Magic: The Gathering - Building an Izzet Deck

in #games7 years ago (edited)

Jori En

I have wanted to build a blue/red Commander deck for a while now, and it should be an easy combo since it blends the potential for red aggression with blue control for a potent play style, but previous attempts just never gelled. I'm planning to give it another go, so I decided I would describe my thought process as I go though my card collection and try to build something functional.

First, some parameters: This will be a budget deck. I will not be buying a bunch of $50 cards to make an ultimate deck of doom. This will be built with cards I already own. I anticipate the cost to replicate the deck will run around $50-100, and probably toward the lower end. I will also resist the urge to check online deck lists until I have built my own deck and tried it in a few games. I want this to be my own creation first, and then perhaps later modified based on a combination of experience and observation of the community meta.

I chose Jori En, Ruin Diver because I like the card. 3 CMC (1UR) is easy to cast early to take advantage of her ability. The card also offers lots of options. I could build merfolk tribal or wizard tribal. I could focus on lots of cheap spells and card draw triggers to keep answers on hand at all times.

I am dissatisfied with my mono-blue deck from my earlier posts, so I will also be drawing on its cards as I rebuild it to work better. This may lead to a wizard tribal sub-theme, or it may not. I don't intend to abandon the mono-blue deck as a concept, but it may completely change in form.

Any other MTG players are welcome to comment below with card suggestions, but remember that suggestions like Snapcaster Mage will not go anywhere. I don't own one, and can't afford one.

Don't forget to check out Pucatrade for online card trading to expand your collection. If you join through that link, we each get a 100-pucapoint bonus!

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I was just thinking of searching Steemit for mtg stuff. Glad you popped up in my feed!

It's one of the things I do. I haven't posted on the subject for a while though. This is the first in perhaps months.

I'm checking out pucatrade, but there don't seem to be any open pucabots atm.

It's a bit time-consuming to post the trades you have and the trades you want, and then wait for someone to send something. Nowadays, there may be an algorithm that increases the visibility of your want list based on your activity sending cards to others too.

I used the link above to join, but I don't think it gave us each 100 bonus pts...

Filling out or updating your account info should get you bonus points if it still works like it used to. Some bonuses also don't trigger until you send and receive some cards, too.

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