Searching for Gold with Goldmatters... IN GOLDMATTERS HOUSE

in #funny6 years ago


My Searching for Gold series in mundane place like Costco and Target has become so popular that I decided to spend Saturday night on a new episode for Steemians consuming pleasure. Here is a recent version:

This has become quite a fun series and there has already been a few spin offs!

It’s even gone INTERNATIONAL:


You would think with a name like Goldmatters gold would be EVERYWHERE in my house, but there is plenty of normal stuff too.

Let’s begin:

First there was this playing in the background:


We know my old friend :


Shaun Livingston loves gold!


Back at the homestead... prop gold


Old gold:


Gold love:


New Gold:



No Gold:


Book Gold:


The Golden Experience:


More edible gold:

Gold on Mrs. Goldmatters head:


I quickly rounded the corner after shooting the pic of the Menē 24 karat gold button on Mrs. Goldmatters head before I pushed my luck and saw....



Thanks for spending Saturday night searching for gold with me Steemians!!

You know what I would LOVE??

If other steemians started searching for gold and blogging about their adventures here on Steemit:) Just saying!

For $5 in Menē 24k investment jewelry credit sign up here in 30 seconds:


Menē crafts 24 karat gold and platinum investment jewelry™ that is transparently sold by gram weight. By combining innovative technology with timeless design, Menē restores the ancient tradition of jewelry as a store of enduring value.

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To find out more about what Goldmoney is from your fellow Steemians :

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For Menē 24k investment jewelry here:

I am on a personal mission to spread the word about Goldmoney and Menē through any means necessary. Goldmoney allows individuals to empower themselves by protecting their savings by owning small or large amounts gold previously inaccessible to regular people like you and me.

All images sourced from Menē and Goldmoney.

Read more about Goldmoney:

See Steemit Legend @papa-pepper unbox Menē!


All cool gold stuff, but the signed Jim Rickards New Case for Gold is my fave :)

Other than Mrs. Goldmatters head, me too!

Good answer :)

lol the more a read this article the bigger my smile was. pretty creative one this one. I really like this finding gold series.... lets see if i can do something similar someday lol

Yesss!! I would love that @travelgirl :)

Shaun Livingston is the bomb! Had a perfect night from the field for the warriors tonight in their victory!

That $10 gold certificate is in mint condition!! I’m digging that! I have never held one of those before! Got a few silver certificates! Sounds like I need to pick up a gold one!!

You defintely do. Right now.

What is yours graded as?

Not very high lol. Very Fine. Got it most for the historical signficance. 25 i think

Those are still pricey!! Good get!

I have to share something really great and important here and you are the person I needed to share this with. You must've heard about steem monsters. It a new tradeable card game on the steem blockchain. Its only in presale stage now.

So I started to buy the card packs yesterday with some SBD I had in my wallet. What I wanted was a very rare kind of card. It is the Golden Dragon. As you can understand how the name golden would inspire me to get this card. This is what it looks like:

I drained my walled (bought almost 30 packs) in search of this golden beauty. Finally around an hour ago my prayers were answered as I claimed this golden beauty -

I may not be rich enough to buy gold but I will do what I can :-)

Congrats on your gold dragon pickup! @ironshield


Thanks man!

It is so bloody exciting to finally get this legendary golden dragon. Can't stop myself from grinning like a fool, every time I see it :-)

You've got me baffled with the chicken enchiladas in the freezer. Haha.

I’m so glad you asked !! It’s a bit of an Easter egg that goes back to my adventures with Gallium series :)

Aha. I'll pick up on these tendencies for the future.

I'm also glad I asked too because I'm starving in my apt now and thought I was out of food... until I just checked my freezer and found a pound of ground chicken that's speed-defrosting now. If it wasn't for your post, I would've gone to bed hungry.

Thats my motto..... Goldmatters, Won’t Let You Go Hungry

HAHAHA!!!! Mrs. Goldmatters head!!!! I don't think that can be beaten. Absolute fave. Maybe even more than the "proper tool."

Lol trying to elevate my game:)

I will get 'The New Case For Gold' and read the hell out of it.

Thank you!!!

You are going to love this book

I have that feeling too.

There is gold all around you, just have to know where to look. I watched a really cool documentary a while back about gold hunters in India. They would sweep all the dirt on the streets and carefully comb through it, after several hours of combing they can usually find enough for a weeks worth of living. The same goes for platinum. All those little flakes can add up

That’s interesting! I did not know that

Here is a link to an article about it. I will try and find the documentary as well.

Thanks! I might be able to “mine” a blog post from this :)

Good stuff. let me know if you write one, really interesting stuff and amazing how much gold you can find if you are looking in the right places.

Also, the enchiladas!!! Haha I missed those. Nice to see them again. I hope to be seeing these for years to come. I'm sure your nose hopes otherwise (will freezer food eventually start to stink? Sounds like an experiment!)

I put those in this post JUST for you :)

gold everywhere!!!

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