And then there are two beads that are officially playable for the first time. The game previously mentioned, Star Fox 2, has never been released before. EarthBound, or Mother 2, has never been released in Europe. These two games are legendary and it's great to finally play them here in Europe.

The Mini SNES has fewer games than its predecessor, the Mini NES. The difference between nine games is pretty big, and most lovers will be able to fill these nine without problems with some classics. For example, what about Chrono Trigger or Harvest Moon? Disney's Aladdin, one of the best-performing and selling SNES titles ever, is also unprecedented.

Nintendo Classic Mini SNES Review - A rough diamond

The Mini SNES is already a great tribute to his larger predecessor. It is small, light and full of old and new memories. Short cables and missing titles may spoil the fun, but for ninety euros you have a nice console and 21 great games! Give him a chance and the Mini SNES will show you that it is worth every penny. And maybe even more.

The plus and the drawbacks

✔ A piece of nostalgia and history
✔ Star Fox 2 and Earthbound
✔ No adjustments to the control
✔ 90 euros for 21 games
✔ Nice little
✖ Short cables
✖ Less games than the previous one
✖ Does not come with a full charger

Thanks for reading, I hope you liked it!

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