Fruits and Veggies Monday - Brussels sprouts quick and amazing recipe.๐Ÿ’ ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ‡


It is another great Monday and another amazing edition of Fruits and Veggies Monday challenge created by my even more amazing friend @lenasveganliving. It is a fun way to learn more about the world of veganism and about recipes to add to your diet. Especially since every week, we see so many amazing submissions and recipes to try out ourselves. I would not like to be in the place of judges every week and trying to pick between amazing submissions every week. Not an easy task at all. So good luck to the judges and all the participants this week. :)

Like always before we start cooking turn on some music and enjoy yourself. Cooking is fun, and it can be very simple, and delicious at the same time. My choice of music today is U2- With or Without You.

Brussels sprouts quick and amazing recipe


  • Brussel Sprouts
  • 2 white potatoes
  • 1 or 2 pieces of garlic
  • Half of the onion
  • 2 Carrots
  • Parsley


Spices - Himalayan Salt, Curry, Paprika, Olive Oil, Rosemary, Pepper.

Just like always experiment with the recipe and add the ingredients and spices you like. Have fun with it. Make it your own. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

This is one of my favorite quick meals when I need a great meal full of pretty much everything. Brussel sprouts are incredibly healthy vegetables. Sometimes I add little rice on top of this all, but today this recipe is without rice. This dish is full of antioxidants, protein, and carbohydrates. Basically, all your body needs on daily basis.


Start by boiling the water. Cut the potatoes and carrots into desired pieces. Put them in the water on medium heat and let it cook for a while. It should take about 5-10 minutes until water starts boiling. In the meanwhile cut half of the onion, garlic, and parsley into as tiny pieces as possible. Clean the Brussel sprouts, and cut each of them into four pieces.


When the water with carrots and potatoes starts boiling add the Brussel sprouts to the water. I usually cook them for only 5-7 min. In between those 5 minutes add the onions, parsley, and garlic in the separate bowl and pour a good amount of olive on top. Add the spices, and mix them well together for about a minute. Just let it sit there until potatoes, carrots and Brussel sprouts are done. Relax and listen to some music.


Finishing It Up

After the potatoes, carrots, and Brussels sprouts are done place them in into a drainer, and put them over the mixture, but don't mix it all up. Let it sit on top of the mixture for about 5 minutes so the heat from the potatoes and the rest cook the onion and garlic a little bit so they lose their strong taste. After about 5 minutes mix it all well for about 1 min. You are DONE, and your dish is ready to be served. Easy right? It should look something like this:


After the lunch I had one of the best nature desserts out there called Strawberries. They actually tasted like they looked and that is delicious. ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“


Invest Time In Your Health

Who said cooking is hard and complicated? I think cooking can be delicious, quick, and most importantly healthy. I think people today little overcomplicate cooking. All you need is some imagination and good ingredients. Don't over salt or burn the dish and you are golden. I think this dish is a great example of it. It is simple, cost-effective, delicious, healthy, and easy to make. It does not get much better than this for me.

Invest in your health my friends, and take care of your body. It is TRULY the only place you really have to live in. Be your own "doctor". And, it starts with what is on your plate every day. We only have this one body. Let's take care of it one meal at the time.

Thank you for reading, have an amazing day, much love,

dbjegovic ๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“


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Looks great! Well done for making something tasty out of Brussels sprouts ;)

hehe I love Brussels sprouts. So it was not hard for me to do it. I am getting a feeling you are not as big of a fan? hehe :)

I am glad you like it. Thanks for stopping by, have an amazing day. :)

Ohh Brussels sprouts. Miss them so much since we moved to Asia. Adn I tottaly agree cooking shouldn't be rocket science. Good ingredients is all it takes. Though I like cooking and sometimes I loev to overcomplicate too hehe. Dobar dan ;)

I love to complicate things as well trust me, but it really does not have to be to cook a delicious meal. With my busy basketball schedule I am all about quick and delicious. :)

Brussels sprouts are awesome. They don't have them in Asia? That is little wierd. Maybe you should plant them for yourself if you have space somewhere..

Thank you for an amazing comment. Have an amazing day. :)

They need the cold if I am correct. Almost never goes below 20C here ;) But maybe I should give it a try. Have a lovely day!

Well, here you are Durko!!! I am glad you made it and with another delicious and super healthy recipes. Maybe when you get older and stop playing basketball, you could be come a Vegan Chef. What you think? Or you get to be rich and famous here n Steemit...........that's my plan for retirement too, lol.

Anyway, all kidding aside, thank you so much for your fabulous enter my Friend ๐Ÿ’ ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ‡

Here I am. Tired a bit, but managed to make my entry. hehe :) Can't miss this amazing contest right?

Vegan Chef? Why not, right? Well, who knows what can happen in the future and what will become of me. I can only say I like the way my life is unfolding right now and I am enjoying every minute of it. :)

Hey, you are kidding but if Steemit platform survives and becomes the next big thing you kidding might become a reality. It sure would be a nice retirement right?

You are always more than welcome and I enjoy participating. As always have an amazing day, my amazing friend. XOXOXOX

Always a pleasure Durko and I do believe in great Steemit future XOXO


Hi awakentolife!
thanks for your awesome recipe! I love the main dish and also the strawberries. ๐Ÿ˜ƒMoreover, I also love to listen to radio while I am cooking. Cooking time is time for relaxation, if you ask me!
CU, Chris aka smallstepschange

Hi, there Chris. :)

I am glad you like the dish. It is truly simple and delicious to make. Cooking is truly relaxing for me, and I love listening to music while preparing everything. I love to experiment with food as well. It draws out the creativity and imagination from me. :)

Than you for a great comment. Have an amazing day. :)

I can totally relate to that! And, there is another aspect of course: Eating good and healthy food after preparing it or sharing it with friends! :)
CU, Chris aka smallstepschange

I am highly biased towards vegan dishes - although I am not fully vegan as yet.

This looks like a nice recipe and I will try it out in the next few days - hence bookmarking it. By the way, strawberries are my favorite too although I deliberately avoid too many of them!

I am not fully vegan as well, but I am getting there. I will be there very soon. :)

Why are you avoiding strawberries? I am glad you like the recipe. Let me know if you try it or even better participate in Monday Fruits and Veggies competition. :)

upvoted and resteemed. upvote back?

Thanks for the U2 song and a great recipe. :)

You are more than welcome, my friend. Glad you liked it. :)

Your zest for vegetarian cooking is contagious. I like your tips for chopping the seasoning vegetables into tiny pieces - it makes such a difference. And your point about good cooking being simple and quick is motivational, too. We can do it! :D

Thank you @haphazard-hstead. I truly enjoy cooking and I think you can feel in the way I write about it. :)

There is no greater feeling of making something with your own two hands and it turns out delicious as this dish. Simple, quick, healthy, and delicious. I will take that any day. :)

And, yes, WE CAN DO IT. :)

Thank you for an amazing comment. Have the best day ever. :)

I don't know why people don't like brussel sprouts, they are delicious! I am the only one I know that likes them, well not anymore, now I know you :D

Food looks yummy and I am always amazed how good your photos turn up. ๐Ÿ’š

I don't know either. But, then some people don't like strawberries as well and chocolate. lol So I am not so much surprised on Brussel Sprouts. lol

I love them. So delicious, nutritious, and healthy at the same time. You can't beat that. :)

I have a nice little editing tool you should start using. And, I have a decent phone. Install Photo Director on your phone. It is a nice little thing to have on your phone trust me. :)

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