Sweet & deadly. Which is more toxic, corn syrup or refined sugar? What research discovered

in #fruit7 years ago


These days high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is almost everywhere.

You'll find it in many processed and pre-packaged foods. Look for corn syrup in the list of ingredients.

You'll find it in most soda. Did you know that a can of soft drink contains about 40 grams of HFCS? - which is way more than the recommended daily maximum for caloric sweeteners. In just one can. How many cans of soda do people drink in a day?

The good news is that you will not find HFCS in fruit. The letter C, of course, stands for Corn. In the health eating stakes, fresh fruit & veggies are winners.

But back to corn syrup -- is it worse than refined sugar?

What most people don't know is that HFCS causes insulin resistance.

But that's not all.

Not by a long shot.

If this is new information to you, or you're a regular consumer of factory-made food and soft drinks, I'd like to encourage you to click on the links below.

  • Here is the article that inspired this post. Corn Syrup Is More Toxic Than Refined Sugar, Researchers Conclude

  • You can learn more in two more articles from Dr. Joseph Mercola. He is a world-renowned medical doctor who has moved from to natural health after seeing the inadequate results of conventional medical methods he'd been trained in.
    Article 1, article 2.

  • And in case anyone's wondering, I have no connection with him - except as an appreciative reader of his highly informative health website, Mercola.com.

How much corn syrup does your family consume? And what can you do to reduce that figure?

The same goes for refined sugar, of course, but HFCS is worse for you. I really hope you can find ways to reduce your intake.

Read more from Gary

Health disclosure: I'm not a medical expert which is why I provide links to source material. My goal is to share information that can enhance the health of our readers (that's you -- and your loved ones).

Photo credits: Stencil


I've been trying to avoid HFCS ingredients for a few years now. I'll tell you one thing, it is hard but not impossible. It seems to be in everything. Bread, yogurt, juice, cheeses, jam, crackers, etc, etc. The junk food like pop and chips are easy to avoid, it's the everyday products that you don't think about that is hard to find without this toxic ingredient.

Cheeses? Really? I don't think NZ cheeses have any sweetener! Easier to find the other things you mentioned without it too. But the cheese really boggles my mind.

Deb, I remember visiting a cheese factory when we lived in NZ years ago. Interesting indeed. But I have no memory of the ingredients, except of course lovely fresh NZ milk.


Yeah not necessarily regular block cheeses here in Canada. There are other cheese products that are questionable, though; if they should even be called cheese. Cheese wiz, cheese slices, cream cheese, etc. I'd have to go back and see exactly what might have the HFCS in it, but there are some questionable ingredients in a lot of the cheese products that are available to us here and I've been avoiding a lot of cheese products people just assume are healthy when they are not.

Milk. Starter culture. Time. Anything else disqualifies it from being cheese ;-)

@stephen.king989, thanks for sharing your experience... that it is possible to avoid corn syrup. Your list of foods should inspire some of our readers to take another look at the food labels on what they buy.

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Gary, you keep destroying my lifestyle. I thought I was being such a good girl to limit myself to 1 Coke a day. Now I find that it's already over the maximum allowed for corn syrup. Well, I guess at my age, I shouldn't worry too much about it. I'm lucky that I grew up in a household where everything was made from scratch.

I love the flavor of Coke. Not the Aspartame-laced version, mind you. The regular version. But I no longer drink it, for health reasons. I'm a little late to the living-healthy party but the more small steps I get right now, the better (or less worse) my health future should be.

Maybe I should write about Coca Cola.

Aged 70.

I gave up soda about 10 years ago and don't miss it a bit. I only drank diet soda though, which is just as bad as the regular stuff. So, one good thing I've done! I am sure I eat more than my fair share of high-fructose corn syrup. I am trying to do better so there's that.

Best wishes with reducing the corn syrup -- like you gave diet soda the flick.


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